// // ArticleArray.swift // NetNewsWire // // Created by Brent Simmons on 11/1/17. // Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import Articles typealias ArticleArray = [Article] extension Array where Element == Article { func articleAtRow(_ row: Int) -> Article? { if row < 0 || row == NSNotFound || row > count - 1 { return nil } return self[row] } func orderedRowIndexes(fromIndex startIndex: Int, wrappingToTop wrapping: Bool) -> [Int] { if startIndex >= self.count { // Wrap around to the top if specified return wrapping ? [Int](0.. Int? { if isEmpty { return nil } for rowIndex in orderedRowIndexes(fromIndex: selectedRow + 1, wrappingToTop: wrapping) { let article = articleAtRow(rowIndex)! if !article.status.read { return rowIndex } } return nil } func articlesForIndexes(_ indexes: IndexSet) -> Set
{ return Set(indexes.compactMap { (oneIndex) -> Article? in return articleAtRow(oneIndex) }) } func sortedByDate(_ sortDirection: ComparisonResult, groupByFeed: Bool = false) -> ArticleArray { return ArticleSorter.sortedByDate(articles: self, sortDirection: sortDirection, groupByFeed: groupByFeed) } func canMarkAllAsRead() -> Bool { return anyArticleIsUnread() } func anyArticlePassesTest(_ test: ((Article) -> Bool)) -> Bool { for article in self { if test(article) { return true } } return false } func anyArticleIsReadAndCanMarkUnread() -> Bool { return anyArticlePassesTest { $0.status.read && $0.isAvailableToMarkUnread } } func anyArticleIsUnread() -> Bool { return anyArticlePassesTest { !$0.status.read } } func anyArticleIsStarred() -> Bool { return anyArticlePassesTest { $0.status.starred } } func anyArticleIsUnstarred() -> Bool { return anyArticlePassesTest { !$0.status.starred } } func unreadArticles() -> [Article]? { let articles = self.filter { !$0.status.read } return articles.isEmpty ? nil : articles } func representSameArticlesInSameOrder(as otherArticles: [Article]) -> Bool { if self.count != otherArticles.count { return false } var i = 0 for article in self { let otherArticle = otherArticles[i] if article.account != otherArticle.account || article.articleID != otherArticle.articleID { return false } i += 1 } return true } func articlesAbove(article: Article) -> [Article] { guard let position = firstIndex(of: article) else { return [] } return articlesAbove(position: position) } func articlesAbove(position: Int) -> [Article] { guard position < count else { return [] } let articlesAbove = self[.. [Article] { guard let position = firstIndex(of: article) else { return [] } return articlesBelow(position: position) } func articlesBelow(position: Int) -> [Article] { guard position < count else { return [] } var articlesBelow = Array(self[position...]) guard !articlesBelow.isEmpty else { return [] } articlesBelow.removeFirst() return articlesBelow } }