// // AccountManager.swift // NetNewsWire // // Created by Brent Simmons on 7/18/15. // Copyright © 2015 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import RSCore import Articles // Main thread only. public extension Notification.Name { static let AccountsDidChange = Notification.Name(rawValue: "AccountsDidChange") } private let defaultAccountFolderName = "OnMyMac" private let defaultAccountIdentifier = "OnMyMac" public final class AccountManager: UnreadCountProvider { public static let shared = AccountManager() public let defaultAccount: Account private let accountsFolder = RSDataSubfolder(nil, "Accounts")! private var accountsDictionary = [String: Account]() public var isUnreadCountsInitialized: Bool { for account in activeAccounts { if !account.isUnreadCountsInitialized { return false } } return true } public var unreadCount = 0 { didSet { if unreadCount != oldValue { postUnreadCountDidChangeNotification() } } } public var accounts: [Account] { return Array(accountsDictionary.values) } public var sortedAccounts: [Account] { return sortByName(accounts) } public var activeAccounts: [Account] { assert(Thread.isMainThread) return Array(accountsDictionary.values.filter { $0.isActive }) } public var sortedActiveAccounts: [Account] { return sortByName(activeAccounts) } public var refreshInProgress: Bool { for account in activeAccounts { if account.refreshInProgress { return true } } return false } public var combinedRefreshProgress: CombinedRefreshProgress { let downloadProgressArray = activeAccounts.map { $0.refreshProgress } return CombinedRefreshProgress(downloadProgressArray: downloadProgressArray) } public init() { // The local "On My Mac" account must always exist, even if it's empty. let localAccountFolder = (accountsFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("OnMyMac") do { try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: localAccountFolder, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) } catch { assertionFailure("Could not create folder for OnMyMac account.") abort() } defaultAccount = Account(dataFolder: localAccountFolder, type: .onMyMac, accountID: defaultAccountIdentifier)! accountsDictionary[defaultAccount.accountID] = defaultAccount readAccountsFromDisk() NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(unreadCountDidChange(_:)), name: .UnreadCountDidChange, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(accountStateDidChange(_:)), name: .AccountStateDidChange, object: nil) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.updateUnreadCount() } } // MARK: API public func createAccount(type: AccountType) -> Account { let accountID = UUID().uuidString let accountFolder = (accountsFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("\(type.rawValue)_\(accountID)") do { try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: accountFolder, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) } catch { assertionFailure("Could not create folder for \(accountID) account.") abort() } let account = Account(dataFolder: accountFolder, type: type, accountID: accountID)! accountsDictionary[accountID] = account NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .AccountsDidChange, object: self) return account } public func deleteAccount(_ account: Account) { guard !account.refreshInProgress else { return } accountsDictionary.removeValue(forKey: account.accountID) account.isDeleted = true do { try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: account.dataFolder) } catch { assertionFailure("Could not create folder for OnMyMac account.") abort() } updateUnreadCount() NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .AccountsDidChange, object: self) } public func existingAccount(with accountID: String) -> Account? { return accountsDictionary[accountID] } public func refreshAll(errorHandler: @escaping (Error) -> Void) { activeAccounts.forEach { account in account.refreshAll() { result in switch result { case .success: break case .failure(let error): errorHandler(error) } } } } public func syncArticleStatusAll(completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) { let group = DispatchGroup() activeAccounts.forEach { group.enter() $0.syncArticleStatus() { group.leave() } } group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background)) { completion?() } } public func anyAccountHasAtLeastOneFeed() -> Bool { for account in activeAccounts { if account.hasAtLeastOneFeed() { return true } } return false } public func anyAccountHasFeedWithURL(_ urlString: String) -> Bool { for account in activeAccounts { if let _ = account.existingFeed(withURL: urlString) { return true } } return false } func updateUnreadCount() { unreadCount = calculateUnreadCount(activeAccounts) } // MARK: - Fetching Articles // These fetch articles from active accounts and return a merged Set
. public func fetchArticles(_ fetchType: FetchType) -> Set
{ precondition(Thread.isMainThread) var articles = Set
() for account in activeAccounts { articles.formUnion(account.fetchArticles(fetchType)) } return articles } public func fetchArticlesAsync(_ fetchType: FetchType, _ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) { precondition(Thread.isMainThread) var allFetchedArticles = Set
() let numberOfAccounts = activeAccounts.count var accountsReporting = 0 for account in activeAccounts { account.fetchArticlesAsync(fetchType) { (articles) in allFetchedArticles.formUnion(articles) accountsReporting += 1 if accountsReporting == numberOfAccounts { callback(allFetchedArticles) } } } } // MARK: Notifications @objc dynamic func unreadCountDidChange(_ notification: Notification) { guard let _ = notification.object as? Account else { return } updateUnreadCount() } @objc func accountStateDidChange(_ notification: Notification) { updateUnreadCount() } // MARK: Private private func loadAccount(_ accountSpecifier: AccountSpecifier) -> Account? { return Account(dataFolder: accountSpecifier.folderPath, type: accountSpecifier.type, accountID: accountSpecifier.identifier) } private func loadAccount(_ filename: String) -> Account? { let folderPath = (accountsFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent(filename) if let accountSpecifier = AccountSpecifier(folderPath: folderPath) { return loadAccount(accountSpecifier) } return nil } private func readAccountsFromDisk() { var filenames: [String]? do { filenames = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: accountsFolder) } catch { print("Error reading Accounts folder: \(error)") return } filenames?.forEach { (oneFilename) in guard oneFilename != defaultAccountFolderName else { return } if let oneAccount = loadAccount(oneFilename) { accountsDictionary[oneAccount.accountID] = oneAccount } } } private func sortByName(_ accounts: [Account]) -> [Account] { // LocalAccount is first. return accounts.sorted { (account1, account2) -> Bool in if account1 === defaultAccount { return true } if account2 === defaultAccount { return false } return (account1.nameForDisplay as NSString).localizedStandardCompare(account2.nameForDisplay) == .orderedAscending } } } private let accountDataFileName = "AccountData.plist" private func accountFilePathWithFolder(_ folderPath: String) -> String { return NSString(string: folderPath).appendingPathComponent(accountDataFileName) } private struct AccountSpecifier { let type: AccountType let identifier: String let folderPath: String let folderName: String let dataFilePath: String init?(folderPath: String) { if !FileManager.default.rs_fileIsFolder(folderPath) { return nil } let name = NSString(string: folderPath).lastPathComponent if name.hasPrefix(".") { return nil } let nameComponents = name.components(separatedBy: "_") guard nameComponents.count == 2, let rawType = Int(nameComponents[0]), let acctType = AccountType(rawValue: rawType) else { return nil } self.folderPath = folderPath self.folderName = name self.type = acctType self.identifier = nameComponents[1] self.dataFilePath = accountFilePathWithFolder(self.folderPath) } }