// // StatusesTable.swift // NetNewsWire // // Created by Brent Simmons on 5/8/16. // Copyright © 2016 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import RSCore import RSDatabase import Articles // Article->ArticleStatus is a to-one relationship. // // CREATE TABLE if not EXISTS statuses (articleID TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, read BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, starred BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, userDeleted BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, dateArrived DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0); final class StatusesTable: DatabaseTable { let name = DatabaseTableName.statuses private let cache = StatusCache() private let queue: RSDatabaseQueue init(queue: RSDatabaseQueue) { self.queue = queue } // MARK: Creating/Updating func ensureStatusesForArticleIDs(_ articleIDs: Set, _ read: Bool, _ database: FMDatabase) -> [String: ArticleStatus] { // Check cache. let articleIDsMissingCachedStatus = articleIDsWithNoCachedStatus(articleIDs) if articleIDsMissingCachedStatus.isEmpty { return statusesDictionary(articleIDs) } // Check database. fetchAndCacheStatusesForArticleIDs(articleIDsMissingCachedStatus, database) let articleIDsNeedingStatus = self.articleIDsWithNoCachedStatus(articleIDs) if !articleIDsNeedingStatus.isEmpty { // Create new statuses. self.createAndSaveStatusesForArticleIDs(articleIDsNeedingStatus, read, database) } return statusesDictionary(articleIDs) } // MARK: Marking func mark(_ statuses: Set, _ statusKey: ArticleStatus.Key, _ flag: Bool) -> Set? { // Sets flag in both memory and in database. var updatedStatuses = Set() for status in statuses { if status.boolStatus(forKey: statusKey) == flag { continue } status.setBoolStatus(flag, forKey: statusKey) updatedStatuses.insert(status) } if updatedStatuses.isEmpty { return nil } let articleIDs = updatedStatuses.articleIDs() queue.update { (database) in self.markArticleIDs(articleIDs, statusKey, flag, database) } return updatedStatuses } // MARK: Fetching func fetchUnreadArticleIDs() -> Set { return fetchArticleIDs("select articleID from statuses where read=0 and userDeleted=0;") } func fetchStarredArticleIDs() -> Set { return fetchArticleIDs("select articleID from statuses where starred=1 and userDeleted=0;") } func fetchArticleIDsForStatusesWithoutArticles() -> Set { return fetchArticleIDs("select articleID from statuses s where userDeleted=0 and not exists (select 1 from articles a where a.articleID = s.articleID);") } func fetchArticleIDs(_ sql: String) -> Set { var statuses: Set? = nil queue.fetchSync { (database) in if let resultSet = database.executeQuery(sql, withArgumentsIn: nil) { statuses = resultSet.mapToSet(self.articleIDWithRow) } } return statuses != nil ? statuses! : Set() } func articleIDWithRow(_ row: FMResultSet) -> String? { return row.string(forColumn: DatabaseKey.articleID) } func statusWithRow(_ row: FMResultSet) -> ArticleStatus? { guard let articleID = row.string(forColumn: DatabaseKey.articleID) else { return nil } if let cachedStatus = cache[articleID] { return cachedStatus } guard let dateArrived = row.date(forColumn: DatabaseKey.dateArrived) else { return nil } let articleStatus = ArticleStatus(articleID: articleID, dateArrived: dateArrived, row: row) cache.addStatusIfNotCached(articleStatus) return articleStatus } func statusesDictionary(_ articleIDs: Set) -> [String: ArticleStatus] { var d = [String: ArticleStatus]() for articleID in articleIDs { if let articleStatus = cache[articleID] { d[articleID] = articleStatus } } return d } } // MARK: - Private private extension StatusesTable { // MARK: Cache func articleIDsWithNoCachedStatus(_ articleIDs: Set) -> Set { return Set(articleIDs.filter { cache[$0] == nil }) } // MARK: Creating func saveStatuses(_ statuses: Set, _ database: FMDatabase) { let statusArray = statuses.map { $0.databaseDictionary()! } self.insertRows(statusArray, insertType: .orIgnore, in: database) } func createAndSaveStatusesForArticleIDs(_ articleIDs: Set, _ read: Bool, _ database: FMDatabase) { let now = Date() let statuses = Set(articleIDs.map { ArticleStatus(articleID: $0, read: read, dateArrived: now) }) cache.addIfNotCached(statuses) saveStatuses(statuses, database) } func fetchAndCacheStatusesForArticleIDs(_ articleIDs: Set, _ database: FMDatabase) { guard let resultSet = self.selectRowsWhere(key: DatabaseKey.articleID, inValues: Array(articleIDs), in: database) else { return } let statuses = resultSet.mapToSet(self.statusWithRow) self.cache.addIfNotCached(statuses) } // MARK: Marking func markArticleIDs(_ articleIDs: Set, _ statusKey: ArticleStatus.Key, _ flag: Bool, _ database: FMDatabase) { updateRowsWithValue(NSNumber(value: flag), valueKey: statusKey.rawValue, whereKey: DatabaseKey.articleID, matches: Array(articleIDs), database: database) } } // MARK: - private final class StatusCache { // Serial database queue only. var dictionary = [String: ArticleStatus]() var cachedStatuses: Set { return Set(dictionary.values) } func add(_ statuses: Set) { // Replaces any cached statuses. for status in statuses { self[status.articleID] = status } } func addStatusIfNotCached(_ status: ArticleStatus) { addIfNotCached(Set([status])) } func addIfNotCached(_ statuses: Set) { // Does not replace already cached statuses. for status in statuses { let articleID = status.articleID if let _ = self[articleID] { continue } self[articleID] = status } } subscript(_ articleID: String) -> ArticleStatus? { get { return dictionary[articleID] } set { dictionary[articleID] = newValue } } }