Speed up context menus by checking unread count instead of fetching articles everytime.

This commit is contained in:
Maurice Parker 2020-10-20 17:59:54 -05:00
parent b7f9145a71
commit 7030de089e
1 changed files with 27 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -1126,49 +1126,44 @@ private extension MasterFeedViewController {
guard let feedID = identifier.feedID,
let feed = AccountManager.shared.existingFeed(with: feedID),
let fetchedArticles = try? feed.fetchArticles() else {
return nil
let articles = Array(fetchedArticles)
return markAllAsReadAction(articles: articles, nameForDisplay: feed.nameForDisplay, indexPath: indexPath)
func markAllAsReadAction(account: Account, contentView: UIView?) -> UIAction? {
guard let fetchedArticles = try? account.fetchArticles(FetchType.unread) else {
return nil
let articles = Array(fetchedArticles)
return markAllAsReadAction(articles: articles, nameForDisplay: account.nameForDisplay, contentView: contentView)
func markAllAsReadAction(articles: [Article], nameForDisplay: String, indexPath: IndexPath? = nil) -> UIAction? {
guard let indexPath = indexPath,
let contentView = self.tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath)?.contentView else {
return nil
return markAllAsReadAction(articles: articles, nameForDisplay: nameForDisplay, contentView: contentView)
func markAllAsReadAction(articles: [Article], nameForDisplay: String, contentView: UIView?) -> UIAction? {
guard articles.canMarkAllAsRead(), let contentView = contentView else {
let feed = AccountManager.shared.existingFeed(with: feedID),
feed.unreadCount > 0,
let contentView = self.tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath)?.contentView else {
return nil
let localizedMenuText = NSLocalizedString("Mark All as Read in “%@”", comment: "Command")
let title = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedMenuText as NSString, nameForDisplay) as String
let title = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedMenuText as NSString, feed.nameForDisplay) as String
let action = UIAction(title: title, image: AppAssets.markAllAsReadImage) { [weak self] action in
MarkAsReadAlertController.confirm(self, coordinator: self?.coordinator, confirmTitle: title, sourceType: contentView) { [weak self] in
if let articles = try? feed.fetchUnreadArticles() {
return action
func markAllAsReadAction(account: Account, contentView: UIView?) -> UIAction? {
guard account.unreadCount > 0, let contentView = contentView else {
return nil
let localizedMenuText = NSLocalizedString("Mark All as Read in “%@”", comment: "Command")
let title = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedMenuText as NSString, account.nameForDisplay) as String
let action = UIAction(title: title, image: AppAssets.markAllAsReadImage) { [weak self] action in
MarkAsReadAlertController.confirm(self, coordinator: self?.coordinator, confirmTitle: title, sourceType: contentView) { [weak self] in
if let articles = try? account.fetchArticles(.unread) {
return action
func rename(indexPath: IndexPath) {
guard let feedID = dataSource.itemIdentifier(for: indexPath)?.feedID, let feed = AccountManager.shared.existingFeed(with: feedID) else { return }