// // CloudKitSendStatusOperation.swift // Account // // Created by Maurice Parker on 5/2/20. // Copyright © 2020 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import Articles import os.log import RSCore import RSWeb import SyncDatabase class CloudKitSendStatusOperation: MainThreadOperation { private var log = OSLog(subsystem: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!, category: "CloudKit") private let blockSize = 300 // MainThreadOperation public var isCanceled = false public var id: Int? public weak var operationDelegate: MainThreadOperationDelegate? public var name: String? = "CloudKitSendStatusOperation" public var completionBlock: MainThreadOperation.MainThreadOperationCompletionBlock? private weak var account: Account? private weak var articlesZone: CloudKitArticlesZone? private weak var refreshProgress: DownloadProgress? private var showProgress: Bool private var database: SyncDatabase init(account: Account, articlesZone: CloudKitArticlesZone, refreshProgress: DownloadProgress, showProgress: Bool, database: SyncDatabase) { self.account = account self.articlesZone = articlesZone self.refreshProgress = refreshProgress self.showProgress = showProgress self.database = database } func run() { os_log(.debug, log: log, "Sending article statuses...") if showProgress { database.selectPendingCount() { result in switch result { case .success(let count): let ticks = count / self.blockSize self.refreshProgress?.addToNumberOfTasksAndRemaining(ticks) self.selectForProcessing() case .failure(let databaseError): os_log(.error, log: self.log, "Send status count pending error: %@.", databaseError.localizedDescription) self.operationDelegate?.cancelOperation(self) } } } else { selectForProcessing() } } } private extension CloudKitSendStatusOperation { func selectForProcessing() { database.selectForProcessing(limit: blockSize) { result in switch result { case .success(let syncStatuses): guard syncStatuses.count > 0 else { if self.showProgress { self.refreshProgress?.completeTask() } os_log(.debug, log: self.log, "Done sending article statuses.") self.operationDelegate?.operationDidComplete(self) return } self.processStatuses(syncStatuses) { self.selectForProcessing() } case .failure(let databaseError): os_log(.error, log: self.log, "Send status error: %@.", databaseError.localizedDescription) self.operationDelegate?.cancelOperation(self) } } } func processStatuses(_ syncStatuses: [SyncStatus], completion: @escaping () -> Void) { guard let account = account, let articlesZone = articlesZone else { completion() return } let articleIDs = syncStatuses.map({ $0.articleID }) account.fetchArticlesAsync(.articleIDs(Set(articleIDs))) { result in func processWithArticles(_ articles: Set
) { let syncStatusesDict = Dictionary(grouping: syncStatuses, by: { $0.articleID }) let articlesDict = articles.reduce(into: [String: Article]()) { result, article in result[article.articleID] = article } let statusUpdates = syncStatusesDict.compactMap { (key, value) in return CloudKitArticleStatusUpdate(articleID: key, statuses: value, article: articlesDict[key]) } articlesZone.modifyArticles(statusUpdates) { result in switch result { case .success: self.database.deleteSelectedForProcessing(statusUpdates.map({ $0.articleID })) { _ in // Don't clear the last one since we might have had additional ticks added if self.showProgress && self.refreshProgress?.numberRemaining ?? 0 > 1 { self.refreshProgress?.completeTask() } os_log(.debug, log: self.log, "Done sending article status block...") completion() } case .failure(let error): self.database.resetSelectedForProcessing(syncStatuses.map({ $0.articleID })) { _ in self.processAccountError(account, error) os_log(.error, log: self.log, "Send article status modify articles error: %@.", error.localizedDescription) completion() } } } } switch result { case .success(let articles): processWithArticles(articles) case .failure(let databaseError): self.database.resetSelectedForProcessing(syncStatuses.map({ $0.articleID })) { _ in os_log(.error, log: self.log, "Send article status fetch articles error: %@.", databaseError.localizedDescription) completion() } } } } func processAccountError(_ account: Account, _ error: Error) { if case CloudKitZoneError.userDeletedZone = error { account.removeFeeds(account.topLevelWebFeeds) for folder in account.folders ?? Set() { account.removeFolder(folder) } } } }