// // RSRSSParser.m // RSParser // // Created by Brent Simmons on 1/6/15. // Copyright (c) 2015 Ranchero Software LLC. All rights reserved. // #import #import "RSRSSParser.h" #import "RSSAXParser.h" #import "RSParsedFeed.h" #import "RSParsedArticle.h" #import "RSParserInternal.h" #import "NSString+RSParser.h" #import "RSDateParser.h" #import "RSParser-Swift.h" @interface RSRSSParser () @property (nonatomic) NSData *feedData; @property (nonatomic) NSString *urlString; @property (nonatomic) NSDictionary *currentAttributes; @property (nonatomic) RSSAXParser *parser; @property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *articles; @property (nonatomic) BOOL parsingArticle; @property (nonatomic, readonly) RSParsedArticle *currentArticle; @property (nonatomic) BOOL parsingChannelImage; @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *currentDate; @property (nonatomic) BOOL endRSSFound; @property (nonatomic) NSString *link; @property (nonatomic) NSString *title; @property (nonatomic) NSDate *dateParsed; @end @implementation RSRSSParser #pragma mark - Class Methods + (RSParsedFeed *)parseFeedWithData:(ParserData *)parserData { RSRSSParser *parser = [[[self class] alloc] initWithParserData:parserData]; return [parser parseFeed]; } #pragma mark - Init - (instancetype)initWithParserData:(ParserData *)parserData { self = [super init]; if (!self) { return nil; } _feedData = parserData.data; _urlString = parserData.url; _parser = [[RSSAXParser alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; _articles = [NSMutableArray new]; return self; } #pragma mark - API - (RSParsedFeed *)parseFeed { [self parse]; RSParsedFeed *parsedFeed = [[RSParsedFeed alloc] initWithURLString:self.urlString title:self.title link:self.link articles:self.articles]; return parsedFeed; } #pragma mark - Constants static NSString *kIsPermaLinkKey = @"isPermaLink"; static NSString *kURLKey = @"url"; static NSString *kLengthKey = @"length"; static NSString *kTypeKey = @"type"; static NSString *kFalseValue = @"false"; static NSString *kTrueValue = @"true"; static NSString *kContentEncodedKey = @"content:encoded"; static NSString *kDCDateKey = @"dc:date"; static NSString *kDCCreatorKey = @"dc:creator"; static NSString *kRDFAboutKey = @"rdf:about"; static const char *kItem = "item"; static const NSInteger kItemLength = 5; static const char *kImage = "image"; static const NSInteger kImageLength = 6; static const char *kLink = "link"; static const NSInteger kLinkLength = 5; static const char *kTitle = "title"; static const NSInteger kTitleLength = 6; static const char *kDC = "dc"; static const NSInteger kDCLength = 3; static const char *kCreator = "creator"; static const NSInteger kCreatorLength = 8; static const char *kDate = "date"; static const NSInteger kDateLength = 5; static const char *kContent = "content"; static const NSInteger kContentLength = 8; static const char *kEncoded = "encoded"; static const NSInteger kEncodedLength = 8; static const char *kGuid = "guid"; static const NSInteger kGuidLength = 5; static const char *kPubDate = "pubDate"; static const NSInteger kPubDateLength = 8; static const char *kAuthor = "author"; static const NSInteger kAuthorLength = 7; static const char *kDescription = "description"; static const NSInteger kDescriptionLength = 12; static const char *kRSS = "rss"; static const NSInteger kRSSLength = 4; static const char *kURL = "url"; static const NSInteger kURLLength = 4; static const char *kLength = "length"; static const NSInteger kLengthLength = 7; static const char *kType = "type"; static const NSInteger kTypeLength = 5; static const char *kIsPermaLink = "isPermaLink"; static const NSInteger kIsPermaLinkLength = 12; static const char *kRDF = "rdf"; static const NSInteger kRDFlength = 4; static const char *kAbout = "about"; static const NSInteger kAboutLength = 6; static const char *kFalse = "false"; static const NSInteger kFalseLength = 6; static const char *kTrue = "true"; static const NSInteger kTrueLength = 5; #pragma mark - Parsing - (void)parse { self.dateParsed = [NSDate date]; @autoreleasepool { [self.parser parseData:self.feedData]; [self.parser finishParsing]; } // Optimization: make articles do calculations on this background thread. [self.articles makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(calculateArticleID)]; } - (void)addArticle { RSParsedArticle *article = [[RSParsedArticle alloc] initWithFeedURL:self.urlString]; article.dateParsed = self.dateParsed; [self.articles addObject:article]; } - (RSParsedArticle *)currentArticle { return self.articles.lastObject; } - (void)addFeedElement:(const xmlChar *)localName prefix:(const xmlChar *)prefix { if (prefix != NULL) { return; } if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kLink, kLinkLength)) { if (!self.link) { self.link = self.parser.currentStringWithTrimmedWhitespace; } } else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kTitle, kTitleLength)) { self.title = self.parser.currentStringWithTrimmedWhitespace; } } - (void)addDCElement:(const xmlChar *)localName { if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kCreator, kCreatorLength)) { self.currentArticle.author = self.parser.currentStringWithTrimmedWhitespace; } else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kDate, kDateLength)) { self.currentArticle.datePublished = self.currentDate; } } - (void)addGuid { self.currentArticle.guid = self.parser.currentStringWithTrimmedWhitespace; NSString *isPermaLinkValue = [self.currentAttributes rsparser_objectForCaseInsensitiveKey:@"ispermalink"]; if (!isPermaLinkValue || ![isPermaLinkValue isEqualToString:@"false"]) { self.currentArticle.permalink = [self urlString:self.currentArticle.guid]; } } - (NSString *)urlString:(NSString *)s { /*Resolve against home page URL (if available) or feed URL.