// // ArticlesTable.swift // NetNewsWire // // Created by Brent Simmons on 5/9/16. // Copyright © 2016 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import RSCore import RSDatabase import RSParser import Articles final class ArticlesTable: DatabaseTable { let name: String private let accountID: String private let queue: DatabaseQueue private let statusesTable: StatusesTable private let authorsLookupTable: DatabaseLookupTable private let retentionStyle: ArticlesDatabase.RetentionStyle private var articlesCache = [String: Article]() private lazy var searchTable: SearchTable = { return SearchTable(queue: queue, articlesTable: self) }() // TODO: update articleCutoffDate as time passes and based on user preferences. let articleCutoffDate = Date().bySubtracting(days: 90) private typealias ArticlesFetchMethod = (FMDatabase) -> Set
init(name: String, accountID: String, queue: DatabaseQueue, retentionStyle: ArticlesDatabase.RetentionStyle) { self.name = name self.accountID = accountID self.queue = queue self.statusesTable = StatusesTable(queue: queue) self.retentionStyle = retentionStyle let authorsTable = AuthorsTable(name: DatabaseTableName.authors) self.authorsLookupTable = DatabaseLookupTable(name: DatabaseTableName.authorsLookup, objectIDKey: DatabaseKey.articleID, relatedObjectIDKey: DatabaseKey.authorID, relatedTable: authorsTable, relationshipName: RelationshipName.authors) } // MARK: - Fetching Articles for Feed func fetchArticles(_ webFeedID: String) throws -> Set
{ return try fetchArticles{ self.fetchArticlesForFeedID(webFeedID, withLimits: true, $0) } } func fetchArticlesAsync(_ webFeedID: String, _ completion: @escaping ArticleSetResultBlock) { fetchArticlesAsync({ self.fetchArticlesForFeedID(webFeedID, withLimits: true, $0) }, completion) } func fetchArticles(_ webFeedIDs: Set) throws -> Set
{ return try fetchArticles{ self.fetchArticles(webFeedIDs, $0) } } func fetchArticlesAsync(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ completion: @escaping ArticleSetResultBlock) { fetchArticlesAsync({ self.fetchArticles(webFeedIDs, $0) }, completion) } // MARK: - Fetching Articles by articleID func fetchArticles(articleIDs: Set) throws -> Set
{ return try fetchArticles{ self.fetchArticles(articleIDs: articleIDs, $0) } } func fetchArticlesAsync(articleIDs: Set, _ completion: @escaping ArticleSetResultBlock) { return fetchArticlesAsync({ self.fetchArticles(articleIDs: articleIDs, $0) }, completion) } // MARK: - Fetching Unread Articles func fetchUnreadArticles(_ webFeedIDs: Set) throws -> Set
{ return try fetchArticles{ self.fetchUnreadArticles(webFeedIDs, $0) } } func fetchUnreadArticlesAsync(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ completion: @escaping ArticleSetResultBlock) { fetchArticlesAsync({ self.fetchUnreadArticles(webFeedIDs, $0) }, completion) } // MARK: - Fetching Today Articles func fetchArticlesSince(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ cutoffDate: Date) throws -> Set
{ return try fetchArticles{ self.fetchArticlesSince(webFeedIDs, cutoffDate, $0) } } func fetchArticlesSinceAsync(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ cutoffDate: Date, _ completion: @escaping ArticleSetResultBlock) { fetchArticlesAsync({ self.fetchArticlesSince(webFeedIDs, cutoffDate, $0) }, completion) } // MARK: - Fetching Starred Articles func fetchStarredArticles(_ webFeedIDs: Set) throws -> Set
{ return try fetchArticles{ self.fetchStarredArticles(webFeedIDs, $0) } } func fetchStarredArticlesAsync(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ completion: @escaping ArticleSetResultBlock) { fetchArticlesAsync({ self.fetchStarredArticles(webFeedIDs, $0) }, completion) } // MARK: - Fetching Search Articles func fetchArticlesMatching(_ searchString: String) throws -> Set
{ var articles: Set
= Set
() var error: DatabaseError? = nil queue.runInDatabaseSync { (databaseResult) in switch databaseResult { case .success(let database): articles = self.fetchArticlesMatching(searchString, database) case .failure(let databaseError): error = databaseError } } if let error = error { throw(error) } return articles } func fetchArticlesMatching(_ searchString: String, _ webFeedIDs: Set) throws -> Set
