-- This script creates an Excel spreadsheet with statistics about all the feeds in your NetNewsWire -- the exportToExcel() function creates a single line of data in a spreadsheet to exportToExcel(docname, rowIndex, feedname, numArticles, numStars, numRead) tell application "Microsoft Excel" tell worksheet 1 of document docname set value of cell 1 of row rowIndex to feedname set value of cell 2 of row rowIndex to numArticles set value of cell 3 of row rowIndex to numStars set value of cell 4 of row rowIndex to numRead end tell end tell end exportToExcel -- the script starts here -- First, we make a new Excel spreadsheet and fill in the column headers tell application "Microsoft Excel" set newdoc to make new document tell worksheet 1 of newdoc set value of cell 1 of row 1 to "Name of Feed" set value of cell 2 of row 1 to "Articles" set value of cell 3 of row 1 to "Read" set value of cell 4 of row 1 to "Stars" end tell set docname to name of newdoc end tell -- Then we loop though all the feeds of all the accounts -- for each feed, we calculate how many articles there are, how many are read, and how many are starred -- then, we send off the information to Excel set totalFeeds to 0 tell application "NetNewsWire" set allAccounts to every account repeat with nthAccount in allAccounts set userFeeds to allFeeds of nthAccount repeat with nthFeed in userFeeds set feedname to name of nthFeed set articleCount to count (get every article of nthFeed) set readCount to count (get every article of nthFeed where read is true) set starCount to count (get every article of nthFeed where starred is true) set totalFeeds to totalFeeds + 1 my exportToExcel(docname, totalFeeds + 1, feedname, articleCount, readCount, starCount) end repeat end repeat end tell