Provide verification dialog for deletes. Issue #1789

This commit is contained in:
Maurice Parker 2020-09-28 19:50:31 -05:00
parent afefac74fc
commit aaff359609

View File

@ -230,14 +230,49 @@ protocol SidebarDelegate: class {
// MARK: - Actions
@IBAction func delete(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
if outlineView.selectionIsEmpty {
let availableSelectedNodes = selectedNodes.filter { !($0.representedObject is PseudoFeed) }
if availableSelectedNodes.isEmpty {
let firstRow = outlineView.selectedRowIndexes.min()
if let restoreRow = firstRow, restoreRow < outlineView.numberOfRows {
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.alertStyle = .warning
if availableSelectedNodes.count == 1 {
if let folder = availableSelectedNodes.first?.representedObject as? Folder {
let localizedMessageText = "Delete the “%@” folder?"
alert.messageText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedMessageText as NSString, folder.nameForDisplay) as String
let localizedInformativeText = NSLocalizedString("Are you sure you want to delete the “%@” folder?", comment: "Folder delete text")
alert.informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedInformativeText as NSString, folder.nameForDisplay) as String
} else if let feed = availableSelectedNodes.first?.representedObject as? Feed {
let localizedMessageText = "Delete the “%@” feed?"
alert.messageText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedMessageText as NSString, feed.nameForDisplay) as String
let localizedInformativeText = NSLocalizedString("Are you sure you want to delete the “%@” feed?", comment: "Feed delete text")
alert.informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedInformativeText as NSString, feed.nameForDisplay) as String
} else {
let localizedMessageText = "Delete the %d selected items?"
alert.messageText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedMessageText as NSString, availableSelectedNodes.count) as String
let localizedInformativeText = NSLocalizedString("Are you sure you want to delete the %d selected items?", comment: "Items delete text")
alert.informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedInformativeText as NSString, availableSelectedNodes.count) as String
alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Delete", comment: "Delete Account"))
alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "Cancel Delete Account"))
alert.beginSheetModal(for: view.window!) { [weak self] result in
if result == NSApplication.ModalResponse.alertFirstButtonReturn {
guard let self = self else { return }
let firstRow = self.outlineView.selectedRowIndexes.min()
if let restoreRow = firstRow, restoreRow < self.outlineView.numberOfRows {
@IBAction func doubleClickedSidebar(_ sender: Any?) {