{ var articles = try fetchArticlesMatching(searchString) articles = articles.filter{ webFeedIDs.contains($0.webFeedID) } return articles } func fetchArticlesMatchingWithArticleIDs(_ searchString: String, _ articleIDs: Set) throws -> Set
{ var articles = try fetchArticlesMatching(searchString) articles = articles.filter{ articleIDs.contains($0.articleID) } return articles } func fetchArticlesMatchingAsync(_ searchString: String, _ webFeedIDs: Set, _ completion: @escaping ArticleSetResultBlock) { fetchArticlesAsync({ self.fetchArticlesMatching(searchString, webFeedIDs, $0) }, completion) } func fetchArticlesMatchingWithArticleIDsAsync(_ searchString: String, _ articleIDs: Set, _ completion: @escaping ArticleSetResultBlock) { fetchArticlesAsync({ self.fetchArticlesMatchingWithArticleIDs(searchString, articleIDs, $0) }, completion) } // MARK: - Fetching Articles for Indexer func fetchArticleSearchInfos(_ articleIDs: Set, in database: FMDatabase) -> Set? { let parameters = articleIDs.map { $0 as AnyObject } let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(articleIDs.count))! let sql = "select articleID, title, contentHTML, contentText, summary, searchRowID from articles where articleID in \(placeholders);"; if let resultSet = database.executeQuery(sql, withArgumentsIn: parameters) { return resultSet.mapToSet { (row) -> ArticleSearchInfo? in let articleID = row.string(forColumn: DatabaseKey.articleID)! let title = row.string(forColumn: DatabaseKey.title) let contentHTML = row.string(forColumn: DatabaseKey.contentHTML) let contentText = row.string(forColumn: DatabaseKey.contentText) let summary = row.string(forColumn: DatabaseKey.summary) let searchRowIDObject = row.object(forColumnName: DatabaseKey.searchRowID) var searchRowID: Int? = nil if searchRowIDObject != nil && !(searchRowIDObject is NSNull) { searchRowID = Int(row.longLongInt(forColumn: DatabaseKey.searchRowID)) } return ArticleSearchInfo(articleID: articleID, title: title, contentHTML: contentHTML, contentText: contentText, summary: summary, searchRowID: searchRowID) } } return nil } // MARK: - Updating func update(_ parsedItems: Set, _ webFeedID: String, _ completion: @escaping UpdateArticlesCompletionBlock) { precondition(retentionStyle == .feedBased) if parsedItems.isEmpty { callUpdateArticlesCompletionBlock(nil, nil, completion) return } // 1. Ensure statuses for all the incoming articles. // 2. Create incoming articles with parsedItems. // 3. [Deleted - no longer needed] // 4. Fetch all articles for the feed. // 5. Create array of Articles not in database and save them. // 6. Create array of updated Articles and save what’s changed. // 7. Call back with new and updated Articles. // 8. Delete Articles in database no longer present in the feed. // 9. Update search index. self.queue.runInTransaction { (databaseResult) in func makeDatabaseCalls(_ database: FMDatabase) { let articleIDs = parsedItems.articleIDs() let statusesDictionary = self.statusesTable.ensureStatusesForArticleIDs(articleIDs, false, database) //1 assert(statusesDictionary.count == articleIDs.count) let incomingArticles = Article.articlesWithParsedItems(parsedItems, webFeedID, self.accountID, statusesDictionary) //2 if incomingArticles.isEmpty { self.callUpdateArticlesCompletionBlock(nil, nil, completion) return } let fetchedArticles = self.fetchArticlesForFeedID(webFeedID, withLimits: false, database) //4 let fetchedArticlesDictionary = fetchedArticles.dictionary() let newArticles = self.findAndSaveNewArticles(incomingArticles, fetchedArticlesDictionary, database) //5 let updatedArticles = self.findAndSaveUpdatedArticles(incomingArticles, fetchedArticlesDictionary, database) //6 self.callUpdateArticlesCompletionBlock(newArticles, updatedArticles, completion) //7 self.addArticlesToCache(newArticles) self.addArticlesToCache(updatedArticles) // 8. Delete articles no longer in feed. let articleIDsToDelete = fetchedArticles.articleIDs().filter { !