Progress on relationships.

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Brent Simmons 2017-08-19 22:07:31 -07:00
parent 2d915a890e
commit e76beee988
2 changed files with 162 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// LookupTable.swift
// DatabaseLookupTable.swift
// RSDatabase
// Created by Brent Simmons on 8/5/17.
@ -10,36 +10,51 @@ import Foundation
// Implement a lookup table for a many-to-many relationship.
// Example: CREATE TABLE if not EXISTS authorLookup (authorID TEXT NOT NULL, articleID TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(authorID, articleID));
// authorID is primaryKey; articleID is foreignKey.
// articleID is objectID; authorID is relatedObjectID.
public final class DatabaseLookupTable {
private let name: String
private let primaryKey: String
private let foreignKey: String
private let objectIDKey: String
private let relatedObjectIDKey: String
private let relationshipName: String
private weak var relatedTable: DatabaseTable?
private let cache: DatabaseLookupTableCache
public init(name: String, primaryKey: String, foreignKey: String, relatedTable: DatabaseTable, relationshipName: String) {
public init(name: String, objectIDKey: String, relatedObjectIDKey: String, relatedTable: DatabaseTable, relationshipName: String) { = name
self.primaryKey = primaryKey
self.foreignKey = foreignKey
self.objectIDKey = objectIDKey
self.relatedObjectIDKey = relatedObjectIDKey
self.relatedTable = relatedTable
self.relationshipName = relationshipName
self.cache = DatabaseLookupTableCache(relationshipName)
public func attachRelationships(to objects: [DatabaseObject], database: FMDatabase) {
public func attachRelationships(to objects: [DatabaseObject], in database: FMDatabase) {
guard let lookupTable = fetchLookupTable(objects.databaseIDs(), database) else {
let objectsThatMayHaveRelatedObjects = cache.objectsThatMayHaveRelatedObjects(objects)
if objectsThatMayHaveRelatedObjects.isEmpty {
attachRelationshipsUsingLookupTable(to: objects, lookupTable: lookupTable, database: database)
attachRelatedObjectsUsingCache(objectsThatMayHaveRelatedObjects, database)
let objectsNeedingFetching = objectsThatMayHaveRelatedObjects.filter { (object) -> Bool in
return object.relatedObjectsWithName(self.relationshipName) == nil
if objectsNeedingFetching.isEmpty {
if let lookupTable = fetchLookupTable(objectsNeedingFetching.databaseIDs(), database) {
attachRelatedObjectsUsingLookupTable(objectsNeedingFetching, lookupTable, database)
cache.update(with: objectsNeedingFetching)
public func saveRelationships(for objects: [DatabaseObject], database: FMDatabase) {
public func saveRelationships(for objects: [DatabaseObject], in database: FMDatabase) {
var objectsWithNoRelationships = [DatabaseObject]()
var objectsWithRelationships = [DatabaseObject]()
@ -53,23 +68,35 @@ public final class DatabaseLookupTable {
removeRelationships(for: objectsWithNoRelationships, database: database)
updateRelationships(for: objectsWithRelationships, database: database)
removeRelationships(for: objectsWithNoRelationships, database)
updateRelationships(for: objectsWithRelationships, database)
cache.update(with: objects)
private extension DatabaseLookupTable {
func removeRelationships(for objects: [DatabaseObject], database: FMDatabase) {
// MARK: Removing
func removeRelationships(for objects: [DatabaseObject], _ database: FMDatabase) {
removeLookupsForForeignIDs(objects.databaseIDs(), database)
func updateRelationships(for objects: [DatabaseObject], database: FMDatabase) {
let objectsNeedingUpdate = objects.filter { (object) -> Bool in
return !relationshipsMatchCache(object)
let objectIDs = objects.databaseIDs()
let objectIDsToRemove = objectIDs.subtracting(cache.objectIDsWithNoRelationship)
if objectIDsToRemove.isEmpty {
database.rs_deleteRowsWhereKey(objectIDKey, inValues: Array(objectIDsToRemove), tableName: name)
// MARK: Saving/Updating
func updateRelationships(for objects: [DatabaseObject], _ database: FMDatabase) {
// let objectsNeedingUpdate = objects.filter { (object) -> Bool in
// return !relationshipsMatchCache(object)
// }
func relationshipsMatchCache(_ object: DatabaseObject) -> Bool {
@ -91,217 +118,217 @@ private extension DatabaseLookupTable {
func attachRelationshipsUsingLookupTable(to objects: [DatabaseObject], lookupTable: LookupTable, database: FMDatabase) {
