//  Account+Scriptability.swift
//  Evergreen
//  Created by Olof Hellman on 1/9/18.
//  Copyright © 2018 Olof Hellman. All rights reserved.

import AppKit
import Account
import Data
import RSCore

class ScriptableAccount: NSObject, UniqueIdScriptingObject, ScriptingObjectContainer {
    let account:Account
    init (_ account:Account) {
        self.account = account
    override var objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier? {
        let myContainer = NSApplication.shared
        let scriptObjectSpecifier = myContainer.makeFormUniqueIDScriptObjectSpecifier(forObject:self)
        return (scriptObjectSpecifier)
    // MARK: --- ScriptingObject protocol ---
    var scriptingKey: String {
        return "accounts"

    // MARK: --- UniqueIdScriptingObject protocol ---
    // I am not sure if account should prefer to be specified by name or by ID
    // but in either case it seems like the accountID would be used as the keydata, so I chose ID
    var scriptingUniqueId:Any {
        return account.accountID

    // MARK: --- ScriptingObjectContainer protocol ---
    var scriptingClassDescription: NSScriptClassDescription {
        return self.classDescription as! NSScriptClassDescription
    func deleteElement(_ element:ScriptingObject) {
       if let scriptableFolder = element as? ScriptableFolder {
           BatchUpdate.shared.perform {
       } else if let scriptableFeed = element as? ScriptableFeed {
           BatchUpdate.shared.perform {

    func isLocationRequiredToCreate(forKey key:String) -> Bool {
       return false;

    // MARK: --- Scriptable elements ---
    var feeds:NSArray  {
        let feeds = account.children.compactMap { $0 as? Feed }
        return feeds.map { ScriptableFeed($0, container:self) } as NSArray
    func valueInFeeds(withUniqueID id:String) -> ScriptableFeed? {
        let feeds = account.children.compactMap { $0 as? Feed }
        guard let feed = feeds.first(where:{$0.feedID == id}) else { return nil }
        return ScriptableFeed(feed, container:self)
    func valueInFeeds(withName name:String) -> ScriptableFeed? {
        let feeds = account.children.compactMap { $0 as? Feed }
        guard let feed = feeds.first(where:{$0.name == name}) else { return nil }
        return ScriptableFeed(feed, container:self)

    var folders:NSArray  {
        let folders = account.children.compactMap { $0 as? Folder }
        return folders.map { ScriptableFolder($0, container:self) } as NSArray
    func valueInFolders(withUniqueID id:NSNumber) -> ScriptableFolder? {
        let folderId = id.intValue
        let folders = account.children.compactMap { $0 as? Folder }
        guard let folder = folders.first(where:{$0.folderID == folderId}) else { return nil }
        return ScriptableFolder(folder, container:self)

    // MARK: --- Scriptable properties ---

    var contents:NSArray  {
        var contentsArray:[AnyObject] = []
        for child in account.children {
            if let aFeed = child as? Feed {
                contentsArray.append(ScriptableFeed(aFeed, container:self))
            } else if let aFolder = child as? Folder {
                contentsArray.append(ScriptableFolder(aFolder, container:self))
        return contentsArray as NSArray

    var opmlRepresentation:String  {
        return self.account.OPMLString(indentLevel:0)

    var accountType:OSType {
        var osType:String = ""
        switch self.account.type {
        case .onMyMac:
                osType = "Locl"
        case .feedly:
                osType = "Fdly"
        case .feedbin:
                osType = "Fdbn"
        case .feedWrangler:
                osType = "FWrg"
        case .newsBlur:
                osType = "NBlr"
        return osType.FourCharCode()