property uparrowKeyCode : 126 property downarrowKeyCode : 125 property rightarrowKeyCode : 124 property leftarrowKeyCode : 123 to activateNetNewsWire() tell application "NetNewsWire" activate end tell end activateNetNewsWire to multipleKeyCodes(keycode, numberOfKeys) tell application "System Events" tell process "NetNewsWire" repeat numberOfKeys times key code keycode end repeat end tell end tell end multipleKeyCodes to establishMainWindowStartingState() activateNetNewsWire() multipleKeyCodes(downarrowKeyCode, 2) multipleKeyCodes(rightarrowKeyCode, 2) multipleKeyCodes(leftarrowKeyCode, 2) multipleKeyCodes(uparrowKeyCode, 50) end establishMainWindowStartingState try establishMainWindowStartingState() -- hit the down arrow a few times to get into the feeds on error message return {test_result:false, script_result:message} end try return {test_result:true, script_result:"established starting state"}