Convert methods to async await. Delete FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperation (we’re moving away from MainThreadOperation).

This commit is contained in:
Brent Simmons 2024-04-23 21:47:25 -07:00
parent 42ce0d2f64
commit f9a3d8e2c1
5 changed files with 57 additions and 332 deletions

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ extension FeedlyAccountDelegate: OAuthAuthorizationGranting {
extension FeedlyAccountDelegate: OAuthAccessTokenRefreshing {
func refreshAccessToken(with refreshToken: String, client: OAuthAuthorizationClient) async throws -> OAuthAuthorizationGrant {
let request = OAuthRefreshAccessTokenRequest(refreshToken: refreshToken, scope: nil, client: client)

@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ final class FeedlyAccountDelegate: AccountDelegate {
static func validateCredentials(transport: Transport, credentials: Credentials, endpoint: URL?, secretsProvider: SecretsProvider) async throws -> Credentials? {
assertionFailure("An `account` instance should enqueue an \(FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperation.self) instead.")
assertionFailure("An `account` instance should refresh the access token first instead.")
return credentials
@ -642,34 +642,36 @@ final class FeedlyAccountDelegate: AccountDelegate {
extension FeedlyAccountDelegate: FeedlyAPICallerDelegate {
@MainActor func reauthorizeFeedlyAPICaller(_ caller: FeedlyAPICaller, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> ()) {
@MainActor func reauthorizeFeedlyAPICaller(_ caller: FeedlyAPICaller) async -> Bool {
guard let account = initializedAccount else {
return false
/// Captures a failure to refresh a token, assuming that it was refreshed unless told otherwise.
final class RefreshAccessTokenOperationDelegate: FeedlyOperationDelegate {
private(set) var didReauthorize = true
func feedlyOperation(_ operation: FeedlyOperation, didFailWith error: Error) {
didReauthorize = false
do {
try await refreshAccessToken(account: account)
return true
} catch {
return false
let refreshAccessToken = FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperation(account: account, service: self, oauthClient: oauthAuthorizationClient, log: log)
refreshAccessToken.downloadProgress = refreshProgress
/// This must be strongly referenced by the completionBlock of the `FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperation`.
let refreshAccessTokenDelegate = RefreshAccessTokenOperationDelegate()
refreshAccessToken.delegate = refreshAccessTokenDelegate
refreshAccessToken.completionBlock = { operation in
completionHandler(refreshAccessTokenDelegate.didReauthorize && !operation.isCanceled)
private func refreshAccessToken(account: Account) async throws {
guard let credentials = try account.retrieveCredentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken) else {
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Could not find a refresh token in the keychain. Check the refresh token is added to the Keychain, remove the account and add it again.")
throw TransportError.httpError(status: 403)
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Refreshing access token.")
let grant = try await refreshAccessToken(with: credentials.secret, client: oauthAuthorizationClient)
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Storing refresh token.")
if let refreshToken = grant.refreshToken {
try account.storeCredentials(refreshToken)
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Storing access token.")
try account.storeCredentials(grant.accessToken)