// MARK: Attaching
func attachRelatedObjectsUsingCache(_ objects: [DatabaseObject], _ database: FMDatabase) {
let primaryIDs = lookupTable.primaryIDs()
if (primaryIDs.isEmpty) {
let lookupTable = cache.lookupTableForObjectIDs(objects.databaseIDs())
attachRelatedObjectsUsingLookupTable(objects, lookupTable, database)
func attachRelatedObjectsUsingLookupTable(_ objects: [DatabaseObject], _ lookupTable: LookupTable, _ database: FMDatabase) {
let relatedObjectIDs = lookupTable.relatedObjectIDs()
if (relatedObjectIDs.isEmpty) {
guard let relatedObjects: [DatabaseObject] = relatedTable?.fetchObjectsWithIDs(primaryIDs, database), !relatedObjects.isEmpty else {
guard let relatedObjects = fetchRelatedObjectsWithIDs(relatedObjectIDs, database) else {
let relatedObjectsDictionary = relatedObjects.dictionary()
for object in objects {
let identifier = object.databaseID
if let lookupValues = lookupTable[identifier], !lookupValues.isEmpty {
let primaryIDs = lookupValues.primaryIDs()
let oneObjectRelatedObjects = primaryIDs.flatMap{ (primaryID) -> DatabaseObject? in
return relatedObjectsDictionary[primaryID]
object.setRelatedObjects(oneObjectRelatedObjects, name: relationshipName)
attachRelatedObjectsToObjectUsingLookupTable(object, relatedObjectsDictionary, lookupTable)
func fetchLookupTable(_ foreignIDs: Set<String>, _ database: FMDatabase) -> LookupTable? {
func attachRelatedObjectsToObjectUsingLookupTable(_ object: DatabaseObject, _ relatedObjectsDictionary: [String: DatabaseObject], _ lookupTable: LookupTable) {
let foreignIDsToLookup = foreignIDs.subtracting(foreignIDsWithNoRelationship)
guard let lookupValues = fetchLookupValues(foreignIDsToLookup, database) else {
return nil
updateCache(lookupValues, foreignIDsToLookup)
return LookupTable(lookupValues)
func cacheForeignIDsWithNoRelationships(_ foreignIDs: Set<String>) {
for foreignID in foreignIDs {
cache[foreignID] = nil
func updateCache(_ lookupValues: Set<LookupValue>, _ foreignIDs: Set<String>) {
// Maintain foreignIDsWithNoRelationship.
// If a relationship exist, remove the foreignID from foreignIDsWithNoRelationship.
// If a relationship does not exist, add the foreignID to foreignIDsWithNoRelationship.
let foreignIDsWithRelationship = lookupValues.foreignIDs()
let foreignIDs
for foreignID in foreignIDs {
if !foreignIDsWithRelationship.contains(foreignID) {
func removeLookupsForForeignIDs(_ foreignIDs: Set<String>, _ database: FMDatabase) {
let foreignIDsToRemove = foreignIDs.subtracting(foreignIDsWithNoRelationship)
if foreignIDsToRemove.isEmpty {
let identifier = object.databaseID
guard let relatedObjectIDs = lookupTable[identifier], !relatedObjectIDs.isEmpty else {
database.rs_deleteRowsWhereKey(foreignKey, inValues: Array(foreignIDsToRemove), tableName: name)
let relatedObjects = relatedObjectIDs.flatMap { relatedObjectsDictionary[$0] }
if !relatedObjects.isEmpty {
object.setRelatedObjects(relatedObjects, name: relationshipName)
func fetchLookupValues(_ foreignIDs: Set<String>, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set<LookupValue>? {
// MARK: Fetching
func fetchRelatedObjectsWithIDs(_ relatedObjectIDs: Set<String>, _ database: FMDatabase) -> [DatabaseObject]? {
guard !foreignIDs.isEmpty, let resultSet = database.rs_selectRowsWhereKey(foreignKey, inValues: Array(foreignIDs), tableName: name) else {
guard let relatedObjects = relatedTable?.fetchObjectsWithIDs(relatedObjectIDs, database), !relatedObjects.isEmpty else {
return nil
return relatedObjects
func fetchLookupTable(_ objectIDs: Set<String>, _ database: FMDatabase) -> LookupTable? {
guard let lookupValues = fetchLookupValues(objectIDs, database) else {
return nil
return LookupTable(lookupValues: lookupValues)
func fetchLookupValues(_ objectIDs: Set<String>, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set<LookupValue>? {
guard !objectIDs.isEmpty, let resultSet = database.rs_selectRowsWhereKey(objectIDKey, inValues: Array(objectIDs), tableName: name) else {
return nil
return lookupValuesWithResultSet(resultSet)
func lookupValuesWithResultSet(_ resultSet: FMResultSet) -> Set<LookupValue> {
return resultSet.mapToSet(lookupValueWithRow)
func lookupValueWithRow(_ row: FMResultSet) -> LookupValue? {
guard let primaryID = row.string(forColumn: primaryKey) else {
guard let objectID = row.string(forColumn: objectIDKey) else {
return nil