(articleIDs.contains($0)) } if !articleIDsToDelete.isEmpty { self.removeArticles(articleIDsToDelete, database) self.removeArticleIDsFromCache(articleIDsToDelete) } // 9. Update search index. if let newArticles = newArticles { self.searchTable.indexNewArticles(newArticles, database) } if let updatedArticles = updatedArticles { self.searchTable.indexUpdatedArticles(updatedArticles, database) } } switch databaseResult { case .success(let database): makeDatabaseCalls(database) case .failure(let databaseError): DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.failure(databaseError)) } } } } func update(_ webFeedIDsAndItems: [String: Set], _ read: Bool, _ completion: @escaping UpdateArticlesCompletionBlock) { precondition(retentionStyle == .syncSystem) if webFeedIDsAndItems.isEmpty { callUpdateArticlesCompletionBlock(nil, nil, completion) return } // 1. Ensure statuses for all the incoming articles. // 2. Create incoming articles with parsedItems. // 3. Ignore incoming articles that are (!starred and read and really old) // 4. Fetch all articles for the feed. // 5. Create array of Articles not in database and save them. // 6. Create array of updated Articles and save what’s changed. // 7. Call back with new and updated Articles. // 8. Update search index. self.queue.runInTransaction { (databaseResult) in func makeDatabaseCalls(_ database: FMDatabase) { var articleIDs = Set() for (_, parsedItems) in webFeedIDsAndItems { articleIDs.formUnion(parsedItems.articleIDs()) } let statusesDictionary = self.statusesTable.ensureStatusesForArticleIDs(articleIDs, read, database) //1 assert(statusesDictionary.count == articleIDs.count) let allIncomingArticles = Article.articlesWithWebFeedIDsAndItems(webFeedIDsAndItems, self.accountID, statusesDictionary) //2 if allIncomingArticles.isEmpty { self.callUpdateArticlesCompletionBlock(nil, nil, completion) return } let incomingArticles = self.filterIncomingArticles(allIncomingArticles) //3 if incomingArticles.isEmpty { self.callUpdateArticlesCompletionBlock(nil, nil, completion) return } let incomingArticleIDs = incomingArticles.articleIDs() let fetchedArticles = self.fetchArticles(articleIDs: incomingArticleIDs, database) //4 let fetchedArticlesDictionary = fetchedArticles.dictionary() let newArticles = self.findAndSaveNewArticles(incomingArticles, fetchedArticlesDictionary, database) //5 let updatedArticles = self.findAndSaveUpdatedArticles(incomingArticles, fetchedArticlesDictionary, database) //6 self.callUpdateArticlesCompletionBlock(newArticles, updatedArticles, completion) //7 self.addArticlesToCache(newArticles) self.addArticlesToCache(updatedArticles) // 8. Update search index. if let newArticles = newArticles { self.searchTable.indexNewArticles(newArticles, database) } if let updatedArticles = updatedArticles { self.searchTable.indexUpdatedArticles(updatedArticles, database) } } switch databaseResult { case .success(let database): makeDatabaseCalls(database) case .failure(let databaseError): DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.failure(databaseError)) } } } } // MARK: - Unread Counts func fetchUnreadCount(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ since: Date, _ completion: @escaping SingleUnreadCountCompletionBlock) { // Get unread count for today, for instance. if webFeedIDs.isEmpty { completion(.success(0)) return } queue.runInDatabase { databaseResult in func makeDatabaseCalls(_ database: FMDatabase) { let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(webFeedIDs.count))! let sql = "select count(*) from articles natural join statuses where feedID in \(placeholders) and (datePublished > ? or (datePublished is null and dateArrived > ?)) and read=0;" var parameters = [Any]() parameters += Array(webFeedIDs) as [Any] parameters += [since] as [Any] parameters += [since] as [Any] let unreadCount = self.numberWithSQLAndParameters(sql, parameters, in: database) DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.success(unreadCount)) } } switch databaseResult { case .success(let database): makeDatabaseCalls(database) case .failure(let databaseError): DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.failure(databaseError)) } } } } func fetchStarredAndUnreadCount(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ completion: @escaping