-- This script grabs the current article in NetNewsWire and copies relevant information about it -- to a new outgoing message in Mail -- the intended use is that the user wants to send email about the current article, and -- would fill in the recipient and then send the message -- sometimes, an article has contents, and sometimes it has html contents -- this function getContentsOrHtml() gets the contents as text, despite the representation -- first it checks to see if there are plain text contents -- if not, it looks for html contents, and converts those to plain text using a shell script that invokes textutil -- if it can't find either plain text or html, it returns "couldn't find article text" to getContentsOrHtml() tell application "NetNewsWire" set textContents to the contents of the current article if textContents is not "" then return textContents else set htmlContents to html of the current article if htmlContents is not "" then set shellScript to " echo '" & htmlContents & "' | /usr/bin/textutil -stdin -stdout -format html -convert txt" set pureText to do shell script shellScript return pureText end if end if end tell return "couldn't find article text" end getContentsOrHtml -- given a list of author names, generate a happily formatted list like "Jean MacDonald and James Dempsey" -- if the list is more than two names, use Oxford comma structure: "Brent Simmons, Jean MacDonald, and James Dempsey" -- the returned string is padded by spaces on both sides to formatListOfNames(listOfNames) set c to count listOfNames if c is 1 then set formattedList to item 1 of listOfNames else if c is 2 then set formattedList to item 1 of listOfNames & " and " & item 2 of listOfNames else set frontOfList to items 1 thru (c - 1) of listOfNames set lastName to item c of listOfNames set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ", " set t1 to frontOfList as text set formattedList to t1 & ", and " & lastName set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid end if return " from " & formattedList & " " end formatListOfNames -- sometimes, an article has an author, sometimes it has more than one, sometimes there's no author -- this function getAuthorStub() returns a string like " by Kaya Thomas " that can be used in crafting a message -- about the current article. If there are no authors, it just returns a single space. to getAuthorStub(authorNames) try if ((count authorNames) is greater than 0) then return formatListOfNames(authorNames) end if end try return " " end getAuthorStub -- Here's where the script starts -- first, get some relevant info out for NetNewsWire tell application "NetNewsWire" set articleUrl to the url of the current article set articleTitle to the title of the current article set authorNames to name of authors of the current article end tell -- then, prepare the message subject and message contents set messageSubject to "From NetNewsWire to you: " & articleTitle set myIntro to "Here's something" & getAuthorStub(authorNames) & "that I was reading on NetNewsWire: " set messageContents to myIntro & return & return & articleUrl & return & return & getContentsOrHtml() -- lastly, make a new outgoing message in Mail with the given subject and contents tell application "Mail" set m1 to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:messageSubject} set content of m1 to messageContents end tell