// // DetailWebViewController.swift // NetNewsWire // // Created by Brent Simmons on 2/11/19. // Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved. // import AppKit import WebKit import Web import Articles import Core protocol DetailWebViewControllerDelegate: AnyObject { @MainActor func mouseDidEnter(_: DetailWebViewController, link: String) @MainActor func mouseDidExit(_: DetailWebViewController) } final class DetailWebViewController: NSViewController { weak var delegate: DetailWebViewControllerDelegate? var webView: DetailWebView? var state: DetailState = .noSelection { didSet { if state != oldValue { switch state { case .article(_, let scrollY), .extracted(_, _, let scrollY): windowScrollY = scrollY default: break } reloadHTML() } } } var article: Article? { switch state { case .article(let article, _): return article case .extracted(let article, _, _): return article default: return nil } } private var articleTextSize = AppDefaults.shared.articleTextSize #if !MAC_APP_STORE private var webInspectorEnabled: Bool { get { return webView?.configuration.preferences._developerExtrasEnabled ?? false } set { webView?.configuration.preferences._developerExtrasEnabled = newValue } } #endif private let detailIconSchemeHandler = DetailIconSchemeHandler() private var waitingForFirstReload = false private let keyboardDelegate = DetailKeyboardDelegate() private var windowScrollY: CGFloat? private let appIsInApplicationsFolder: Bool = { #if DEBUG return true // We want the same experience most people have. Search in this file for appIsInApplicationsFolder for more details. #else let appPath = Bundle.main.bundlePath let applicationsFolderURL = try! FileManager.default.url(for: .applicationDirectory, in: .localDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false) let applicationsFolderPath = applicationsFolderURL.path return appPath.hasPrefix(applicationsFolderPath) #endif }() private var isShowingExtractedArticle: Bool { switch state { case .extracted(_, _, _): return true default: return false } } static let userScripts: [WKUserScript] = { let filenames = ["main", "main_mac", "newsfoot"] let scripts = filenames.map { filename in let scriptURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: filename, withExtension: ".js")! let scriptSource = try! String(contentsOf: scriptURL) return WKUserScript(source: scriptSource, injectionTime: .atDocumentStart, forMainFrameOnly: true) } return scripts }() private struct MessageName { static let mouseDidEnter = "mouseDidEnter" static let mouseDidExit = "mouseDidExit" static let windowDidScroll = "windowDidScroll" } override func loadView() { let preferences = WKPreferences() preferences.minimumFontSize = 12.0 preferences.javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = false let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration() configuration.preferences = preferences configuration.defaultWebpagePreferences.allowsContentJavaScript = AppDefaults.shared.isArticleContentJavascriptEnabled configuration.setURLSchemeHandler(detailIconSchemeHandler, forURLScheme: ArticleRenderer.imageIconScheme) configuration.mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback = .all let userContentController = WKUserContentController() userContentController.add(self, name: MessageName.windowDidScroll) userContentController.add(self, name: MessageName.mouseDidEnter) userContentController.add(self, name: MessageName.mouseDidExit) for script in Self.userScripts { userContentController.addUserScript(script) } configuration.userContentController = userContentController let webView = DetailWebView(frame: NSRect.zero, configuration: configuration) webView.uiDelegate = self webView.navigationDelegate = self webView.keyboardDelegate = keyboardDelegate webView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false webView.customUserAgent = UserAgent.fromInfoPlist self.webView = webView view = webView // Hide the web view until the first reload (navigation) is complete (plus some delay) to avoid the awful white flash that happens on the initial display in dark mode. // See bug #901. webView.isHidden = true waitingForFirstReload = true #if !MAC_APP_STORE webInspectorEnabled = AppDefaults.shared.webInspectorEnabled NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(webInspectorEnabledDidChange(_:)), name: .WebInspectorEnabledDidChange, object: nil) #endif NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(feedIconDidBecomeAvailable(_:)), name: .FeedIconDidBecomeAvailable, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(avatarDidBecomeAvailable(_:)), name: .AvatarDidBecomeAvailable, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(faviconDidBecomeAvailable(_:)), name: .FaviconDidBecomeAvailable, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(userDefaultsDidChange(_:)), name: UserDefaults.didChangeNotification, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(currentArticleThemeDidChangeNotification(_:)), name: .CurrentArticleThemeDidChangeNotification, object: nil) webView.loadFileURL(ArticleRenderer.blank.url, allowingReadAccessTo: ArticleRenderer.blank.baseURL) } // MARK: Notifications @objc func feedIconDidBecomeAvailable(_ note: Notification) { reloadArticleImage() } @objc func avatarDidBecomeAvailable(_ note: Notification) { reloadArticleImage() } @objc func faviconDidBecomeAvailable(_ note: Notification) { reloadArticleImage() } @objc func userDefaultsDidChange(_ note: Notification) { if articleTextSize != AppDefaults.shared.articleTextSize { articleTextSize = AppDefaults.shared.articleTextSize Task { @MainActor in await reloadHTMLMaintainingScrollPosition() } } } @objc func currentArticleThemeDidChangeNotification(_ note: Notification) { Task { @MainActor in await reloadHTMLMaintainingScrollPosition() } } // MARK: Media Functions func stopMediaPlayback() { webView?.evaluateJavaScript("stopMediaPlayback();") } // MARK: Scrolling func canScrollDown() async -> Bool { let scrollInfo = await fetchScrollInfo() return scrollInfo?.canScrollDown ?? false } func canScrollUp() async -> Bool { let scrollInfo = await fetchScrollInfo() return scrollInfo?.canScrollUp ?? false } override func scrollPageDown(_ sender: Any?) { webView?.scrollPageDown(sender) } override func scrollPageUp(_ sender: Any?) { webView?.scrollPageUp(sender) } // MARK: State Restoration func saveState(to state: inout [AnyHashable : Any]) { state[UserInfoKey.isShowingExtractedArticle] = isShowingExtractedArticle state[UserInfoKey.articleWindowScrollY] = windowScrollY } } // MARK: - WKScriptMessageHandler extension DetailWebViewController: WKScriptMessageHandler { nonisolated func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) { if message.name == MessageName.windowDidScroll { let updatedWindowScrollY = message.body as? CGFloat Task { @MainActor in windowScrollY = updatedWindowScrollY } } else if message.name == MessageName.mouseDidEnter, let link = message.body as? String { Task { @MainActor in delegate?.mouseDidEnter(self, link: link) } } else if message.name == MessageName.mouseDidExit { Task { @MainActor in delegate?.mouseDidExit(self) } } } } // MARK: - WKNavigationDelegate & WKUIDelegate extension DetailWebViewController: WKNavigationDelegate, WKUIDelegate { // Bottleneck through which WebView-based URL opens go func openInBrowser(_ url: URL, flags: NSEvent.ModifierFlags) { let invert = flags.contains(.shift) || flags.contains(.command) Browser.open(url.absoluteString, invertPreference: invert) } // WKNavigationDelegate nonisolated public func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void) { if navigationAction.navigationType == .linkActivated { if let url = navigationAction.request.url { let flags = navigationAction.modifierFlags Task { @MainActor in self.openInBrowser(url, flags: flags) } } decisionHandler(.cancel) return } decisionHandler(.allow) } nonisolated public func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation?) { Task { @MainActor in // See note in viewDidLoad() if waitingForFirstReload { assert(webView.isHidden) waitingForFirstReload = false reloadHTML() // Waiting for the first navigation to complete isn't long enough to avoid the flash of white. // A hard coded value is awful, but 5/100th of a second seems to be enough. DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.05) { webView.isHidden = false } } else { if let windowScrollY = windowScrollY { _ = try? await webView.evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollTo(0, \(windowScrollY));") self.windowScrollY = nil } } } } // WKUIDelegate nonisolated func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, createWebViewWith configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration, for navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, windowFeatures: WKWindowFeatures) -> WKWebView? { // This method is reached when WebKit handles a JavaScript based window.open() invocation, for example. One // example where this is used is in YouTube's embedded video player when a user clicks on the video's title // or on the "Watch in YouTube" button. For our purposes we'll handle such window.open calls the same way we // handle clicks on a URL. if let url = navigationAction.request.url { let flags = navigationAction.modifierFlags Task { @MainActor in self.openInBrowser(url, flags: flags) } } return nil } } // MARK: - Private private extension DetailWebViewController { func reloadArticleImage() { guard let article = article else { return } var components = URLComponents() components.scheme = ArticleRenderer.imageIconScheme components.path = article.articleID if let imageSrc = components.string { webView?.evaluateJavaScript("reloadArticleImage(\"\(imageSrc)\")") } } func reloadHTMLMaintainingScrollPosition() async { let scrollInfo = await fetchScrollInfo() windowScrollY = scrollInfo?.offsetY self.reloadHTML() } func reloadHTML() { delegate?.mouseDidExit(self) let theme = ArticleThemesManager.shared.currentTheme let rendering: ArticleRenderer.Rendering switch state { case .noSelection: rendering = ArticleRenderer.noSelectionHTML(theme: theme) case .multipleSelection: rendering = ArticleRenderer.multipleSelectionHTML(theme: theme) case .loading: rendering = ArticleRenderer.loadingHTML(theme: theme) case .article(let article, _): detailIconSchemeHandler.currentArticle = article rendering = ArticleRenderer.articleHTML(article: article, theme: theme) case .extracted(let article, let extractedArticle, _): detailIconSchemeHandler.currentArticle = article rendering = ArticleRenderer.articleHTML(article: article, extractedArticle: extractedArticle, theme: theme) } let substitutions = [ "title": rendering.title, "baseURL": rendering.baseURL, "style": rendering.style, "body": rendering.html ] let html = try! MacroProcessor.renderedText(withTemplate: ArticleRenderer.page.html, substitutions: substitutions) // When the app is in /Applications, we want the baseURL to be a local folder in the app bundle. This gives us best performance. // // When the app is *not* in /Applications — in ~/Applications, for instance — we don’t want the baseURL to be a local folder — // because we could up sending referers with a URL like file:///Users/harvey/Applications/NetNewsWire/Contents/Resources // and obviously we don’t want to send people’s names. // (A URL like file:///Applications/NetNewsWire/Contents/Resources is fine — obviously not exposing a name.) // // So, when outside of the /Applications folder, the baseURL is the permalink of the article. // Which is what we’d really want all the time, right? Except that we’ve had a report of a performance issue // when we do that all the time, so we prefer the local baseURL when we can. let localBaseURL = ArticleRenderer.page.baseURL let articleBaseURL = URL(string: rendering.baseURL) let baseURL = appIsInApplicationsFolder ? localBaseURL : articleBaseURL webView?.loadHTMLString(html, baseURL: baseURL) } func fetchScrollInfo() async -> ScrollInfo? { guard let webView else { return nil } let javascriptString = "var x = {contentHeight: document.body.scrollHeight, offsetY: window.pageYOffset}; x" guard let info = try? await webView.evaluateJavaScript(javascriptString) else { return nil } guard let info = info as? [String: Any] else { return nil } guard let contentHeight = info["contentHeight"] as? CGFloat, let offsetY = info["offsetY"] as? CGFloat else { return nil } let scrollInfo = ScrollInfo(contentHeight: contentHeight, viewHeight: webView.frame.height, offsetY: offsetY) return scrollInfo } #if !MAC_APP_STORE @objc func webInspectorEnabledDidChange(_ notification: Notification) { self.webInspectorEnabled = notification.object! as! Bool } #endif } // MARK: - ScrollInfo private struct ScrollInfo { let contentHeight: CGFloat let viewHeight: CGFloat let offsetY: CGFloat let canScrollDown: Bool let canScrollUp: Bool init(contentHeight: CGFloat, viewHeight: CGFloat, offsetY: CGFloat) { self.contentHeight = contentHeight self.viewHeight = viewHeight self.offsetY = offsetY self.canScrollDown = viewHeight + offsetY < contentHeight self.canScrollUp = offsetY > 0.1 } }