// // RSSInJSONParser.swift // RSParser // // Created by Brent Simmons on 6/24/17. // Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved. // import Foundation // See https://github.com/scripting/Scripting-News/blob/master/rss-in-json/README.md // Also: http://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html public struct RSSInJSONParser { public static func parse(_ parserData: ParserData) throws -> ParsedFeed? { do { guard let parsedObject = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: parserData.data) as? JSONDictionary else { throw FeedParserError(.invalidJSON) } guard let rssObject = parsedObject["rss"] as? JSONDictionary else { throw FeedParserError(.rssChannelNotFound) } guard let channelObject = rssObject["channel"] as? JSONDictionary else { throw FeedParserError(.rssChannelNotFound) } // I’d bet money that in practice the items array won’t always appear correctly inside the channel object. // I’d also bet that sometimes it gets called "items" instead of "item". var itemsObject = channelObject["item"] as? JSONArray if itemsObject == nil { itemsObject = parsedObject["item"] as? JSONArray } if itemsObject == nil { itemsObject = channelObject["items"] as? JSONArray } if itemsObject == nil { itemsObject = parsedObject["items"] as? JSONArray } if itemsObject == nil { throw FeedParserError(.rssItemsNotFound) } let title = channelObject["title"] as? String let homePageURL = channelObject["link"] as? String let feedURL = parserData.url let feedDescription = channelObject["description"] as? String let items = parseItems(itemsObject!, parserData.url) return ParsedFeed(type: .rssInJSON, title: title, homePageURL: homePageURL, feedURL: feedURL, feedDescription: feedDescription, nextURL: nil, iconURL: nil, faviconURL: nil, authors: nil, expired: false, hubs: nil, items: items) } catch { throw error } } } private extension RSSInJSONParser { static func parseItems(_ itemsObject: JSONArray, _ feedURL: String) -> Set { return Set(itemsObject.flatMap{ (oneItemDictionary) -> ParsedItem? in return parsedItemWithDictionary(oneItemDictionary, feedURL) }) } static func parsedItemWithDictionary(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary, _ feedURL: String) -> ParsedItem? { let externalURL = itemDictionary["link"] as? String let title = itemDictionary["title"] as? String var contentHTML = itemDictionary["description"] as? String var contentText: String? = nil if contentHTML != nil && !(contentHTML!.contains("<")) { contentText = contentHTML contentHTML = nil } if contentHTML == nil && contentText == nil && title == nil { return nil } var datePublished: Date? = nil if let datePublishedString = itemDictionary["pubDate"] as? String { datePublished = RSDateWithString(datePublishedString) } let authors = parseAuthors(itemDictionary) let tags = parseTags(itemDictionary) let attachments = parseAttachments(itemDictionary) var uniqueID: String? = itemDictionary["guid"] as? String if uniqueID == nil { // Calculate a uniqueID based on a combination of non-empty elements. Then hash the result. // Items should have guids. When they don't, re-runs are very likely // because there's no other 100% reliable way to determine identity. // This calculated uniqueID is valid only for this particular feed. (Just like ids in JSON Feed.) var s = "" if let datePublished = datePublished { s += "\(datePublished.timeIntervalSince1970)" } if let title = title { s += title } if let externalURL = externalURL { s += externalURL } if let authorEmailAddress = authors?.first?.emailAddress { s += authorEmailAddress } if let oneAttachmentURL = attachments?.first?.url { s += oneAttachmentURL } if s.isEmpty { // Sheesh. Tough case. if let _ = contentHTML { s = contentHTML! } if let _ = contentText { s = contentText! } } uniqueID = (s as NSString).rsparser_md5Hash() } if let uniqueID = uniqueID { return ParsedItem(syncServiceID: nil, uniqueID: uniqueID, feedURL: feedURL, url: nil, externalURL: externalURL, title: title, contentHTML: contentHTML, contentText: contentText, summary: nil, imageURL: nil, bannerImageURL: nil, datePublished: datePublished, dateModified: nil, authors: authors, tags: tags, attachments: attachments) } return nil } static func parseAuthors(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set? { guard let authorEmailAddress = itemDictionary["author"] as? String else { return nil } let parsedAuthor = ParsedAuthor(name: nil, url: nil, avatarURL: nil, emailAddress: authorEmailAddress) return Set([parsedAuthor]) } static func parseTags(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set? { if let categoryObject = itemDictionary["category"] as? JSONDictionary { if let oneTag = categoryObject["#value"] as? String { return Set([oneTag]) } return nil } else if let categoryArray = itemDictionary["category"] as? JSONArray { return Set(categoryArray.flatMap{ $0["#value"] as? String }) } return nil } static func parseAttachments(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set? { guard let enclosureObject = itemDictionary["enclosure"] as? JSONDictionary else { return nil } guard let attachmentURL = enclosureObject["url"] as? String else { return nil } var attachmentSize = enclosureObject["length"] as? Int if attachmentSize == nil { if let attachmentSizeString = enclosureObject["length"] as? String { attachmentSize = (attachmentSizeString as NSString).integerValue } } let type = enclosureObject["type"] as? String if let attachment = ParsedAttachment(url: attachmentURL, mimeType: type, title: nil, sizeInBytes: attachmentSize, durationInSeconds: nil) { return Set([attachment]) } return nil } }