// // FaviconDownloader.swift // NetNewsWire // // Created by Brent Simmons on 11/19/17. // Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import Articles import Account import RSCore extension Notification.Name { static let FaviconDidBecomeAvailable = Notification.Name("FaviconDidBecomeAvailableNotification") // userInfo key: FaviconDownloader.UserInfoKey.faviconURL } final class FaviconDownloader { private static let saveQueue = CoalescingQueue(name: "Cache Save Queue", interval: 1.0) private let folder: String private let diskCache: BinaryDiskCache private var singleFaviconDownloaderCache = [String: SingleFaviconDownloader]() // faviconURL: SingleFaviconDownloader private var remainingFaviconURLs = [String: ArraySlice]() // homePageURL: array of faviconURLs that haven't been checked yet private var homePageToFaviconURLCache = [String: String]() //homePageURL: faviconURL private var homePageToFaviconURLCachePath: String private var homePageToFaviconURLCacheDirty = false { didSet { queueSaveHomePageToFaviconURLCacheIfNeeded() } } private var homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCache = Set() private var homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCachePath: String private var homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCacheDirty = false { didSet { queueSaveHomePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCacheIfNeeded() } } private let queue: DispatchQueue private var cache = [WebFeed: IconImage]() // faviconURL: RSImage struct UserInfoKey { static let faviconURL = "faviconURL" } init(folder: String) { self.folder = folder self.diskCache = BinaryDiskCache(folder: folder) self.queue = DispatchQueue(label: "FaviconDownloader serial queue - \(folder)") self.homePageToFaviconURLCachePath = (folder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("HomePageToFaviconURLCache.plist") self.homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCachePath = (folder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("HomePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCache.plist") loadHomePageToFaviconURLCache() loadHomePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCache() NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didLoadFavicon(_:)), name: .DidLoadFavicon, object: nil) } // MARK: - API func resetCache() { cache = [WebFeed: IconImage]() } func favicon(for webFeed: WebFeed) -> IconImage? { assert(Thread.isMainThread) var homePageURL = webFeed.homePageURL if let faviconURL = webFeed.faviconURL { return favicon(with: faviconURL, homePageURL: homePageURL) } if homePageURL == nil { // Base homePageURL off feedURL if needed. Won’t always be accurate, but is good enough. if let feedURL = URL(string: webFeed.url), let scheme = feedURL.scheme, let host = feedURL.host { homePageURL = scheme + "://" + host + "/" } } if let homePageURL = homePageURL { return favicon(withHomePageURL: homePageURL) } return nil } func faviconAsIcon(for webFeed: WebFeed) -> IconImage? { if let image = cache[webFeed] { return image } if let iconImage = favicon(for: webFeed), let imageData = iconImage.image.dataRepresentation() { if let scaledImage = RSImage.scaledForIcon(imageData) { let scaledIconImage = IconImage(scaledImage) cache[webFeed] = scaledIconImage return scaledIconImage } } return nil } func favicon(with faviconURL: String, homePageURL: String?) -> IconImage? { if let homePageURL = homePageURL, let url = URL(string: homePageURL) { if url.host == "nnw.ranchero.com" { return IconImage.appIcon } } let downloader = faviconDownloader(withURL: faviconURL, homePageURL: homePageURL) return downloader.iconImage } func favicon(withHomePageURL homePageURL: String) -> IconImage? { let url = homePageURL.rs_normalizedURL() if homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCache.contains(url) { return nil } if let faviconURL = homePageToFaviconURLCache[url] { return favicon(with: faviconURL, homePageURL: url) } findFaviconURLs(with: url) { (faviconURLs) in var hasIcons = false if let faviconURLs = faviconURLs { if let firstIconURL = faviconURLs.first { hasIcons = true let _ = self.favicon(with: firstIconURL, homePageURL: url) self.remainingFaviconURLs[url] = faviconURLs.dropFirst() } } if (!hasIcons) { self.homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCache.insert(url) self.homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCacheDirty = true } } return nil } // MARK: - Notifications @objc func didLoadFavicon(_ note: Notification) { guard let singleFaviconDownloader = note.object as? SingleFaviconDownloader else { return } guard let homePageURL = singleFaviconDownloader.homePageURL else { return } guard let _ = singleFaviconDownloader.iconImage else { if let faviconURLs = remainingFaviconURLs[homePageURL] { if let nextIconURL = faviconURLs.first { let _ = favicon(with: nextIconURL, homePageURL: singleFaviconDownloader.homePageURL) remainingFaviconURLs[homePageURL] = faviconURLs.dropFirst(); } else { remainingFaviconURLs[homePageURL] = nil } } return } remainingFaviconURLs[homePageURL] = nil if let url = singleFaviconDownloader.homePageURL { if self.homePageToFaviconURLCache[url] == nil { self.homePageToFaviconURLCache[url] = singleFaviconDownloader.faviconURL self.homePageToFaviconURLCacheDirty = true } } postFaviconDidBecomeAvailableNotification(singleFaviconDownloader.faviconURL) } @objc func saveHomePageToFaviconURLCacheIfNeeded() { if homePageToFaviconURLCacheDirty { saveHomePageToFaviconURLCache() } } @objc func saveHomePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCacheIfNeeded() { if homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCacheDirty { saveHomePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCache() } } } private extension FaviconDownloader { static let localeForLowercasing = Locale(identifier: "en_US") func findFaviconURLs(with homePageURL: String, _ completion: @escaping ([String]?) -> Void) { guard let url = URL(string: homePageURL) else { completion(nil) return } FaviconURLFinder.findFaviconURLs(homePageURL) { (faviconURLs) in var defaultFaviconURL: String? = nil if let scheme = url.scheme, let host = url.host { defaultFaviconURL = "\(scheme)://\(host)/favicon.ico".lowercased(with: FaviconDownloader.localeForLowercasing) } if var faviconURLs = faviconURLs { if let defaultFaviconURL = defaultFaviconURL { faviconURLs.append(defaultFaviconURL) } completion(faviconURLs) return } completion(defaultFaviconURL != nil ? [defaultFaviconURL!] : nil) } } func faviconDownloader(withURL faviconURL: String, homePageURL: String?) -> SingleFaviconDownloader { if let downloader = singleFaviconDownloaderCache[faviconURL] { downloader.downloadFaviconIfNeeded() return downloader } let downloader = SingleFaviconDownloader(faviconURL: faviconURL, homePageURL: homePageURL, diskCache: diskCache, queue: queue) singleFaviconDownloaderCache[faviconURL] = downloader return downloader } func postFaviconDidBecomeAvailableNotification(_ faviconURL: String) { DispatchQueue.main.async { let userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any] = [UserInfoKey.faviconURL: faviconURL] NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .FaviconDidBecomeAvailable, object: self, userInfo: userInfo) } } func loadHomePageToFaviconURLCache() { let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: homePageToFaviconURLCachePath) guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { return } let decoder = PropertyListDecoder() homePageToFaviconURLCache = (try? decoder.decode([String: String].self, from: data)) ?? [String: String]() } func loadHomePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCache() { let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCachePath) guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { return } let decoder = PropertyListDecoder() let decoded = (try? decoder.decode([String].self, from: data)) ?? [String]() homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCache = Set(decoded) } func queueSaveHomePageToFaviconURLCacheIfNeeded() { FaviconDownloader.saveQueue.add(self, #selector(saveHomePageToFaviconURLCacheIfNeeded)) } func queueSaveHomePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCacheIfNeeded() { FaviconDownloader.saveQueue.add(self, #selector(saveHomePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCacheIfNeeded)) } func saveHomePageToFaviconURLCache() { homePageToFaviconURLCacheDirty = false let encoder = PropertyListEncoder() encoder.outputFormat = .binary let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: homePageToFaviconURLCachePath) do { let data = try encoder.encode(homePageToFaviconURLCache) try data.write(to: url) } catch { assertionFailure(error.localizedDescription) } } func saveHomePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCache() { homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCacheDirty = false let encoder = PropertyListEncoder() encoder.outputFormat = .binary let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCachePath) do { let data = try encoder.encode(Array(homePageURLsWithNoFaviconURLCache)) try data.write(to: url) } catch { assertionFailure(error.localizedDescription) } } }