# About the NetNewsWire 5 Help Book The Help book goes here. Text files go at the top level, and images go in the images directory. Text files are markdown files. A script ([wildcat](https://github.com/brentsimmons/wildcat)) will turn this into a web site that will appear at [https://ranchero.com/netnewswire/help/mac/5.0/en/](https://ranchero.com/netnewswire/help/mac/5.0/en/). (The /en/ directory because we hope to have localized versions.) If you’d like to write or edit the Help book, or help with screenshots, please bring it up on the [NetNewsWire Slack](https://netnewswire.slack.com/join/shared_invite/enQtNjM4MDA1MjQzMDkzLTNlNjBhOWVhYzdhYjA4ZWFhMzQ1MTUxYjU0NTE5ZGY0YzYwZWJhNjYwNTNmNTg2NjIwYWY4YzhlYzk5NmU3ZTc) group. We’ll coordinate there. **NOTE:** It’s not a good idea to take screenshots yet! The UI is still subject to change. That won’t be true for too much longer, but it’s true for now.