SingleUnreadCountCompletionBlock) { if webFeedIDs.isEmpty { completion(.success(0)) return } queue.runInDatabase { databaseResult in func makeDatabaseCalls(_ database: FMDatabase) { let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(webFeedIDs.count))! let sql = "select count(*) from articles natural join statuses where feedID in \(placeholders) and read=0 and starred=1;" let parameters = Array(webFeedIDs) as [Any] let unreadCount = self.numberWithSQLAndParameters(sql, parameters, in: database) DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.success(unreadCount)) } } switch databaseResult { case .success(let database): makeDatabaseCalls(database) case .failure(let databaseError): DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.failure(databaseError)) } } } } // MARK: - Statuses func fetchUnreadArticleIDsAsync(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ completion: @escaping ArticleIDsCompletionBlock) { fetchArticleIDsAsync(.read, false, webFeedIDs, completion) } func fetchStarredArticleIDsAsync(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ completion: @escaping ArticleIDsCompletionBlock) { fetchArticleIDsAsync(.starred, true, webFeedIDs, completion) } func fetchStarredArticleIDs() throws -> Set { return try statusesTable.fetchStarredArticleIDs() } func fetchArticleIDsForStatusesWithoutArticlesNewerThanCutoffDate(_ completion: @escaping ArticleIDsCompletionBlock) { statusesTable.fetchArticleIDsForStatusesWithoutArticlesNewerThan(articleCutoffDate, completion) } func mark(_ articles: Set
, _ statusKey: ArticleStatus.Key, _ flag: Bool) throws -> Set? { var statuses: Set? var error: DatabaseError? self.queue.runInTransactionSync { databaseResult in switch databaseResult { case .success(let database): statuses = self.statusesTable.mark(articles.statuses(), statusKey, flag, database) case .failure(let databaseError): error = databaseError } } if let error = error { throw error } return statuses } func mark(_ articleIDs: Set, _ statusKey: ArticleStatus.Key, _ flag: Bool, _ completion: @escaping DatabaseCompletionBlock) { queue.runInTransaction { databaseResult in switch databaseResult { case .success(let database): self.statusesTable.mark(articleIDs, statusKey, flag, database) DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(nil) } case .failure(let databaseError): DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(databaseError) } } } } func createStatusesIfNeeded(_ articleIDs: Set, _ completion: @escaping DatabaseCompletionBlock) { queue.runInTransaction { databaseResult in switch databaseResult { case .success(let database): let _ = self.statusesTable.ensureStatusesForArticleIDs(articleIDs, true, database) DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(nil) } case .failure(let databaseError): DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(databaseError) } } } } // MARK: - Indexing func indexUnindexedArticles() { queue.runInDatabase { databaseResult in func makeDatabaseCalls(_ database: FMDatabase) { let sql = "select articleID from articles where searchRowID is null limit 500;" guard let resultSet = database.executeQuery(sql, withArgumentsIn: nil) else { return } let articleIDs = resultSet.mapToSet{ $0.string(forColumn: DatabaseKey.articleID) } if articleIDs.isEmpty { return } self.searchTable.ensureIndexedArticles(articleIDs, database) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.indexUnindexedArticles() } } if let database = databaseResult.database { makeDatabaseCalls(database) } } } // MARK: - Caches func emptyCaches() { queue.runInDatabase { _ in self.articlesCache = [String: Article]() } } // MARK: - Cleanup /// Delete articles that we won’t show in the UI any longer /// — their arrival date is before our 90-day recency window; /// they are read; they are not starred. /// /// Because deleting articles might block the database for too long, /// we do this in a careful way: delete articles older than a year, /// check to see how much time has passed, then decide whether or not to continue. /// Repeat for successively shorter time intervals. func deleteOldArticles() { precondition(retentionStyle == .syncSystem) queue.runInTransaction { databaseResult in guard let database = databaseResult.database else { return } func deleteOldArticles(cutoffDate: Date) { let sql = "delete from articles where articleID in (select articleID from articles natural join statuses where dateArrived Bool { let timeElapsed = Date().timeIntervalSince(startTime) return timeElapsed > 2.0 } let dayIntervals = [365, 300, 225, 150] for dayInterval in dayIntervals { deleteOldArticles(cutoffDate: startTime.bySubtracting(days: dayInterval)) if tooMuchTimeHasPassed() { return } } deleteOldArticles(cutoffDate: self.articleCutoffDate) } } /// Delete articles from feeds that are no longer in the current set of subscribed-to feeds. /// This deletes from the articles and articleStatuses tables, /// and, via a trigger, it also deletes from the search index. func deleteArticlesNotInSubscribedToFeedIDs(_ webFeedIDs: Set) { if webFeedIDs.isEmpty { return } queue.runInDatabase { databaseResult in func makeDatabaseCalls(_ database: FMDatabase) { let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(webFeedIDs.count))! let sql = "select articleID from articles where feedID not in \(placeholders);" let parameters = Array(webFeedIDs) as [Any] guard let resultSet = database.executeQuery(sql, withArgumentsIn: parameters) else { return } let articleIDs = resultSet.mapToSet{ $0.string(forColumn: DatabaseKey.articleID) } if articleIDs.isEmpty { return } self.removeArticles(articleIDs, database) self.statusesTable.removeStatuses(articleIDs, database) } if let database = databaseResult.database { makeDatabaseCalls(database) } } } } // MARK: - Private private extension ArticlesTable { // MARK: - Fetching private func fetchArticles(_ fetchMethod: @escaping ArticlesFetchMethod) throws -> Set
{ var articles = Set
() var error: DatabaseError? = nil queue.runInDatabaseSync { databaseResult in switch databaseResult { case .success(let database): articles = fetchMethod(database) case .failure(let databaseError): error = databaseError } } if let error = error { throw(error) } return articles } private func fetchArticlesAsync(_ fetchMethod: @escaping ArticlesFetchMethod, _ completion: @escaping ArticleSetResultBlock) { queue.runInDatabase { databaseResult in switch databaseResult { case .success(let database): let articles = fetchMethod(database) DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.success(articles)) } case .failure(let databaseError): DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.failure(databaseError)) } } } } func articlesWithResultSet(_ resultSet: FMResultSet, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
{ var cachedArticles = Set
() var fetchedArticles = Set
() while resultSet.next() { guard let articleID = resultSet.string(forColumn: DatabaseKey.articleID) else { assertionFailure("Expected articleID.") continue } if let article = articlesCache[articleID] { cachedArticles.insert(article) continue } // The resultSet is a result of a JOIN query with the statuses table, // so we can get the statuses at the same time and avoid additional database lookups. guard let status = statusesTable.statusWithRow(resultSet, articleID: articleID) else { assertionFailure("Expected status.") continue } guard let article = Article(accountID: accountID, row: resultSet, status: status) else { continue } fetchedArticles.insert(article) } resultSet.close() if fetchedArticles.isEmpty { return cachedArticles } // Fetch authors for non-cached articles. (Articles from the cache already have authors.) let fetchedArticleIDs = fetchedArticles.articleIDs() let authorsMap = authorsLookupTable.fetchRelatedObjects(for: fetchedArticleIDs, in: database) let articlesWithFetchedAuthors = fetchedArticles.map { (article) -> Article in if let authors = authorsMap?.authors(for: article.articleID) { return article.byAdding(authors) } return article } // Add fetchedArticles to cache, now that they have attached authors. for article in articlesWithFetchedAuthors { articlesCache[article.articleID] = article } return cachedArticles.union(articlesWithFetchedAuthors) } func fetchArticlesWithWhereClause(_ database: FMDatabase, whereClause: String, parameters: [AnyObject], withLimits: Bool) -> Set