*/ if ([[s lowercaseString] hasPrefix:@"http"]) { return s; } if (!self.link) { //TODO: get feed URL and use that to resolve URL.*/ return s; } NSURL *baseURL = [NSURL URLWithString:self.link]; if (!baseURL) { return s; } NSURL *resolvedURL = [NSURL URLWithString:s relativeToURL:baseURL]; if (resolvedURL.absoluteString) { return resolvedURL.absoluteString; } return s; } - (NSString *)currentStringWithHTMLEntitiesDecoded { return [self.parser.currentStringWithTrimmedWhitespace rsparser_stringByDecodingHTMLEntities]; } - (void)addArticleElement:(const xmlChar *)localName prefix:(const xmlChar *)prefix { if (RSSAXEqualTags(prefix, kDC, kDCLength)) { [self addDCElement:localName]; return; } if (RSSAXEqualTags(prefix, kContent, kContentLength) && RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kEncoded, kEncodedLength)) { self.currentArticle.body = [self currentStringWithHTMLEntitiesDecoded]; return; } if (prefix != NULL) { return; } if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kGuid, kGuidLength)) { [self addGuid]; } else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kPubDate, kPubDateLength)) { self.currentArticle.datePublished = self.currentDate; } else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kAuthor, kAuthorLength)) { self.currentArticle.author = self.parser.currentStringWithTrimmedWhitespace; } else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kLink, kLinkLength)) { self.currentArticle.link = [self urlString:self.parser.currentStringWithTrimmedWhitespace]; } else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kDescription, kDescriptionLength)) { if (!self.currentArticle.body) { self.currentArticle.body = [self currentStringWithHTMLEntitiesDecoded]; } } else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kTitle, kTitleLength)) { self.currentArticle.title = [self currentStringWithHTMLEntitiesDecoded]; } } - (NSDate *)currentDate { return RSDateWithBytes(self.parser.currentCharacters.bytes, self.parser.currentCharacters.length); } #pragma mark - RSSAXParserDelegate - (void)saxParser:(RSSAXParser *)SAXParser XMLStartElement:(const xmlChar *)localName prefix:(const xmlChar *)prefix uri:(const xmlChar *)uri numberOfNamespaces:(NSInteger)numberOfNamespaces namespaces:(const xmlChar **)namespaces numberOfAttributes:(NSInteger)numberOfAttributes numberDefaulted:(int)numberDefaulted attributes:(const xmlChar **)attributes { if (self.endRSSFound) { return; } NSDictionary *xmlAttributes = nil; if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kItem, kItemLength) || RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kGuid, kGuidLength)) { xmlAttributes = [self.parser attributesDictionary:attributes numberOfAttributes:numberOfAttributes]; } if (self.currentAttributes != xmlAttributes) { self.currentAttributes = xmlAttributes; } if (!prefix && RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kItem, kItemLength)) { [self addArticle]; self.parsingArticle = YES; if (xmlAttributes && xmlAttributes[kRDFAboutKey]) { /*RSS 1.0 guid*/ self.currentArticle.guid = xmlAttributes[kRDFAboutKey]; self.currentArticle.permalink = self.currentArticle.guid; } } else if (!prefix && RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kImage, kImageLength)) { self.parsingChannelImage = YES; } if (!self.parsingChannelImage) { [self.parser beginStoringCharacters]; } } - (void)saxParser:(RSSAXParser *)SAXParser XMLEndElement:(const xmlChar *)localName prefix:(const xmlChar *)prefix uri:(const xmlChar *)uri { if (self.endRSSFound) { return; } if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kRSS, kRSSLength)) { self.endRSSFound = YES; } else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kImage, kImageLength)) { self.parsingChannelImage = NO; } else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kItem, kItemLength)) { self.parsingArticle = NO; } else if (self.parsingArticle) { [self addArticleElement:localName prefix:prefix]; } else if (!self.parsingChannelImage) { [self addFeedElement:localName prefix:prefix]; } } - (NSString *)saxParser:(RSSAXParser *)SAXParser internedStringForName:(const xmlChar *)name prefix:(const xmlChar *)prefix { if (RSSAXEqualTags(prefix, kRDF, kRDFlength)) { if (RSSAXEqualTags(name, kAbout, kAboutLength)) { return kRDFAboutKey; } return nil; } if (prefix) { return nil; } if (RSSAXEqualTags(name, kIsPermaLink, kIsPermaLinkLength)) { return kIsPermaLinkKey; } if (RSSAXEqualTags(name, kURL, kURLLength)) { return kURLKey; } if (RSSAXEqualTags(name, kLength, kLengthLength)) { return kLengthKey; } if (RSSAXEqualTags(name, kType, kTypeLength)) { return kTypeKey; } return nil; } static BOOL equalBytes(const void *bytes1, const void *bytes2, NSUInteger length) { return memcmp(bytes1, bytes2, length) == 0; } - (NSString *)saxParser:(RSSAXParser *)SAXParser internedStringForValue:(const void *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length { static const NSUInteger falseLength = kFalseLength - 1; static const NSUInteger trueLength = kTrueLength - 1; if (length == falseLength && equalBytes(bytes, kFalse, falseLength)) { return kFalseValue; } if (length == trueLength && equalBytes(bytes, kTrue, trueLength)) { return kTrueValue; } return nil; } @end