// // NSString+RSParser.m // RSParser // // Created by Brent Simmons on 9/25/15. // Copyright © 2015 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved. // #import #import @interface NSScanner (RSParser) - (BOOL)rs_scanEntityValue:(NSString * _Nullable * _Nullable)decodedEntity; @end @implementation NSString (RSParser) - (BOOL)rsparser_contains:(NSString *)s { return [self rangeOfString:s].location != NSNotFound; } - (NSString *)rsparser_stringByDecodingHTMLEntities { @autoreleasepool { NSScanner *scanner = [[NSScanner alloc] initWithString:self]; scanner.charactersToBeSkipped = nil; NSMutableString *result = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; while (true) { NSString *scannedString = nil; if ([scanner scanUpToString:@"&" intoString:&scannedString]) { [result appendString:scannedString]; } if (scanner.isAtEnd) { break; } NSUInteger savedScanLocation = scanner.scanLocation; NSString *decodedEntity = nil; if ([scanner rs_scanEntityValue:&decodedEntity]) { [result appendString:decodedEntity]; } else { [result appendString:@"&"]; scanner.scanLocation = savedScanLocation + 1; } if (scanner.isAtEnd) { break; } } if ([self isEqualToString:result]) { return self; } return [result copy]; } } static NSDictionary *RSEntitiesDictionary(void); static NSString *RSParserStringWithValue(unichar value); - (NSString * _Nullable)rs_stringByDecodingEntity { // self may or may not have outer & and ; characters. NSMutableString *s = [self mutableCopy]; if ([s hasPrefix:@"&"]) { [s deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)]; } if ([s hasSuffix:@";"]) { [s deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(s.length - 1, 1)]; } NSDictionary *entitiesDictionary = RSEntitiesDictionary(); NSString *decodedEntity = entitiesDictionary[self]; if (decodedEntity) { return decodedEntity; } if ([s hasPrefix:@"#x"]) { // Hex NSScanner *scanner = [[NSScanner alloc] initWithString:s]; scanner.charactersToBeSkipped = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"#x"]; unsigned int hexValue = 0; if ([scanner scanHexInt:&hexValue]) { return RSParserStringWithValue((unichar)hexValue); } return nil; } else if ([s hasPrefix:@"#"]) { [s deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)]; NSInteger value = s.integerValue; if (value < 1) { return nil; } return RSParserStringWithValue((unichar)value); } return nil; } - (NSData *)_rsparser_md5HashData { NSData *data = [self dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; unsigned char hash[CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; CC_MD5(data.bytes, (CC_LONG)data.length, hash); return [NSData dataWithBytes:(const void *)hash length:CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; } - (NSString *)rsparser_md5Hash { NSData *md5Data = [self _rsparser_md5HashData]; const Byte *bytes = md5Data.bytes; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3], bytes[4], bytes[5], bytes[6], bytes[7], bytes[8], bytes[9], bytes[10], bytes[11], bytes[12], bytes[13], bytes[14], bytes[15]]; } @end @implementation NSScanner (RSParser) - (BOOL)rs_scanEntityValue:(NSString * _Nullable * _Nullable)decodedEntity { NSString *s = self.string; NSUInteger initialScanLocation = self.scanLocation; static NSUInteger maxEntityLength = 20; // It’s probably smaller, but this is just for sanity. while (true) { unichar ch = [s characterAtIndex:self.scanLocation]; if ([NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet characterIsMember:ch]) { break; } if (ch == ';') { if (!decodedEntity) { return YES; } NSString *rawEntity = [s substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(initialScanLocation + 1, (self.scanLocation - initialScanLocation) - 1)]; *decodedEntity = [rawEntity rs_stringByDecodingEntity]; self.scanLocation = self.scanLocation + 1; return *decodedEntity != nil; } self.scanLocation = self.scanLocation + 1; if (self.scanLocation - initialScanLocation > maxEntityLength) { break; } if (self.isAtEnd) { break; } } return NO; } @end static NSString *RSParserStringWithValue(unichar value) { return [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%C", value]; } static NSDictionary *RSEntitiesDictionary(void) { static NSDictionary *entitiesDictionary = nil; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ entitiesDictionary = @{@"#034": @"\"", @"#038": @"&", @"#38": @"&", @"#039": @"'", @"#145": @"‘", @"#146": @"’", @"#147": @"“", @"#148": @"”", @"#149": @"•", @"#150": @"-", @"#151": @"—", @"#153": @"™", @"#160": RSParserStringWithValue(160), @"#161": @"¡", @"#162": @"¢", @"#163": @"£", @"#164": @"?", @"#165": @"¥", @"#166": @"?", @"#167": @"§", @"#168": @"¨", @"#169": @"©", @"#170": @"©", @"#171": @"«", @"#172": @"¬", @"#173": @"¬", @"#174": @"®", @"#175": @"¯", @"#176": @"°", @"#177": @"±", @"#178": @" ", @"#179": @" ", @"#180": @"´", @"#181": @"µ", @"#182": @"µ", @"#183": @"·", @"#184": @"¸", @"#185": @" ", @"#186": @"º", @"#187": @"»", @"#188": @"1/4", @"#189": @"1/2", @"#190": @"1/2", @"#191": @"¿", @"#192": @"À", @"#193": @"Á", @"#194": @"Â", @"#195": @"Ã", @"#196": @"Ä", @"#197": @"Å", @"#198": @"Æ", @"#199": @"Ç", @"#200": @"È", @"#201": @"É", @"#202": @"Ê", @"#203": @"Ë", @"#204": @"Ì", @"#205": @"Í", @"#206": @"Î", @"#207": @"Ï", @"#208": @"?", @"#209": @"Ñ", @"#210": @"Ò", @"#211": @"Ó", @"#212": @"Ô", @"#213": @"Õ", @"#214": @"Ö", @"#215": @"x", @"#216": @"Ø", @"#217": @"Ù", @"#218": @"Ú", @"#219": @"Û", @"#220": @"Ü", @"#221": @"Y", @"#222": @"?", @"#223": @"ß", @"#224": @"à", @"#225": @"á", @"#226": @"â", @"#227": @"ã", @"#228": @"ä", @"#229": @"å", @"#230": @"æ", @"#231": @"ç", @"#232": @"è", @"#233": @"é", @"#234": @"ê", @"#235": @"ë", @"#236": @"ì", @"#237": @"í", @"#238": @"î", @"#239": @"ï", @"#240": @"?", @"#241": @"ñ", @"#242": @"ò", @"#243": @"ó", @"#244": @"ô", @"#245": @"õ", @"#246": @"ö", @"#247": @"÷", @"#248": @"ø", @"#249": @"ù", @"#250": @"ú", @"#251": @"û", @"#252": @"ü", @"#253": @"y", @"#254": @"?", @"#255": @"ÿ", @"#32": @" ", @"#34": @"\"", @"#39": @"", @"#8194": @" ", @"#8195": @" ", @"#8211": @"-", @"#8212": @"—", @"#8216": @"‘", @"#8217": @"’", @"#8220": @"“", @"#8221": @"”", @"#8230": @"…", @"#8617": RSParserStringWithValue(8617), @"AElig": @"Æ", @"Aacute": @"Á", @"Acirc": @"Â", @"Agrave": @"À", @"Aring": @"Å", @"Atilde": @"Ã", @"Auml": @"Ä", @"Ccedil": @"Ç", @"Dstrok": @"?", @"ETH": @"?", @"Eacute": @"É", @"Ecirc": @"Ê", @"Egrave": @"È", @"Euml": @"Ë", @"Iacute": @"Í", @"Icirc": @"Î", @"Igrave": @"Ì", @"Iuml": @"Ï", @"Ntilde": @"Ñ", @"Oacute": @"Ó", @"Ocirc": @"Ô", @"Ograve": @"Ò", @"Oslash": @"Ø", @"Otilde": @"Õ", @"Ouml": @"Ö", @"Pi": @"Π", @"THORN": @"?", @"Uacute": @"Ú", @"Ucirc": @"Û", @"Ugrave": @"Ù", @"Uuml": @"Ü", @"Yacute": @"Y", @"aacute": @"á", @"acirc": @"â", @"acute": @"´", @"aelig": @"æ", @"agrave": @"à", @"amp": @"&", @"apos": @"'", @"aring": @"å", @"atilde": @"ã", @"auml": @"ä", @"brkbar": @"?", @"brvbar": @"?", @"ccedil": @"ç", @"cedil": @"¸", @"cent": @"¢", @"copy": @"©", @"curren": @"?", @"deg": @"°", @"die": @"?", @"divide": @"÷", @"eacute": @"é", @"ecirc": @"ê", @"egrave": @"è", @"eth": @"?", @"euml": @"ë", @"euro": @"€", @"frac12": @"1/2", @"frac14": @"1/4", @"frac34": @"3/4", @"gt": @">", @"hearts": @"♥", @"hellip": @"…", @"iacute": @"í", @"icirc": @"î", @"iexcl": @"¡", @"igrave": @"ì", @"iquest": @"¿", @"iuml": @"ï", @"laquo": @"«", @"ldquo": @"“", @"lsquo": @"‘", @"lt": @"<", @"macr": @"¯", @"mdash": @"—", @"micro": @"µ", @"middot": @"·", @"ndash": @"-", @"not": @"¬", @"ntilde": @"ñ", @"oacute": @"ó", @"ocirc": @"ô", @"ograve": @"ò", @"ordf": @"ª", @"ordm": @"º", @"oslash": @"ø", @"otilde": @"õ", @"ouml": @"ö", @"para": @"¶", @"pi": @"π", @"plusmn": @"±", @"pound": @"£", @"quot": @"\"", @"raquo": @"»", @"rdquo": @"”", @"reg": @"®", @"rsquo": @"’", @"sect": @"§", @"shy": @" ", @"sup1": @" ", @"sup2": @" ", @"sup3": @" ", @"szlig": @"ß", @"thorn": @"?", @"times": @"x", @"trade": @"™", @"uacute": @"ú", @"ucirc": @"û", @"ugrave": @"ù", @"uml": @"¨", @"uuml": @"ü", @"yacute": @"y", @"yen": @"¥", @"yuml": @"ÿ", @"infin": @"∞", @"nbsp": RSParserStringWithValue(160), @"#x21A9": RSParserStringWithValue(8617), @"#xFE0E": RSParserStringWithValue(65038), @"#x2019": RSParserStringWithValue(8217), @"#x2026": RSParserStringWithValue(8230), @"#x201C": RSParserStringWithValue(8220), @"#x201D": RSParserStringWithValue(8221), @"#x2014": RSParserStringWithValue(8212)}; }); return entitiesDictionary; }