Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public enum AccountError: LocalizedError {
switch error {
case TransportError.httpError(let status):
if status == 401 {
let localizedText = NSLocalizedString("Your \"%@\" credentials are invalid or expired.", comment: "Invalid or expired")
let localizedText = NSLocalizedString("Your “%@” credentials are invalid or expired.", comment: "Invalid or expired")
return NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedText as NSString, account.nameForDisplay) as String
} else {
return unknownError(error, account)
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public enum AccountError: LocalizedError {
private func unknownError(_ error: Error, _ account: Account) -> String {
let localizedText = NSLocalizedString("An error occurred while processing the \"%@\" account: %@", comment: "Unknown error")
let localizedText = NSLocalizedString("An error occurred while processing the “%@” account: %@", comment: "Unknown error")
return NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedText as NSString, account.nameForDisplay, error.localizedDescription) as String
@ -22,37 +22,37 @@ enum FeedlyAccountDelegateError: LocalizedError {
var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .notLoggedIn:
return NSLocalizedString("Please add the Feedly account again.", comment: "Feedly - Credentials not found.")
return NSLocalizedString("Please add the Feedly account again.", comment: "Feedly – Credentials not found.")
case .unableToAddFolder(let name):
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not create a folder named \"%@\".", comment: "Feedly - Could not create a folder/collection.")
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not create a folder named “%@”.", comment: "Feedly – Could not create a folder/collection.")
return String(format: template, name)
case .unableToRenameFolder(let from, let to):
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not rename \"%@\" to \"%@\".", comment: "Feedly - Could not rename a folder/collection.")
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not rename “%@” to “%@”.", comment: "Feedly – Could not rename a folder/collection.")
return String(format: template, from, to)
case .unableToRemoveFolder(let name):
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not remove the folder named \"%@\".", comment: "Feedly - Could not remove a folder/collection.")
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not remove the folder named “%@”.", comment: "Feedly – Could not remove a folder/collection.")
return String(format: template, name)
case .unableToMoveFeedBetweenFolders(let feed, _, let to):
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not move \"%@\" to \"%@\".", comment: "Feedly - Could not move a feed between folders/collections.")
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not move “%@” to “%@”.", comment: "Feedly – Could not move a feed between folders/collections.")
return String(format: template, feed.nameForDisplay, to.nameForDisplay)
case .addFeedChooseFolder:
return NSLocalizedString("Please choose a folder to contain the feed.", comment: "Feedly - Feed can only be added to folders.")
return NSLocalizedString("Please choose a folder to contain the feed.", comment: "Feedly – Feed can only be added to folders.")
case .addFeedInvalidFolder(let invalidFolder):
let template = NSLocalizedString("Feeds cannot be added to the \"%@\" folder.", comment: "Feedly - Feed can only be added to folders.")
let template = NSLocalizedString("Feeds cannot be added to the “%@” folder.", comment: "Feedly – Feed can only be added to folders.")
return String(format: template, invalidFolder.nameForDisplay)
case .unableToRenameFeed(let from, let to):
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not rename \"%@\" to \"%@\".", comment: "Feedly - Could not rename a feed.")
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not rename “%@” to “%@”.", comment: "Feedly – Could not rename a feed.")
return String(format: template, from, to)
case .unableToRemoveFeed(let feed):
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not remove \"%@\".", comment: "Feedly - Could not remove a feed.")
let template = NSLocalizedString("Could not remove “%@”.", comment: "Feedly – Could not remove a feed.")
return String(format: template, feed.nameForDisplay)
@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ enum FeedlyAccountDelegateError: LocalizedError {
return nil
case .unableToMoveFeedBetweenFolders(let feed, let from, let to):
let template = NSLocalizedString("\"%@\" may be in both \"%@\" and \"%@\".", comment: "Feedly - Could not move a feed between folders/collections.")
let template = NSLocalizedString("“%@” may be in both “%@” and “%@”.", comment: "Feedly – Could not move a feed between folders/collections.")
return String(format: template, feed.nameForDisplay, from.nameForDisplay, to.nameForDisplay)
case .addFeedChooseFolder:
return nil
case .addFeedInvalidFolder:
return NSLocalizedString("Please choose a different folder to contain the feed.", comment: "Feedly - Feed can only be added to folders recovery suggestion.")
return NSLocalizedString("Please choose a different folder to contain the feed.", comment: "Feedly – Feed can only be added to folders recovery suggestion.")
case .unableToRemoveFeed:
return nil
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ final class AccountsPreferencesViewController: NSViewController {
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.alertStyle = .warning
let deletePrompt = NSLocalizedString("Delete", comment: "Delete")
alert.messageText = "\(deletePrompt) \"\(acctName)\"?"
alert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString("Are you sure you want to delete the account \"\(acctName)\"? This can not be undone.", comment: "Delete text")
alert.messageText = "\(deletePrompt) “\(acctName)”?"
alert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString("Are you sure you want to delete the account “\(acctName)”? This can not be undone.", comment: "Delete text")
alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Delete", comment: "Delete Account"))
alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "Cancel Delete Account"))
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[config=Release] = 3rd Party Mac Developer Application
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[config=Debug] = -
// developers can locally override the Xcode settings for code signing
// by creating a DeveloperSettings.xcconfig file locally at the appropriate path
// This allows a pristine project to have code signing set up with the appropriate
// developer ID and certificates, and for dev to be able to have local settings
// without needing to check in anything into source control
// As an example, make a ../../SharedXcodeSettings/DeveloperSettings.xcconfig file and
// give it the contents
// CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=macosx*] = Mac Developer
// CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*] = iPhone Developer
// CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = iPhone Developer
// ORGANIZATION_IDENTIFIER = <Your Domain Name Reversed>
// CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic
// And you should be able to build without code signing errors and without modifying
// the NetNewsWire Xcode project.
// Example: if your NetNewsWire Xcode project file is at
// /Users/Shared/git/NetNewsWire/NetNewsWire.xcodeproj
// create your DeveloperSettings.xcconfig file at
// /Users/Shared/git/SharedXcodeSettings/DeveloperSettings.xcconfig
#include? "../../SharedXcodeSettings/DeveloperSettings.xcconfig"
#include "./common/NetNewsWire_mac_target_common.xcconfig"
CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = Mac/SafariExtension/Subscribe_to_Feed.entitlements
INFOPLIST_FILE = Mac/SafariExtension/Info.plist
LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) @executable_path/../Frameworks @executable_path/../../../../Frameworks
SDKROOT = macosx
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