# Evergreen It’s a feed reader for MacOS. It supports [RSS](http://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html), [Atom](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287), [JSON Feed](https://jsonfeed.org/), and [RSS-in-JSON](https://github.com/scripting/Scripting-News/blob/master/rss-in-json/README.md) formats. It’s barely usable at this point. Barely. Probably not even. A whole bunch of things haven’t been done yet. (See the [bug tracker](https://github.com/brentsimmons/Evergreen/milestone/1)). More info: [https://ranchero.com/evergreen/](https://ranchero.com/evergreen/) Also see the [Technotes](Technotes/) and the [Roadmap](Technotes/Roadmap.md). #### On accepting pull requests It’s pretty early still, and we have strong opinions about how we want to do things, so we’re not seeking help just yet. That said, we will seriously consider any pull requests we do get. Just note that we may not accept them, or we may accept them and do a bunch of revision. It’s probably a good idea to let us know first what you’d like to do. ([Ask on Twitter](https://twitter.com/evergreen_mac), or email brent@ranchero.com, or post something to the [bug tracker](https://github.com/brentsimmons/Evergreen/issues).) In the future — some time after 1.0 ships — we expect to want contributions. The plan is *not* to make this a one-person show forever.