guard let foreignID = row.string(forColumn: foreignKey) else {
guard let relatedObjectID = row.string(forColumn: relatedObjectIDKey) else {
return nil
return LookupValue(primaryID: primaryID, foreignID: foreignID)
return LookupValue(objectID: objectID, relatedObjectID: relatedObjectID)
struct LookupTable {
private let dictionary: [String: Set<LookupValue>]
private let dictionary: [String: Set<String>] // objectID: Set<relatedObjectID>
init(_ lookupValues: Set<LookupValue>) {
init(dictionary: [String: Set<String>]) {
var d = [String: Set<LookupValue>]()
self.dictionary = dictionary
init(lookupValues: Set<LookupValue>) {
var d = [String: Set<String>]()
for lookupValue in lookupValues {
let foreignID = lookupValue.foreignID
if d[foreignID] == nil {
d[foreignID] = Set([lookupValue])
let objectID = lookupValue.objectID
let relatedObjectID: String = lookupValue.relatedObjectID
if d[objectID] == nil {
d[objectID] = Set([relatedObjectID])
else {
self.dictionary = d
self.init(dictionary: d)
func primaryIDs() -> Set<String> {
func relatedObjectIDs() -> Set<String> {
var ids = Set<String>()
for (_, lookupValues) in dictionary {
for (_, relatedObjectIDs) in dictionary {
return ids
subscript(_ foreignID: String) -> Set<LookupValue>? {
subscript(_ objectID: String) -> Set<String>? {
get {
return dictionary[foreignID]
return dictionary[objectID]
struct LookupValue: Hashable {
let primaryID: String
let foreignID: String
let objectID: String
let relatedObjectID: String
let hashValue: Int
init(primaryID: String, foreignID: String) {
init(objectID: String, relatedObjectID: String) {
self.primaryID = primaryID
self.foreignID = foreignID
self.hashValue = (primaryID + foreignID).hashValue
self.objectID = objectID
self.relatedObjectID = relatedObjectID
self.hashValue = (objectID + relatedObjectID).hashValue
static public func ==(lhs: LookupValue, rhs: LookupValue) -> Bool {
return lhs.primaryID == rhs.primaryID && lhs.foreignID == rhs.foreignID
return lhs.objectID == rhs.objectID && lhs.relatedObjectID == rhs.relatedObjectID
private final class DatabaseLookupTableCache {
var objectIDsWithNoRelationship = Set<String>()
private let relationshipName: String
private var foreignIDsWithNoRelationship = Set<String>()
private var cachedLookups = [String: Set<String>]() // foreignID: Set<primaryID>
private var cachedLookups = [String: Set<String>]() // objectID: Set<relatedObjectID>
init(_ relationshipName: String) {
self.relationshipName = relationshipName
func updateCacheWithIDsWithNoRelationship(_ foreignIDs: Set<String>) {
for foreignID in foreignIDs {
cachedLookups[foreignID] = nil
func updateCacheWithObjects(_ object: [DatabaseObject]) {
var foreignIDsWithRelationship = Set<String>()
func update(with objects: [DatabaseObject]) {
var idsWithRelationships = Set<String>()
var idsWithNoRelationships = Set<String>()
for object in objects {
if let relatedObjects = object.relatedObjectsWithName, !relatedObjects.isEmpty {
let objectID = object.databaseID
if let relatedObjects = object.relatedObjectsWithName(relationshipName), !relatedObjects.isEmpty {
self[objectID] = relatedObjects.databaseIDs()
else {
self[objectID] = nil
func foreignIDHasNoRelationship(_ foreignID: String) -> Bool {
return foreignIDsWithNoRelationship.contains(foreignID)
subscript(_ objectID: String) -> Set<String>? {
get {
return cachedLookups[objectID]
set {
cachedLookups[objectID] = newValue
func relationshipIDsForForeignID(_ foreignID: String) -> Set<String>? {
return cachedLookups[foreignID]
func objectsThatMayHaveRelatedObjects(_ objects: [DatabaseObject]) -> [DatabaseObject] {
// Filter out objects that are known to have no related objects
return objects.filter{ !objectIDsWithNoRelationship.contains($0.databaseID) }
func lookupTableForObjectIDs(_ objectIDs: Set<String>) -> LookupTable {
var d = [String: Set<String>]()
for objectID in objectIDs {
if let relatedObjectIDs = self[objectID] {
d[objectID] = relatedObjectIDs
return LookupTable(dictionary: d)
private extension Set where Element == LookupValue {
func primaryIDs() -> Set<String> {
func objectIDs() -> Set<String> {
return Set<String>( { $0.primaryID })
return Set<String>( { $0.objectID })
func foreignIDs() -> Set<String> {
func relatedObjectIDs() -> Set<String> {
return Set<String>( { $0.foreignID })
return Set<String>( { $0.relatedObjectID })

Binary file not shown.