# Help Menu _Brent Simmons, 27 May 2017_ ## Help Book I considered doing a Help book that ships in the app bundle, which is the traditional and Apple-endorsed way to go. But instead the Help book will go on the web, at `http://ranchero.com/evergreen/help/[version_number]`. This gives me the ability to update the Help book whenever it needs it — to answer a frequently-asked question, for instance. It means that if someone asks me a question already answered in the Help, I can respond with a URL. That it also makes the downloadable .zip file smaller is nice, but not a major consideration. ## Add Evergreen News Feed The Evergreen news feed is a default news feed. It’s entirely possible that a person will delete it, though, and then later want to get it back. That’s what this command is for. ## Other Help menu items Evergreen is free and open source, and I don’t have time to provide support *and* work on the app itself. So there is no email-support menu item. However, there are links to the website, GitHub repository, and GitHub bug tracker. Anybody with a GitHub account can report bugs and make feature requests.