@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ import Secrets
import Feedly
protocol FeedlyAPICallerDelegate: AnyObject {
/// Implemented by the `FeedlyAccountDelegate` reauthorize the client with a fresh OAuth token so the client can retry the unauthorized request.
/// Pass `true` to the completion handler if the failing request should be retried with a fresh token or `false` if the unauthorized request should complete with the original failure error.
@MainActor func reauthorizeFeedlyAPICaller(_ caller: FeedlyAPICaller, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> ())
@MainActor func reauthorizeFeedlyAPICaller(_ caller: FeedlyAPICaller) async -> Bool
@MainActor final class FeedlyAPICaller {
@ -102,47 +103,46 @@ protocol FeedlyAPICallerDelegate: AnyObject {
private func send<R: Decodable & Sendable>(request: URLRequest, resultType: R.Type, dateDecoding: JSONDecoder.DateDecodingStrategy = .iso8601, keyDecoding: JSONDecoder.KeyDecodingStrategy = .useDefaultKeys, completion: @escaping (Result<(HTTPURLResponse, R?), Error>) -> Void) {
transport.send(request: request, resultType: resultType, dateDecoding: dateDecoding, keyDecoding: keyDecoding) { [weak self] result in
MainActor.assumeIsolated {
Task { @MainActor [weak self] in
switch result {
case .success:
case .failure(let error):
switch error {
case TransportError.httpError(let statusCode) where statusCode == 401:
assert(self == nil ? true : self?.delegate != nil, "Check the delegate is set to \(FeedlyAccountDelegate.self).")
guard let self = self, let delegate = self.delegate else {
/// Capture the credentials before the reauthorization to check for a change.
let credentialsBefore = self.credentials
delegate.reauthorizeFeedlyAPICaller(self) { [weak self] isReauthorizedAndShouldRetry in
guard isReauthorizedAndShouldRetry, let self = self else {
// Check for a change. Not only would it help debugging, but it'll also catch an infinitely recursive attempt to refresh.
guard let accessToken = self.credentials?.secret, accessToken != credentialsBefore?.secret else {
assertionFailure("Could not update the request with a new OAuth token. Did \(String(describing: self.delegate)) set them on \(self)?")
var reauthorizedRequest = request
reauthorizedRequest.setValue("OAuth \(accessToken)", forHTTPHeaderField: HTTPRequestHeader.authorization)
self.send(request: reauthorizedRequest, resultType: resultType, dateDecoding: dateDecoding, keyDecoding: keyDecoding, completion: completion)
let isReauthorizedAndShouldRetry = await delegate.reauthorizeFeedlyAPICaller(self)
guard isReauthorizedAndShouldRetry else {
// Check for a change. Not only would it help debugging, but it'll also catch an infinitely recursive attempt to refresh.
guard let accessToken = self.credentials?.secret, accessToken != credentialsBefore?.secret else {
assertionFailure("Could not update the request with a new OAuth token. Did \(String(describing: self.delegate)) set them on \(self)?")
var reauthorizedRequest = request
reauthorizedRequest.setValue("OAuth \(accessToken)", forHTTPHeaderField: HTTPRequestHeader.authorization)
self.send(request: reauthorizedRequest, resultType: resultType, dateDecoding: dateDecoding, keyDecoding: keyDecoding, completion: completion)
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ protocol FeedlyAPICallerDelegate: AnyObject {
func importOPML(_ opmlData: Data) async throws {
guard !isSuspended else { throw TransportError.suspended }

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
// FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperation.swift
// Account
// Created by Kiel Gillard on 4/11/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import os.log
import Web
import Secrets
import Feedly
final class FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperation: FeedlyOperation {
let service: OAuthAccessTokenRefreshing
let oauthClient: OAuthAuthorizationClient
let account: Account
let log: OSLog
init(account: Account, service: OAuthAccessTokenRefreshing, oauthClient: OAuthAuthorizationClient, log: OSLog) {
self.oauthClient = oauthClient
self.service = service
self.account = account
self.log = log
override func run() {
Task { @MainActor in
do {
guard let credentials = try account.retrieveCredentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken) else {
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Could not find a refresh token in the keychain. Check the refresh token is added to the Keychain, remove the account and add it again.")
throw TransportError.httpError(status: 403)
// Ignore cancellation after the request is resumed otherwise we may continue storing a potentially invalid token!
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Refreshing access token.")
let grant = try await service.refreshAccessToken(with: credentials.secret, client: oauthClient)
// Store the refresh token first because it sends this token to the account delegate.
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Storing refresh token.")
if let refreshToken = grant.refreshToken {
try account.storeCredentials(refreshToken)
// Now store the access token because we want the account delegate to use it.
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Storing access token.")
try account.storeCredentials(grant.accessToken)
} catch {
didFinish(with: error)

