Implement dragging multiple feeds in the sidebar. Use the same code for single and multiple cases.

This commit is contained in:
Brent Simmons 2019-02-05 22:28:30 -08:00
parent ddccbdf610
commit f09de46bbb

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Account
let treeController: TreeController
static let dragOperationNone = NSDragOperation(rawValue: 0)
private var draggedNodes: [Node]? = nil
private var draggedNodes: Set<Node>? = nil
init(treeController: TreeController) {
self.treeController = treeController
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import Account
// MARK: - Drag and Drop
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, draggingSession session: NSDraggingSession, willBeginAt screenPoint: NSPoint, forItems draggedItems: [Any]) {
draggedNodes = { nodeForItem($0) }
draggedNodes = Set( { nodeForItem($0) })
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, validateDrop info: NSDraggingInfo, proposedItem item: Any?, proposedChildIndex index: Int) -> NSDragOperation {
@ -88,10 +88,9 @@ import Account
let draggedNonLocalFeed = singleNonLocalFeed(from: draggedFeeds)!
return acceptSingleNonLocalFeedDrop(outlineView, draggedNonLocalFeed, parentNode, index)
case .singleLocal:
let draggedFeed = draggedFeeds.first!
return acceptSingleLocalFeedDrop(outlineView, draggedFeed, parentNode, index)
return acceptLocalFeedsDrop(outlineView, draggedFeeds, parentNode, index)
case .multipleLocal:
return acceptMultipleLocalFeedsDrop(outlineView, draggedFeeds, parentNode, index)
return acceptLocalFeedsDrop(outlineView, draggedFeeds, parentNode, index)
case .multipleNonLocal, .mixed, .empty:
return false
@ -184,15 +183,18 @@ private extension SidebarOutlineDataSource {
return .move
private func singleDraggedNode() -> Node? {
guard let draggedNodes = draggedNodes, draggedNodes.count == 1 else {
return nil
func validateLocalFeedsDrop(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, _ draggedFeeds: Set<PasteboardFeed>, _ parentNode: Node, _ index: Int) -> NSDragOperation {
// Local feeds should always drag on to an Account or Folder node, and index should be NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex since we cant provide multiple indexes.
guard let dropTargetNode = ancestorThatCanAcceptLocalFeed(parentNode) else {
return SidebarOutlineDataSource.dragOperationNone
return draggedNodes.first!
private func singleDraggedFeed() -> Feed? {
return singleDraggedNode()?.representedObject as? Feed
if nodeHasChildRepresentingAnyDraggedFeed(dropTargetNode, draggedFeeds) {
return SidebarOutlineDataSource.dragOperationNone
if parentNode !== dropTargetNode || index != NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex {
outlineView.setDropItem(dropTargetNode, dropChildIndex: NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex)
return .move
private func accountForNode(_ node: Node) -> Account? {
@ -208,53 +210,49 @@ private extension SidebarOutlineDataSource {
return nil
func acceptSingleLocalFeedDrop(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, _ draggedFeed: PasteboardFeed, _ parentNode: Node, _ index: Int) -> Bool {
guard let draggedNode = singleDraggedNode(), let feed = singleDraggedFeed() else {
return false
private func commonAccountFor(_ nodes: Set<Node>) -> Account? {
// Return the Account if every node has an Account and theyre all the same.
var account: Account? = nil
for node in nodes {
guard let oneAccount = accountForNode(node) else {
return nil
if account == nil {
account = oneAccount
else {
if account != oneAccount {
return nil
guard let sourceAccount = accountForNode(draggedNode) else {
return false
let sourceContainer = draggedNode.parent?.representedObject as? Container
return account
guard let destination = parentNode.representedObject as? Container else {
return false
let destinationFolder = destination as? Folder
var destinationAccount: Account? = destination as? Account
if destinationAccount == nil {
destinationAccount = destinationFolder?.account
guard let account = destinationAccount, account == sourceAccount else {
return false
private func move(node: Node, to parentNode: Node, account: Account) {
guard let feed = node.representedObject as? Feed else {
let sourceContainer = node.parent?.representedObject as? Container
let destinationFolder = parentNode.representedObject as? Folder
account.addFeed(feed, to: destinationFolder)
func acceptLocalFeedsDrop(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, _ draggedFeeds: Set<PasteboardFeed>, _ parentNode: Node, _ index: Int) -> Bool {
guard let draggedNodes = draggedNodes else {
return false
let allReferencedNodes = draggedNodes.union(Set([parentNode]))
guard let account = commonAccountFor(allReferencedNodes) else {
return false
BatchUpdate.shared.perform {
account.addFeed(feed, to: destinationFolder)
draggedNodes.forEach { move(node: $0, to: parentNode, account: account) }
return true
func validateLocalFeedsDrop(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, _ draggedFeeds: Set<PasteboardFeed>, _ parentNode: Node, _ index: Int) -> NSDragOperation {
// Local feeds should always drag on to an Account or Folder node, and index should be NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex since we cant provide multiple indexes.
guard let dropTargetNode = ancestorThatCanAcceptLocalFeed(parentNode) else {
return SidebarOutlineDataSource.dragOperationNone
if nodeHasChildRepresentingAnyDraggedFeed(dropTargetNode, draggedFeeds) {
return SidebarOutlineDataSource.dragOperationNone
if parentNode !== dropTargetNode || index != NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex {
outlineView.setDropItem(dropTargetNode, dropChildIndex: NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex)
return .move
func acceptMultipleLocalFeedsDrop(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, _ draggedFeeds: Set<PasteboardFeed>, _ parentNode: Node, _ index: Int) -> Bool {
return false
func nodeIsAccountOrFolder(_ node: Node) -> Bool {
return node.representedObject is Account || node.representedObject is Folder