// // AccountError.swift // NetNewsWire // // Created by Maurice Parker on 5/26/19. // Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import RSWeb public enum AccountError: LocalizedError { case createErrorNotFound case createErrorAlreadySubscribed case opmlImportInProgress case wrappedError(error: Error, account: Account) public var errorDescription: String? { switch self { case .createErrorNotFound: return NSLocalizedString("The feed couldn’t be found and can’t be added.", comment: "Not found") case .createErrorAlreadySubscribed: return NSLocalizedString("You are already subscribed to this feed and can’t add it again.", comment: "Already subscribed") case .opmlImportInProgress: return NSLocalizedString("An OPML import for this account is already running.", comment: "Import running") case .wrappedError(let error, let account): switch error { case TransportError.httpError(let status): if status == 401 { let localizedText = NSLocalizedString("Your \"%@\" credentials are invalid or expired.", comment: "Invalid or expired") return NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedText as NSString, account.nameForDisplay) as String } else { return unknownError(error, account) } default: return unknownError(error, account) } } } public var recoverySuggestion: String? { switch self { case .createErrorNotFound: return nil case .createErrorAlreadySubscribed: return nil case .wrappedError(let error, _): switch error { case TransportError.httpError(let status): if status == 401 { return NSLocalizedString("Please update your credentials for this account.", comment: "Try later") } else { return NSLocalizedString("Please try again later.", comment: "Try later") } default: return NSLocalizedString("Please try again later.", comment: "Try later") } default: return NSLocalizedString("Please try again later.", comment: "Try later") } } private func unknownError(_ error: Error, _ account: Account) -> String { let localizedText = NSLocalizedString("An error occurred while processing the \"%@\" account: %@", comment: "Unknown error") return NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedText as NSString, account.nameForDisplay, error.localizedDescription) as String } }