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
// FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperationTests.swift
// AccountTests
// Created by Kiel Gillard on 4/11/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
@testable import Account
import Web
import Secrets
class FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperationTests: XCTestCase {
private var account: Account!
private let support = FeedlyTestSupport()
override func setUp() {
account = support.makeTestAccount()
override func tearDown() {
if let account = account {
class TestRefreshTokenService: OAuthAccessTokenRefreshing {
var mockResult: Result<OAuthAuthorizationGrant, Error>?
var refreshAccessTokenExpectation: XCTestExpectation?
var parameterTester: ((String, OAuthAuthorizationClient) -> ())?
func refreshAccessToken(with refreshToken: String, client: OAuthAuthorizationClient, completion: @escaping (Result<OAuthAuthorizationGrant, Error>) -> ()) {
guard let result = mockResult else {
XCTFail("Missing mock result. Test may time out because the completion will not be called.")
parameterTester?(refreshToken, client)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
func testCancel() {
let service = TestRefreshTokenService()
service.refreshAccessTokenExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Call Refresh")
service.refreshAccessTokenExpectation?.isInverted = true
let client = support.makeMockOAuthClient()
let refresh = FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperation(account: account, service: service, oauthClient: client, log: support.log)
// If this expectation is not fulfilled, the operation is not calling `didFinish`.
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
refresh.completionBlock = { _ in
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)
class TestRefreshTokenDelegate: FeedlyOperationDelegate {
var error: Error?
var didFailExpectation: XCTestExpectation?
func feedlyOperation(_ operation: FeedlyOperation, didFailWith error: Error) {
self.error = error
func testMissingRefreshToken() {
support.removeCredentials(matching: .oauthRefreshToken, from: account)
let service = TestRefreshTokenService()
service.refreshAccessTokenExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Call Refresh")
service.refreshAccessTokenExpectation?.isInverted = true
let client = support.makeMockOAuthClient()
let refresh = FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperation(account: account, service: service, oauthClient: client, log: support.log)
let delegate = TestRefreshTokenDelegate()
delegate.didFailExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Fail")
refresh.delegate = delegate
// If this expectation is not fulfilled, the operation is not calling `didFinish`.
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
refresh.completionBlock = { _ in
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)
XCTAssertNotNil(delegate.error, "Should have failed with error.")
if let error = delegate.error {
switch error {
case let error as TransportError:
switch error {
case .httpError(status: let status):
XCTAssertEqual(status, 403, "Expected 403 Forbidden.")
XCTFail("Expected 403 Forbidden")
XCTFail("Expected \(TransportError.httpError(status: 403))")
func testRefreshTokenSuccess() {
let service = TestRefreshTokenService()
service.refreshAccessTokenExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Call Refresh")
let mockAccessToken = Credentials(type: .oauthAccessToken, username: "Test", secret: UUID().uuidString)
let mockRefreshToken = Credentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken, username: "Test", secret: UUID().uuidString)
let grant = OAuthAuthorizationGrant(accessToken: mockAccessToken, refreshToken: mockRefreshToken)
service.mockResult = .success(grant)
let client = support.makeMockOAuthClient()
service.parameterTester = { serviceRefreshToken, serviceClient in
if let accountRefreshToken = try! self.account.retrieveCredentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken) {
XCTAssertEqual(serviceRefreshToken, accountRefreshToken.secret)
} else {
XCTFail("Could not verify correct refresh token used.")
XCTAssertEqual(serviceClient, client)
let refresh = FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperation(account: account, service: service, oauthClient: client, log: support.log)
// If this expectation is not fulfilled, the operation is not calling `didFinish`.
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
refresh.completionBlock = { _ in
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)
do {
let accessToken = try account.retrieveCredentials(type: .oauthAccessToken)
XCTAssertEqual(accessToken, mockAccessToken)
let refreshToken = try account.retrieveCredentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken)
XCTAssertEqual(refreshToken, mockRefreshToken)
} catch {
XCTFail("Could not verify refresh and access tokens because \(error).")
func testRefreshTokenFailure() {
let accessTokenBefore: Credentials
let refreshTokenBefore: Credentials
do {
guard let accessToken = try account.retrieveCredentials(type: .oauthAccessToken),
let refreshToken = try account.retrieveCredentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken) else {
XCTFail("Initial refresh and/or access token does not exist.")
accessTokenBefore = accessToken
refreshTokenBefore = refreshToken
} catch {
XCTFail("Caught error getting initial refresh and access tokens because \(error).")
let service = TestRefreshTokenService()
service.refreshAccessTokenExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Call Refresh")
service.mockResult = .failure(URLError(.timedOut))
let client = support.makeMockOAuthClient()
service.parameterTester = { serviceRefreshToken, serviceClient in
if let accountRefreshToken = try! self.account.retrieveCredentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken) {
XCTAssertEqual(serviceRefreshToken, accountRefreshToken.secret)
} else {
XCTFail("Could not verify correct refresh token used.")
XCTAssertEqual(serviceClient, client)
let refresh = FeedlyRefreshAccessTokenOperation(account: account, service: service, oauthClient: client, log: support.log)
// If this expectation is not fulfilled, the operation is not calling `didFinish`.
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
refresh.completionBlock = { _ in
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)
do {
let accessToken = try account.retrieveCredentials(type: .oauthAccessToken)
XCTAssertEqual(accessToken, accessTokenBefore)
let refreshToken = try account.retrieveCredentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken)
XCTAssertEqual(refreshToken, refreshTokenBefore)
} catch {
XCTFail("Could not verify refresh and access tokens because \(error).")