Remove old, comment-out update method in ArticlesTable.

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Brent Simmons 2019-10-24 21:48:24 -07:00
parent eec008ca5b
commit cd4135bf9a
1 changed files with 0 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -272,65 +272,6 @@ final class ArticlesTable: DatabaseTable {
// func update(_ feedID: String, _ parsedItems: Set<ParsedItem>, _ read: Bool, _ completion: @escaping UpdateArticlesCompletionBlock) {
// if parsedItems.isEmpty {
// completion(nil, nil)
// return
// }
// // 1. Ensure statuses for all the incoming articles.
// // 2. Create incoming articles with parsedItems.
// // 3. Ignore incoming articles that are userDeleted || (!starred and really old)
// // 4. Fetch all articles for the feed.
// // 5. Create array of Articles not in database and save them.
// // 6. Create array of updated Articles and save whats changed.
// // 7. Call back with new and updated Articles.
// // 8. Update search index.
// let articleIDs = Set( { $0.articleID })
// self.queue.update { (database) in
// let statusesDictionary = self.statusesTable.ensureStatusesForArticleIDs(articleIDs, read, database) //1
// assert(statusesDictionary.count == articleIDs.count)
// let allIncomingArticles = Article.articlesWithParsedItems(parsedItems, self.accountID, feedID, statusesDictionary) //2
// if allIncomingArticles.isEmpty {
// self.callUpdateArticlesCompletionBlock(nil, nil, completion)
// return
// }
// let incomingArticles = self.filterIncomingArticles(allIncomingArticles) //3
// if incomingArticles.isEmpty {
// self.callUpdateArticlesCompletionBlock(nil, nil, completion)
// return
// }
// let fetchedArticles = self.fetchArticlesForFeedID(feedID, withLimits: false, database) //4
// let fetchedArticlesDictionary = fetchedArticles.dictionary()
// let newArticles = self.findAndSaveNewArticles(incomingArticles, fetchedArticlesDictionary, database) //5
// let updatedArticles = self.findAndSaveUpdatedArticles(incomingArticles, fetchedArticlesDictionary, database) //6
// self.callUpdateArticlesCompletionBlock(newArticles, updatedArticles, completion) //7
// // 8. Update search index.
// var articlesToIndex = Set<Article>()
// if let newArticles = newArticles {
// articlesToIndex.formUnion(newArticles)
// }
// if let updatedArticles = updatedArticles {
// articlesToIndex.formUnion(updatedArticles)
// }
// let articleIDs = articlesToIndex.articleIDs()
// if articleIDs.isEmpty {
// return
// }
// DispatchQueue.main.async {
// self.searchTable.ensureIndexedArticles(for: articleIDs)
// }
// }
// }
func ensureStatuses(_ articleIDs: Set<String>, _ defaultRead: Bool, _ statusKey: ArticleStatus.Key, _ flag: Bool) {
self.queue.update { (database) in
let statusesDictionary = self.statusesTable.ensureStatusesForArticleIDs(articleIDs, defaultRead, database)