// // SidebarViewController.swift // Evergreen // // Created by Brent Simmons on 7/26/15. // Copyright © 2015 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved. // import Cocoa import RSTree import Data import Account import RSCore @objc class SidebarViewController: NSViewController, NSOutlineViewDelegate, NSOutlineViewDataSource, UndoableCommandRunner { @IBOutlet var outlineView: SidebarOutlineView! let treeControllerDelegate = SidebarTreeControllerDelegate() lazy var treeController: TreeController = { TreeController(delegate: treeControllerDelegate) }() var undoableCommands = [UndoableCommand]() private var animatingChanges = false private var sidebarCellAppearance: SidebarCellAppearance! //MARK: NSViewController override func viewDidLoad() { sidebarCellAppearance = SidebarCellAppearance(theme: appDelegate.currentTheme, fontSize: AppDefaults.shared.sidebarFontSize) outlineView.sidebarViewController = self outlineView.setDraggingSourceOperationMask(.move, forLocal: true) outlineView.setDraggingSourceOperationMask(.copy, forLocal: false) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(unreadCountDidChange(_:)), name: .UnreadCountDidChange, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(containerChildrenDidChange(_:)), name: .ChildrenDidChange, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(userDidAddFeed(_:)), name: .UserDidAddFeed, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(batchUpdateDidPerform(_:)), name: .BatchUpdateDidPerform, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(faviconDidBecomeAvailable(_:)), name: .FaviconDidBecomeAvailable, object: nil) outlineView.reloadData() // Always expand all group items on initial display. var row = 0 while(true) { guard let item = outlineView.item(atRow: row) else { break } let node = item as! Node if node.isGroupItem { outlineView.expandItem(item) } row += 1 } } //MARK: Notifications @objc dynamic func unreadCountDidChange(_ note: Notification) { guard let representedObject = note.object else { return } let _ = configureCellsForRepresentedObject(representedObject as AnyObject) } @objc dynamic func containerChildrenDidChange(_ note: Notification) { rebuildTreeAndReloadDataIfNeeded() } @objc dynamic func batchUpdateDidPerform(_ notification: Notification) { rebuildTreeAndReloadDataIfNeeded() } @objc dynamic func userDidAddFeed(_ note: Notification) { guard let appInfo = note.appInfo, let feed = appInfo.feed else { return } revealAndSelectRepresentedObject(feed) } @objc func faviconDidBecomeAvailable(_ note: Notification) { configureAvailableCells() } // MARK: Actions @IBAction func delete(_ sender: AnyObject?) { if outlineView.selectionIsEmpty { return } let nodesToDelete = treeController.normalizedSelectedNodes(selectedNodes) guard let undoManager = undoManager, let deleteCommand = DeleteFromSidebarCommand(nodesToDelete: nodesToDelete, undoManager: undoManager) else { return } let selectedRows = outlineView.selectedRowIndexes animatingChanges = true outlineView.beginUpdates() outlineView.removeItems(at: selectedRows, inParent: nil, withAnimation: [.slideDown]) outlineView.endUpdates() runCommand(deleteCommand) animatingChanges = false } // MARK: Navigation func canGoToNextUnread() -> Bool { if let _ = rowContainingNextUnread() { return true } return false } func goToNextUnread() { guard let row = rowContainingNextUnread() else { assertionFailure("goToNextUnread called before checking if there is a next unread.") return } outlineView.selectRowIndexes(IndexSet([row]), byExtendingSelection: false) NSApplication.shared.sendAction(NSSelectorFromString("nextUnread:"), to: nil, from: self) } // MARK: NSOutlineViewDelegate func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, item: Any) -> NSView? { let node = item as! Node if node.isGroupItem { let cell = outlineView.makeView(withIdentifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: "HeaderCell"), owner: self) as! NSTableCellView configureGroupCell(cell, node) return cell } let cell = outlineView.makeView(withIdentifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: "DataCell"), owner: self) as! SidebarCell configure(cell, node) return cell } func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, isGroupItem item: Any) -> Bool { let node = item as! Node return node.isGroupItem } func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, selectionIndexesForProposedSelection proposedSelectionIndexes: IndexSet) -> IndexSet { // Don’t allow selecting group items. // If any index in IndexSet contains a group item, // return the current selection (not a modified version of the proposed selection). for index in proposedSelectionIndexes { if let node = nodeForRow(index), node.isGroupItem { return outlineView.selectedRowIndexes } } return proposedSelectionIndexes } func outlineViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification) { // TODO: support multiple selection let selectedRow = self.outlineView.selectedRow if selectedRow < 0 || selectedRow == NSNotFound { postSidebarSelectionDidChangeNotification(nil) return } if let selectedNode = self.outlineView.item(atRow: selectedRow) as? Node { postSidebarSelectionDidChangeNotification([selectedNode.representedObject]) } } // MARK: NSOutlineViewDataSource func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, numberOfChildrenOfItem item: Any?) -> Int { return nodeForItem(item as AnyObject?).numberOfChildNodes } func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, child index: Int, ofItem item: Any?) -> Any { return