{ // Don’t fetch articles that shouldn’t appear in the UI. The rules: // * Must not be deleted. // * Must be either 1) starred or 2) dateArrived must be newer than cutoff date. if withLimits { let sql = "select * from articles natural join statuses where \(whereClause) and (starred=1 or dateArrived>?);" return articlesWithSQL(sql, parameters + [articleCutoffDate as AnyObject], database) } else { let sql = "select * from articles natural join statuses where \(whereClause);" return articlesWithSQL(sql, parameters, database) } } // func fetchUnreadCount(_ webFeedID: String, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Int { // // Count only the articles that would appear in the UI. // // * Must be unread. // // * Must not be deleted. // // * Must be either 1) starred or 2) dateArrived must be newer than cutoff date. // // let sql = "select count(*) from articles natural join statuses where feedID=? and read=0 and (starred=1 or dateArrived>?);" // return numberWithSQLAndParameters(sql, [webFeedID, articleCutoffDate], in: database) // } func fetchArticlesMatching(_ searchString: String, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
{ let sql = "select rowid from search where search match ?;" let sqlSearchString = sqliteSearchString(with: searchString) let searchStringParameters = [sqlSearchString] guard let resultSet = database.executeQuery(sql, withArgumentsIn: searchStringParameters) else { return Set
() } let searchRowIDs = resultSet.mapToSet { $0.longLongInt(forColumnIndex: 0) } if searchRowIDs.isEmpty { return Set
() } let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(searchRowIDs.count))! let whereClause = "searchRowID in \(placeholders)" let parameters: [AnyObject] = Array(searchRowIDs) as [AnyObject] return fetchArticlesWithWhereClause(database, whereClause: whereClause, parameters: parameters, withLimits: true) } func sqliteSearchString(with searchString: String) -> String { var s = "" searchString.enumerateSubstrings(in: searchString.startIndex.. Set
{ guard let resultSet = database.executeQuery(sql, withArgumentsIn: parameters) else { return Set
() } return articlesWithResultSet(resultSet, database) } func fetchArticleIDsAsync(_ statusKey: ArticleStatus.Key, _ value: Bool, _ webFeedIDs: Set, _ completion: @escaping ArticleIDsCompletionBlock) { guard !webFeedIDs.isEmpty else { completion(.success(Set())) return } queue.runInDatabase { databaseResult in func makeDatabaseCalls(_ database: FMDatabase) { let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(webFeedIDs.count))! var sql = "select articleID from articles natural join statuses where feedID in \(placeholders) and \(statusKey.rawValue)=" sql += value ? "1" : "0" sql += ";" let parameters = Array(webFeedIDs) as [Any] guard let resultSet = database.executeQuery(sql, withArgumentsIn: parameters) else { DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.success(Set())) } return } let articleIDs = resultSet.mapToSet{ $0.string(forColumnIndex: 0) } DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.success(articleIDs)) } } switch databaseResult { case .success(let database): makeDatabaseCalls(database) case .failure(let databaseError): DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.failure(databaseError)) } } } } func fetchArticles(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
{ // select * from articles natural join statuses where feedID in ('http://ranchero.com/xml/rss.xml') and read=0 if webFeedIDs.isEmpty { return Set
() } let parameters = webFeedIDs.map { $0 as AnyObject } let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(webFeedIDs.count))! let whereClause = "feedID in \(placeholders)" return fetchArticlesWithWhereClause(database, whereClause: whereClause, parameters: parameters, withLimits: true) } func fetchUnreadArticles(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
{ // select * from articles natural join statuses where feedID in ('http://ranchero.com/xml/rss.xml') and read=0 if webFeedIDs.isEmpty { return Set
