"4xjRes" = "You must supply a URL."; "8Dh9Yy" = "No feed was found at the specified URL."; "BCHr23" = "URL"; "CSrgUY" = "Account Name"; "HHiZUh" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘${accountName}’?"; "IbqUVS" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘${accountName}’."; "IuAbef" = "Add a feed"; "JGkCuS" = "An account name is required."; "UGGPkp" = "You are already subscribed to this feed in this account."; "dkSFD2" = "Add${url}to ${accountName}"; "drQfaI" = "No feed was found at the specified URL."; "fWs3li" = "Which one?"; "jLLidQ" = "What is the ${url}you would like add?"; "oV681v" = "Add Feed"; "srME8b" = "You are already subscribed to this feed in this account.";