// // GeneralPrefencesViewController.swift // NetNewsWire // // Created by Brent Simmons on 9/3/18. // Copyright © 2018 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved. // import AppKit import RSCore import RSWeb import UserNotifications final class GeneralPreferencesViewController: NSViewController { private var userNotificationSettings: UNNotificationSettings? @IBOutlet var defaultRSSReaderPopup: NSPopUpButton! @IBOutlet var defaultBrowserPopup: NSPopUpButton! @IBOutlet weak var showUnreadCountCheckbox: NSButton! private var rssReaderInfo = RSSReaderInfo() public override init(nibName nibNameOrNil: NSNib.Name?, bundle nibBundleOrNil: Bundle?) { super.init(nibName: nibNameOrNil, bundle: nibBundleOrNil) commonInit() } public required init?(coder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: coder) commonInit() } override func viewWillAppear() { super.viewWillAppear() updateUI() updateNotificationSettings() } // MARK: - Notifications @objc func applicationWillBecomeActive(_ note: Notification) { updateUI() } // MARK: - Actions @IBAction func rssReaderPopupDidChangeValue(_ sender: Any?) { guard let menuItem = defaultRSSReaderPopup.selectedItem else { return } guard let bundleID = menuItem.representedObject as? String else { return } registerAppWithBundleID(bundleID) updateUI() } @IBAction func browserPopUpDidChangeValue(_ sender: Any?) { guard let menuItem = defaultBrowserPopup.selectedItem else { return } let bundleID = menuItem.representedObject as? String AppDefaults.shared.defaultBrowserID = bundleID updateUI() } @IBAction func toggleShowingUnreadCount(_ sender: Any) { guard let checkbox = sender as? NSButton else { return } guard userNotificationSettings != nil else { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.showUnreadCountCheckbox.setNextState() } return } UNUserNotificationCenter.current().getNotificationSettings { (settings) in self.updateNotificationSettings() if settings.authorizationStatus == .denied { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.showUnreadCountCheckbox.setNextState() self.showNotificationsDeniedError() } } else if settings.authorizationStatus == .authorized { DispatchQueue.main.async { AppDefaults.shared.hideDockUnreadCount = (checkbox.state.rawValue == 0) } } else { UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.badge]) { (granted, error) in self.updateNotificationSettings() if granted { DispatchQueue.main.async { AppDefaults.shared.hideDockUnreadCount = checkbox.state.rawValue == 0 NSApplication.shared.registerForRemoteNotifications() } } else { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.showUnreadCountCheckbox.setNextState() } } } } } } } // MARK: - Private private extension GeneralPreferencesViewController { func commonInit() { NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(applicationWillBecomeActive(_:)), name: NSApplication.willBecomeActiveNotification, object: nil) } func updateUI() { rssReaderInfo = RSSReaderInfo() updateBrowserPopup() updateRSSReaderPopup() updateHideUnreadCountCheckbox() } func updateRSSReaderPopup() { // Top item should always be: NetNewsWire (this app) // Additional items should be sorted alphabetically. // Any older versions of NetNewsWire should be listed as: NetNewsWire (old version) let menu = NSMenu(title: "RSS Readers") let netNewsWireBundleID = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! let thisAppParentheticalComment = NSLocalizedString("(this app)", comment: "Preferences default RSS Reader popup") let thisAppName = "NetNewsWire \(thisAppParentheticalComment)" let netNewsWireMenuItem = NSMenuItem(title: thisAppName, action: nil, keyEquivalent: "") netNewsWireMenuItem.representedObject = netNewsWireBundleID menu.addItem(netNewsWireMenuItem) let readersToList = rssReaderInfo.rssReaders.filter { $0.bundleID != netNewsWireBundleID } let sortedReaders = readersToList.sorted { (reader1, reader2) -> Bool in return reader1.nameMinusAppSuffix.localizedStandardCompare(reader2.nameMinusAppSuffix) == .orderedAscending } let oldVersionParentheticalComment = NSLocalizedString("(old version)", comment: "Preferences default RSS Reader popup") for rssReader in sortedReaders { var appName = rssReader.nameMinusAppSuffix if appName.contains("NetNewsWire") { appName = "\(appName) \(oldVersionParentheticalComment)" } let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: appName, action: nil, keyEquivalent: "") menuItem.representedObject = rssReader.bundleID menu.addItem(menuItem) } defaultRSSReaderPopup.menu = menu func insertAndSelectNoneMenuItem() { let noneTitle = NSLocalizedString("None", comment: "Preferences default RSS Reader popup") let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: noneTitle, action: nil, keyEquivalent: "") defaultRSSReaderPopup.menu!.insertItem(menuItem, at: 0) defaultRSSReaderPopup.selectItem(at: 0) } guard let defaultRSSReaderBundleID = rssReaderInfo.defaultRSSReaderBundleID else { insertAndSelectNoneMenuItem() return } for menuItem in defaultRSSReaderPopup.menu!.items { guard let bundleID = menuItem.representedObject as? String else { continue } if bundleID == defaultRSSReaderBundleID { defaultRSSReaderPopup.select(menuItem) return } } insertAndSelectNoneMenuItem() } func registerAppWithBundleID(_ bundleID: String) { NSWorkspace.shared.setDefaultAppBundleID(forURLScheme: "feed", to: bundleID) NSWorkspace.shared.setDefaultAppBundleID(forURLScheme: "feeds", to: bundleID) } func updateBrowserPopup() { let menu = defaultBrowserPopup.menu! let allBrowsers = MacWebBrowser.sortedBrowsers() menu.removeAllItems() let defaultBrowser = MacWebBrowser.default let defaultBrowserFormat = NSLocalizedString("System Default (%@)", comment: "Default browser item title format") let defaultBrowserTitle = String(format: defaultBrowserFormat, defaultBrowser.name!) let item = NSMenuItem(title: defaultBrowserTitle, action: nil, keyEquivalent: "") let icon = defaultBrowser.icon! icon.size = NSSize(width: 16.0, height: 16.0) item.image = icon menu.addItem(item) menu.addItem(NSMenuItem.separator()) for browser in allBrowsers { guard let name = browser.name else { continue } let item = NSMenuItem(title: name, action: nil, keyEquivalent: "") item.representedObject = browser.bundleIdentifier let icon = browser.icon ?? NSWorkspace.shared.icon(forFileType: kUTTypeApplicationBundle as String) icon.size = NSSize(width: 16.0, height: 16.0) item.image = browser.icon menu.addItem(item) } defaultBrowserPopup.selectItem(at: defaultBrowserPopup.indexOfItem(withRepresentedObject: AppDefaults.shared.defaultBrowserID)) } func updateHideUnreadCountCheckbox() { showUnreadCountCheckbox.state = AppDefaults.shared.hideDockUnreadCount ? .off : .on } func updateNotificationSettings() { UNUserNotificationCenter.current().getNotificationSettings { (settings) in self.userNotificationSettings = settings if settings.authorizationStatus == .authorized { DispatchQueue.main.async { NSApplication.shared.registerForRemoteNotifications() } } } } func showNotificationsDeniedError() { let updateAlert = NSAlert() updateAlert.alertStyle = .informational updateAlert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("Enable Notifications", comment: "Notifications") updateAlert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString("To enable notifications, open Notifications in System Preferences, then find NetNewsWire in the list.", comment: "To enable notifications, open Notifications in System Preferences, then find NetNewsWire in the list.") updateAlert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Open System Preferences", comment: "Open System Preferences")) updateAlert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Close", comment: "Close")) let modalResponse = updateAlert.runModal() if modalResponse == .alertFirstButtonReturn { NSWorkspace.shared.open(URL(string: "x-apple.systempreferences:com.apple.preference.notifications")!) } } } // MARK: - RSSReaderInfo private struct RSSReaderInfo { let defaultRSSReaderBundleID: String? let rssReaders: Set static let feedURLScheme = "feed:" init() { let defaultRSSReaderBundleID = NSWorkspace.shared.defaultAppBundleID(forURLScheme: RSSReaderInfo.feedURLScheme) self.defaultRSSReaderBundleID = defaultRSSReaderBundleID self.rssReaders = RSSReaderInfo.fetchRSSReaders(defaultRSSReaderBundleID) } static func fetchRSSReaders(_ defaultRSSReaderBundleID: String?) -> Set { let rssReaderBundleIDs = NSWorkspace.shared.bundleIDsForApps(forURLScheme: feedURLScheme) var rssReaders = Set() if let defaultRSSReaderBundleID = defaultRSSReaderBundleID, let defaultReader = RSSReader(bundleID: defaultRSSReaderBundleID) { rssReaders.insert(defaultReader) } rssReaderBundleIDs.forEach { (bundleID) in if let reader = RSSReader(bundleID: bundleID) { rssReaders.insert(reader) } } return rssReaders } } // MARK: - RSSReader private struct RSSReader: Hashable { let bundleID: String let name: String let nameMinusAppSuffix: String let path: String init?(bundleID: String) { guard let path = NSWorkspace.shared.absolutePathForApplication(withBundleIdentifier: bundleID) else { return nil } self.path = path self.bundleID = bundleID let name = (path as NSString).lastPathComponent self.name = name if name.hasSuffix(".app") { self.nameMinusAppSuffix = name.stripping(suffix: ".app") } else { self.nameMinusAppSuffix = name } } // MARK: - Hashable func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(bundleID) } // MARK: - Equatable static func ==(lhs: RSSReader, rhs: RSSReader) -> Bool { return lhs.bundleID == rhs.bundleID } }