#!/bin/bash cat << "EOF" __ _ ____ ____ __ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ __ ____ ____ ( ( \( __)(_ _)( ( \( __)/ )( \/ ___)/ )( \( )( _ \( __) / / ) _) )( / / ) _) \ /\ /\___ \\ /\ / )( ) / ) _) \_)__)(____) (__) \_)__)(____)(_/\_)(____/(_/\_)(__)(__\_)(____) EOF echo This script will create a SharedXcodeSettings folder and a DeveloperSettings.xcconfig file. echo echo We need to ask a few questions first. echo read -p "Press enter to get started." # Get the user's Developer Team ID echo 1. What is your Developer Team ID? You can get this from developer.apple.com. read devTeamID # Get the user's Org Identifier echo 2. What is your organisation identifier? e.g. com.developername read devOrgName echo Creating SharedXcodeSettings Folder mkdir -p ../SharedXcodeSettings echo Creating DeveloperSettings.xcconfig cat <<file >> ../SharedXcodeSettings/DeveloperSettings.xcconfig CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = Mac Developer DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = $devTeamID CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic ORGANIZATION_IDENTIFIER = $devOrgName DEVELOPER_ENTITLEMENTS = -dev PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER = file echo Done!