nodeForItem(item as AnyObject?).childNodes![index] } func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, isItemExpandable item: Any) -> Bool { return nodeForItem(item as AnyObject?).canHaveChildNodes } func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, pasteboardWriterForItem item: Any) -> NSPasteboardWriting? { let node = nodeForItem(item as AnyObject?) if let feed = node.representedObject as? Feed { return FeedPasteboardWriter(feed: feed) } return nil } } //MARK: - Private private extension SidebarViewController { var selectedNodes: [Node] { get { if let nodes = outlineView.selectedItems as? [Node] { return nodes } return [Node]() } } func rebuildTreeAndReloadDataIfNeeded() { if !animatingChanges && !BatchUpdate.shared.isPerforming { treeController.rebuild() outlineView.reloadData() } } func postSidebarSelectionDidChangeNotification(_ selectedObjects: [AnyObject]?) { let appInfo = AppInfo() if let objects = selectedObjects { appInfo.objects = objects DispatchQueue.main.async { self.updateUnreadCounts(for: objects) } } appInfo.view = outlineView NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .SidebarSelectionDidChange, object: self, userInfo: appInfo.userInfo) } func updateUnreadCounts(for objects: [AnyObject]) { // On selection, update unread counts for folders and feeds. // For feeds, actually fetch from database. for object in objects { if let feed = object as? Feed, let account = feed.account { account.updateUnreadCounts(for: Set([feed])) } else if let folder = object as? Folder, let account = folder.account { account.updateUnreadCounts(for: folder.flattenedFeeds()) } } } func nodeForItem(_ item: AnyObject?) -> Node { if item == nil { return treeController.rootNode } return item as! Node } func nodeForRow(_ row: Int) -> Node? { if row < 0 || row >= outlineView.numberOfRows { return nil } if let node = outlineView.item(atRow: row) as? Node { return node } return nil } func rowHasAtLeastOneUnreadArticle(_ row: Int) -> Bool { if let oneNode = nodeForRow(row) { if let unreadCountProvider = oneNode.representedObject as? UnreadCountProvider { if unreadCountProvider.unreadCount > 0 { return true } } } return false } func rowContainingNextUnread() -> Int? { let selectedRow = outlineView.selectedRow let numberOfRows = outlineView.numberOfRows var row = selectedRow + 1 while (row < numberOfRows) { if rowHasAtLeastOneUnreadArticle(row) { return row } row += 1 } row = 0 while (row <= selectedRow) { if rowHasAtLeastOneUnreadArticle(row) { return row } row += 1 } return nil } func configure(_ cell: SidebarCell, _ node: Node) { cell.cellAppearance = sidebarCellAppearance cell.objectValue = node cell.name = nameFor(node) cell.unreadCount = unreadCountFor(node) cell.image = imageFor(node) cell.shouldShowImage = node.representedObject is Feed } func configureGroupCell(_ cell: NSTableCellView, _ node: Node) { cell.objectValue = node cell.textField?.stringValue = nameFor(node) } func imageFor(_ node: Node) -> NSImage? { guard let feed = node.representedObject as? Feed else { return nil } return appDelegate.faviconDownloader.favicon(for: feed) } func nameFor(_ node: Node) -> String { if let displayNameProvider = node.representedObject as? DisplayNameProvider { return displayNameProvider.nameForDisplay } return "" } func unreadCountFor(_ node: Node) -> Int { if let unreadCountProvider = node.representedObject as? UnreadCountProvider { return unreadCountProvider.unreadCount } return 0 } func cellForRowView(_ rowView: NSTableRowView) -> SidebarCell? { return rowView.view(atColumn: 0) as? SidebarCell } func availableSidebarCells() -> [SidebarCell] { var cells = [SidebarCell]() outlineView.enumerateAvailableRowViews { (rowView: NSTableRowView, _: Int) -> Void in if let cell = cellForRowView(rowView) { cells += [cell] } } return cells } func configureAvailableCells() { outlineView.enumerateAvailableRowViews { (rowView: NSTableRowView, row: Int) -> Void in guard let cell = cellForRowView(rowView), let node = nodeForRow(row) else { return } configure(cell, node) } } func cellsForRepresentedObject(_ representedObject: AnyObject) -> [SidebarCell] { let availableCells = availableSidebarCells() return availableCells.filter{ (oneSidebarCell) -> Bool in guard let oneNode = oneSidebarCell.objectValue as? Node else { return false } return oneNode.representedObject === representedObject } } func configureCellsForRepresentedObject(_ representedObject: AnyObject) -> Bool { //Return true if any cells were configured. let cells = cellsForRepresentedObject(representedObject) if cells.isEmpty { return false } cells.forEach { (oneSidebarCell) in guard let oneNode = oneSidebarCell.objectValue as? Node else { return } configure(oneSidebarCell, oneNode) oneSidebarCell.needsDisplay = true oneSidebarCell.needsLayout = true } return true } @discardableResult func revealAndSelectRepresentedObject(_ representedObject: AnyObject) -> Bool { return outlineView.revealAndSelectRepresentedObject(representedObject, treeController) } func folderParentForNode(_ node: Node) -> Container? { if let folder = node.parent?.representedObject as? Container { return folder } if let feed = node.representedObject as? Feed { return feed.account } if let folder = node.representedObject as? Folder { return folder.account } return nil } func deleteItemForNode(_ node: Node) { // if let folder = folderParentForNode(node) { // folder.deleteItems([node.representedObject]) // } } func deleteItemsForNodes(_ nodes: [Node]) { nodes.forEach { (oneNode) in deleteItemForNode(oneNode) } } }