// // AttachmentsManager.swift // Database // // Created by Brent Simmons on 7/15/17. // Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import RSDatabase import Data // Attachments are treated as atomic. // If an attachment in a feed changes any of its values, // it’s actually saved as a new attachment and the old one is deleted. // (This is rare compared to an article in a feed changing its text, for instance.) // // Article -> Attachment is one-to-many. // Attachment -> Article is one-to-one. // A given attachment can be owned by one and only one Article. // An attachment with the same exact values (except for articleID) might exist. // (That would be quite rare. But it’s by design.) // // All the functions here must be called only from inside the database serial queue. // (The serial queue makes locking unnecessary.) // // Attachments are cached, for the lifetime of the app run, once fetched or saved. // Because: // * They don’t take up much space. // * It seriously cuts down on the number of database reads and writes. final class AttachmentsManager { private var cachedAttachments = [String: Attachment]() // Attachment.databaseID key private var cachedAttachmentsByArticle = [String: Set]() // Article.databaseID key private var articlesWithNoAttachments = Set() // Article.databaseID private let table = DatabaseTable(name: DatabaseTableName.attachments) func fetchAttachmentsForArticles(_ articles: Set
, database: FMDatabase) { } func saveAttachmentsForArticles(_ articles: Set
, database: FMDatabase) { // This is complex and overly long because it’s optimized for fewest database hits. var articlesWithPossiblyAllAttachmentsDeleted = Set
() var attachmentsToSave = Set() var attachmentsToDelete = Set() func reconcileAttachments(incomingAttachments: Set, existingAttachments: Set) { for oneIncomingAttachment in incomingAttachments { // Add some. if !existingAttachments.contains(oneIncomingAttachment) { attachmentsToSave.insert(oneIncomingAttachment) } } for oneExistingAttachment in existingAttachments { // Delete some. if !incomingAttachments.contains(oneExistingAttachment) { attachmentsToDelete.insert(oneExistingAttachment) } } } for oneArticle in articles { if let oneAttachments = oneArticle.attachments, !oneAttachments.isEmpty { // If it matches the cache, then do nothing. if let oneCachedAttachments = cachedAttachmentsByArticle(oneArticle.databaseID) { if oneCachedAttachments == oneAttachments { continue } // There is a cache and it doesn’t match. reconcileAttachments(incomingAttachments: oneAttachments, existingAttachments: oneCachedAttachments) } else { // no cache, but article has attachments if let resultSet = table.selectRowsWhere(key: DatabaseKey.articleID, equals: oneArticle.databaseID, in: database) { let existingAttachments = attachmentsWithResultSet(resultSet) if existingAttachments != oneAttachments { // Don’t match? reconcileAttachments(incomingAttachments: oneAttachments, existingAttachments: existingAttachments) } } else { // Nothing in database. Just save. attachmentsToSave.formUnion(oneAttachments) } } cacheAttachmentsForArticle(oneArticle) } else { // No attachments: might need to delete them all from database if !articlesWithNoAttachments.contains(oneArticle.databaseID) { articlesWithPossiblyAllAttachmentsDeleted.insert(oneArticle) uncacheAttachmentsForArticle(oneArticle) } } } if !articlesWithPossiblyAllAttachmentsDeleted.isEmpty { deleteAttachmentsForArticles(articlesWithPossiblyAllAttachmentsDeleted) } } } private extension AttachmentsManager { func deleteAttachmentsForArticles(_ articles: Set
, database: FMDatabase) { let articleIDs = articles.map { $0.databaseID } articlesWithNoAttachments.formUnion(Set(articleIDs)) articleIDs.forEach { cachedAttachmentsByArticle[$0] = nil } let _ = database.rs_deleteRowsWhereKey(DatabaseKey.articleID, inValues: articleIDs, tableName: DatabaseTableName.attachments) } func addCachedAttachmentsToArticle(_ article: Article) { if let _ = article.attachments { return } if let attachments = cachedAttachmentsByArticle[article.databaseID] { article.attachments = attachments } } func fetchAttachmentsForArticle(_ article: Article, database: FMDatabase) { if articlesWithNoAttachments.contains(article.databaseID) { return } addCachedAttachmentsToArticle(article) if let _ = article.attachments { return } } func uncacheAttachmentsForArticle(_ article: Article) { assert(article.attachments == nil || article.attachments.isEmpty) articlesWithNoAttachments.insert(article.databaseID) cachedAttachmentsByArticle[article.databaseID] = nil var attachmentDatabaseIDsToUncache = Set() for (databaseID, attachment) in cachedAttachments { if attachment.articleID == article.databaseID { attachmentDatabaseIDsToUncache.insert(databaseID) } } attachmentDatabaseIDsToUncache.forEach { uncacheAttachmentWithDatabaseID($0) } } func cacheAttachmentsForArticle(_ article: Article) { guard let attachments = article.attachments, !attachments.isEmpty else { assertionFailure("article.attachments must not be empty") } articlesWithNoAttachments.remove(article.databaseID) cachedAttachmentsByArticle[article.databaseID] = attachments cacheAttachment(attachments) } func cachedAttachmentForDatabaseID(_ databaseID: String) -> Attachment? { return cachedAttachments[databaseID] } func cacheAttachments(_ attachments: Set) { attachments.forEach { cacheAttachment($) } } func cacheAttachment(_ attachment: Attachment) { cachedAttachments[attachment.databaseID] = attachment } func uncacheAttachmentWithDatabaseID(_ databaseID: String) { cachedAttachments[databaseID] = nil } func saveAttachmentsForArticle(_ article: Article, database: FMDatabase) { if let attachments = article.attachments { } else { if articlesWithNoAttachments.contains(article.databaseID) { return } articlesWithNoAttachments.insert(article.databaseID) cachedAttachmentsByArticle[article.databaseID] = nil deleteAttachmentsForArticleID(article.databaseID) } } func attachmentsWithResultSet(_ resultSet: FMResultSet) -> Set { var attachments = Set() while (resultSet.next()) { if let oneAttachment = attachmentWithRow(resultSet) { attachments.insert(oneAttachment) } } return attachments } func attachmentWithRow(_ row: FMResultSet) -> Attachment? { let databaseID = row.string(forColumn: DatabaseKey.databaseID) if let cachedAttachment = cachedAttachmentForDatabaseID(databaseID) { return cachedAttachment } return Attachment(databaseID: databaseID, row: row) } }