() } let parameters = webFeedIDs.map { $0 as AnyObject } let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(webFeedIDs.count))! let whereClause = "feedID in \(placeholders) and read=0" return fetchArticlesWithWhereClause(database, whereClause: whereClause, parameters: parameters, withLimits: true) } func fetchArticlesForFeedID(_ webFeedID: String, withLimits: Bool, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
{ return fetchArticlesWithWhereClause(database, whereClause: "articles.feedID = ?", parameters: [webFeedID as AnyObject], withLimits: withLimits) } func fetchArticles(articleIDs: Set, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
{ if articleIDs.isEmpty { return Set
() } let parameters = articleIDs.map { $0 as AnyObject } let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(articleIDs.count))! let whereClause = "articleID in \(placeholders)" return fetchArticlesWithWhereClause(database, whereClause: whereClause, parameters: parameters, withLimits: false) } func fetchArticlesSince(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ cutoffDate: Date, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
{ // select * from articles natural join statuses where feedID in ('http://ranchero.com/xml/rss.xml') and (datePublished > ? || (datePublished is null and dateArrived > ?) // // datePublished may be nil, so we fall back to dateArrived. if webFeedIDs.isEmpty { return Set
() } let parameters = webFeedIDs.map { $0 as AnyObject } + [cutoffDate as AnyObject, cutoffDate as AnyObject] let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(webFeedIDs.count))! let whereClause = "feedID in \(placeholders) and (datePublished > ? or (datePublished is null and dateArrived > ?))" return fetchArticlesWithWhereClause(database, whereClause: whereClause, parameters: parameters, withLimits: false) } func fetchStarredArticles(_ webFeedIDs: Set, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
{ // select * from articles natural join statuses where feedID in ('http://ranchero.com/xml/rss.xml') and starred=1; if webFeedIDs.isEmpty { return Set
() } let parameters = webFeedIDs.map { $0 as AnyObject } let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(webFeedIDs.count))! let whereClause = "feedID in \(placeholders) and starred=1" return fetchArticlesWithWhereClause(database, whereClause: whereClause, parameters: parameters, withLimits: false) } func fetchArticlesMatching(_ searchString: String, _ webFeedIDs: Set, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
{ let articles = fetchArticlesMatching(searchString, database) // TODO: include the feedIDs in the SQL rather than filtering here. return articles.filter{ webFeedIDs.contains($0.webFeedID) } } func fetchArticlesMatchingWithArticleIDs(_ searchString: String, _ articleIDs: Set, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
{ let articles = fetchArticlesMatching(searchString, database) // TODO: include the articleIDs in the SQL rather than filtering here. return articles.filter{ articleIDs.contains($0.articleID) } } // MARK: - Saving Parsed Items func callUpdateArticlesCompletionBlock(_ newArticles: Set
?, _ updatedArticles: Set
?, _ completion: @escaping UpdateArticlesCompletionBlock) { let newAndUpdatedArticles = NewAndUpdatedArticles(newArticles: newArticles, updatedArticles: updatedArticles) DispatchQueue.main.async { completion(.success(newAndUpdatedArticles)) } } // MARK: - Saving New Articles func findNewArticles(_ incomingArticles: Set
, _ fetchedArticlesDictionary: [String: Article]) -> Set
? { let newArticles = Set(incomingArticles.filter { fetchedArticlesDictionary[$0.articleID] == nil }) return newArticles.isEmpty ? nil : newArticles } func findAndSaveNewArticles(_ incomingArticles: Set
, _ fetchedArticlesDictionary: [String: Article], _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
? { //5 guard let newArticles = findNewArticles(incomingArticles, fetchedArticlesDictionary) else { return nil } self.saveNewArticles(newArticles, database) return newArticles } func saveNewArticles(_ articles: Set
, _ database: FMDatabase) { saveRelatedObjectsForNewArticles(articles, database) if let databaseDictionaries = articles.databaseDictionaries() { insertRows(databaseDictionaries, insertType: .orReplace, in: database) } } func saveRelatedObjectsForNewArticles(_ articles: Set
