// // PasteboardFeed.swift // NetNewsWire // // Created by Brent Simmons on 9/20/18. // Copyright © 2018 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved. // import AppKit import Articles import Account import RSCore typealias PasteboardFeedDictionary = [String: String] struct PasteboardFeed: Hashable { private struct Key { static let url = "URL" static let homePageURL = "homePageURL" static let name = "name" // Internal static let accountID = "accountID" static let accountType = "accountType" static let feedID = "feedID" static let editedName = "editedName" } let url: String let feedID: String? let homePageURL: String? let name: String? let editedName: String? let accountID: String? let accountType: AccountType? let isLocalFeed: Bool init(url: String, feedID: String?, homePageURL: String?, name: String?, editedName: String?, accountID: String?, accountType: AccountType?) { self.url = url.normalizedURL self.feedID = feedID self.homePageURL = homePageURL?.normalizedURL self.name = name self.editedName = editedName self.accountID = accountID self.accountType = accountType self.isLocalFeed = accountID != nil } // MARK: - Reading init?(dictionary: PasteboardFeedDictionary) { guard let url = dictionary[Key.url] else { return nil } let homePageURL = dictionary[Key.homePageURL] let name = dictionary[Key.name] let accountID = dictionary[Key.accountID] let feedID = dictionary[Key.feedID] let editedName = dictionary[Key.editedName] var accountType: AccountType? = nil if let accountTypeString = dictionary[Key.accountType], let accountTypeInt = Int(accountTypeString) { accountType = AccountType(rawValue: accountTypeInt) } self.init(url: url, feedID: feedID, homePageURL: homePageURL, name: name, editedName: editedName, accountID: accountID, accountType: accountType) } init?(pasteboardItem: NSPasteboardItem) { var pasteboardType: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType? if pasteboardItem.types.contains(FeedPasteboardWriter.feedUTIInternalType) { pasteboardType = FeedPasteboardWriter.feedUTIInternalType } else if pasteboardItem.types.contains(FeedPasteboardWriter.feedUTIType) { pasteboardType = FeedPasteboardWriter.feedUTIType } if let foundType = pasteboardType { if let feedDictionary = pasteboardItem.propertyList(forType: foundType) as? PasteboardFeedDictionary { self.init(dictionary: feedDictionary) return } return nil } // Check for URL or a string that may be a URL. if pasteboardItem.types.contains(.URL) { pasteboardType = .URL } else if pasteboardItem.types.contains(.string) { pasteboardType = .string } if let foundType = pasteboardType { if let possibleURLString = pasteboardItem.string(forType: foundType) { if possibleURLString.mayBeURL { self.init(url: possibleURLString, feedID: nil, homePageURL: nil, name: nil, editedName: nil, accountID: nil, accountType: nil) return } } } return nil } static func pasteboardFeeds(with pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> Set? { guard let items = pasteboard.pasteboardItems else { return nil } let feeds = items.compactMap { PasteboardFeed(pasteboardItem: $0) } return feeds.isEmpty ? nil : Set(feeds) } // MARK: - Writing func exportDictionary() -> PasteboardFeedDictionary { var d = PasteboardFeedDictionary() d[Key.url] = url d[Key.homePageURL] = homePageURL ?? "" if let nameForDisplay = editedName ?? name { d[Key.name] = nameForDisplay } return d } func internalDictionary() -> PasteboardFeedDictionary { var d = PasteboardFeedDictionary() d[PasteboardFeed.Key.feedID] = feedID d[PasteboardFeed.Key.url] = url if let homePageURL = homePageURL { d[PasteboardFeed.Key.homePageURL] = homePageURL } if let name = name { d[PasteboardFeed.Key.name] = name } if let editedName = editedName { d[PasteboardFeed.Key.editedName] = editedName } if let accountID = accountID { d[PasteboardFeed.Key.accountID] = accountID } if let accountType = accountType { d[PasteboardFeed.Key.accountType] = String(accountType.rawValue) } return d } } extension Feed: PasteboardWriterOwner { public var pasteboardWriter: NSPasteboardWriting { return FeedPasteboardWriter(feed: self) } } @objc final class FeedPasteboardWriter: NSObject, NSPasteboardWriting { private let feed: Feed static let feedUTI = "com.ranchero.feed" static let feedUTIType = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType(rawValue: feedUTI) static let feedUTIInternal = "com.ranchero.NetNewsWire-Evergreen.internal.feed" static let feedUTIInternalType = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType(rawValue: feedUTIInternal) init(feed: Feed) { self.feed = feed } // MARK: - NSPasteboardWriting func writableTypes(for pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> [NSPasteboard.PasteboardType] { return [FeedPasteboardWriter.feedUTIType, .URL, .string, FeedPasteboardWriter.feedUTIInternalType] } func pasteboardPropertyList(forType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType) -> Any? { let plist: Any? switch type { case .string: plist = feed.nameForDisplay case .URL: plist = feed.url case FeedPasteboardWriter.feedUTIType: plist = exportDictionary case FeedPasteboardWriter.feedUTIInternalType: plist = internalDictionary default: plist = nil } return plist } } private extension FeedPasteboardWriter { var pasteboardFeed: PasteboardFeed { return PasteboardFeed(url: feed.url, feedID: feed.feedID, homePageURL: feed.homePageURL, name: feed.name, editedName: feed.editedName, accountID: feed.account?.accountID, accountType: feed.account?.type) } var exportDictionary: PasteboardFeedDictionary { return pasteboardFeed.exportDictionary() } var internalDictionary: PasteboardFeedDictionary { return pasteboardFeed.internalDictionary() } }