# RSParser (Note: I haven’t written tests yet. It’s possible that none of this works.) (Also note: this framework is intended to supersede my [RSXML](https://github.com/brentsimmons/RSXML) framework. Use this one instead. Well, once it’s working, that is.) ## What’s inside This framework includes parsers for: * [RSS](http://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html), [Atom](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287), [JSON Feed](https://jsonfeed.org/), and [RSS-in-JSON](https://github.com/scripting/Scripting-News/blob/master/rss-in-json/README.md) * [OPML](http://dev.opml.org/) * Internet dates * HTML metadata and links * HTML entities It also includes Objective-C wrappers for libXML2’s XML SAX and HTML SAX parsers. You can write your own parsers on top of these. This framework builds for macOS. It *could* be made to build for iOS also, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. ## How to parse feeds To get the type of a feed, even with partial data, call `FeedParser.feedType(parserData)`, which will return a `FeedType`. To parse a feed, call `FeedParser.parseFeed(parserData)`, which will return a `ParsedFeed`. Also see related structs: `ParsedAuthor`, `ParsedItem`, `ParsedAttachment`, and `ParsedHub`. You do *not* need to know the type of feed when calling `FeedParser.parseFeed` — it will figure it out and use the correct concrete parser. However, if you do want to use a concrete parser directly, see `RSSInJSONParser`, `JSONFeedParser`, `RSSParser`, and `AtomParser`. (Note: if you want to write a feed reader app, please do! You have my blessing and encouragement. Let me know when it’s shipping so I can check it out.) ## How to parse OPML Call `+[RSOPMLParser parseOPMLWithParserData:error:]`, which returns an `RSOPMLDocument`. See related objects: `RSOPMLItem`, `RSOPMLAttributes`, `RSOPMLFeedSpecifier`, and `RSOPMLError`. ## How to parse dates Call `RSDateWithString` or `RSDateWithBytes` (see `RSDateParser`). These handle the common internet date formats. You don’t need to know which format. ## How to parse HTML To get an array of `