, _ database: FMDatabase) { let databaseObjects = articles.databaseObjects() authorsLookupTable.saveRelatedObjects(for: databaseObjects, in: database) } // MARK: - Updating Existing Articles func articlesWithRelatedObjectChanges(_ comparisonKeyPath: KeyPath?>, _ updatedArticles: Set
, _ fetchedArticles: [String: Article]) -> Set
{ return updatedArticles.filter{ (updatedArticle) -> Bool in if let fetchedArticle = fetchedArticles[updatedArticle.articleID] { return updatedArticle[keyPath: comparisonKeyPath] != fetchedArticle[keyPath: comparisonKeyPath] } assertionFailure("Expected to find matching fetched article."); return true } } func updateRelatedObjects(_ comparisonKeyPath: KeyPath?>, _ updatedArticles: Set
, _ fetchedArticles: [String: Article], _ lookupTable: DatabaseLookupTable, _ database: FMDatabase) { let articlesWithChanges = articlesWithRelatedObjectChanges(comparisonKeyPath, updatedArticles, fetchedArticles) if !articlesWithChanges.isEmpty { lookupTable.saveRelatedObjects(for: articlesWithChanges.databaseObjects(), in: database) } } func saveUpdatedRelatedObjects(_ updatedArticles: Set
, _ fetchedArticles: [String: Article], _ database: FMDatabase) { updateRelatedObjects(\Article.authors, updatedArticles, fetchedArticles, authorsLookupTable, database) } func findUpdatedArticles(_ incomingArticles: Set
, _ fetchedArticlesDictionary: [String: Article]) -> Set
? { let updatedArticles = incomingArticles.filter{ (incomingArticle) -> Bool in //6 if let existingArticle = fetchedArticlesDictionary[incomingArticle.articleID] { if existingArticle != incomingArticle { return true } } return false } return updatedArticles.isEmpty ? nil : updatedArticles } func findAndSaveUpdatedArticles(_ incomingArticles: Set
, _ fetchedArticlesDictionary: [String: Article], _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set
? { //6 guard let updatedArticles = findUpdatedArticles(incomingArticles, fetchedArticlesDictionary) else { return nil } saveUpdatedArticles(Set(updatedArticles), fetchedArticlesDictionary, database) return updatedArticles } func saveUpdatedArticles(_ updatedArticles: Set
, _ fetchedArticles: [String: Article], _ database: FMDatabase) { saveUpdatedRelatedObjects(updatedArticles, fetchedArticles, database) for updatedArticle in updatedArticles { saveUpdatedArticle(updatedArticle, fetchedArticles, database) } } func saveUpdatedArticle(_ updatedArticle: Article, _ fetchedArticles: [String: Article], _ database: FMDatabase) { // Only update exactly what has changed in the Article (if anything). // Untested theory: this gets us better performance and less database fragmentation. guard let fetchedArticle = fetchedArticles[updatedArticle.articleID] else { assertionFailure("Expected to find matching fetched article."); saveNewArticles(Set([updatedArticle]), database) return } guard let changesDictionary = updatedArticle.changesFrom(fetchedArticle), changesDictionary.count > 0 else { // Not unexpected. There may be no changes. return } updateRowsWithDictionary(changesDictionary, whereKey: DatabaseKey.articleID, matches: updatedArticle.articleID, database: database) } func addArticlesToCache(_ articles: Set
?) { guard let articles = articles else { return } for article in articles { articlesCache[article.articleID] = article } } func removeArticleIDsFromCache(_ articleIDs: Set) { for articleID in articleIDs { articlesCache[articleID] = nil } } func articleIsIgnorable(_ article: Article) -> Bool { if article.status.starred || !article.status.read { return false } return article.status.dateArrived < articleCutoffDate } func filterIncomingArticles(_ articles: Set
) -> Set
{ // Drop Articles that we can ignore. precondition(retentionStyle == .syncSystem) return Set(articles.filter{ !articleIsIgnorable($0) }) } func removeArticles(_ articleIDs: Set, _ database: FMDatabase) { deleteRowsWhere(key: DatabaseKey.articleID, equalsAnyValue: Array(articleIDs), in: database) } } private extension Set where Element == ParsedItem { func articleIDs() -> Set { return Set(map { $0.articleID }) } }