Cache home pages with no icon between launches

This commit is contained in:
Maurice Parker 2019-10-31 13:38:38 -05:00
parent 1e7b71a482
commit 5bcb5a982f
2 changed files with 52 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -32,7 +32,14 @@ public final class FeedIconDownloader {
private var homePagesWithNoIconURL = Set<String>()
private var homePagesWithNoIconURLCache = Set<String>()
private var homePagesWithNoIconURLCachePath: String
private var homePagesWithNoIconURLCacheDirty = false {
didSet {
private var urlsInProgress = Set<String>()
private var cache = [Feed: RSImage]()
private var waitingForFeedURLs = [String: Feed]()
@ -40,7 +47,9 @@ public final class FeedIconDownloader {
init(imageDownloader: ImageDownloader, folder: String) {
self.imageDownloader = imageDownloader
self.homePageToIconURLCachePath = (folder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("HomePageToIconURLCache.plist")
self.homePagesWithNoIconURLCachePath = (folder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("HomePagesWithNoIconURLCache.plist")
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(imageDidBecomeAvailable(_:)), name: .ImageDidBecomeAvailable, object: imageDownloader)
@ -99,13 +108,19 @@ public final class FeedIconDownloader {
@objc func saveHomePagesWithNoIconURLCacheIfNeeded() {
if homePagesWithNoIconURLCacheDirty {
private extension FeedIconDownloader {
func icon(forHomePageURL homePageURL: String, feed: Feed, _ imageResultBlock: @escaping (RSImage?) -> Void) {
if homePagesWithNoIconURL.contains(homePageURL) {
if homePagesWithNoIconURLCache.contains(homePageURL) {
@ -141,7 +156,8 @@ private extension FeedIconDownloader {
func cacheIconURL(for homePageURL: String, _ iconURL: String) {
homePagesWithNoIconURLCacheDirty = true
homePageToIconURLCache[homePageURL] = iconURL
homePageToIconURLCacheDirty = true
@ -172,7 +188,8 @@ private extension FeedIconDownloader {
homePagesWithNoIconURLCacheDirty = true
func loadHomePageToIconURLCache() {
@ -184,10 +201,24 @@ private extension FeedIconDownloader {
homePageToIconURLCache = (try? decoder.decode([String: String].self, from: data)) ?? [String: String]()
func loadHomePagesWithNoIconURLCache() {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: homePagesWithNoIconURLCachePath)
guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else {
let decoder = PropertyListDecoder()
let decoded = (try? decoder.decode([String].self, from: data)) ?? [String]()
homePagesWithNoIconURLCache = Set(decoded)
func queueSaveHomePageToIconURLCacheIfNeeded() {
FeedIconDownloader.saveQueue.add(self, #selector(saveHomePageToIconURLCacheIfNeeded))
func queueHomePagesWithNoIconURLCacheIfNeeded() {
FeedIconDownloader.saveQueue.add(self, #selector(saveHomePagesWithNoIconURLCacheIfNeeded))
func saveHomePageToIconURLCache() {
homePageToIconURLCacheDirty = false
@ -202,4 +233,18 @@ private extension FeedIconDownloader {
func saveHomePagesWithNoIconURLCache() {
homePagesWithNoIconURLCacheDirty = false
let encoder = PropertyListEncoder()
encoder.outputFormat = .binary
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: homePagesWithNoIconURLCachePath)
do {
let data = try encoder.encode(Array(homePagesWithNoIconURLCache))
try data.write(to: url)
} catch {

View File

@ -200,12 +200,13 @@ private extension AppDelegate {
let faviconsFolderURL = tempDir.appendingPathComponent("Favicons")
let imagesFolderURL = tempDir.appendingPathComponent("Images")
let homePageToIconURL = tempDir.appendingPathComponent("HomePageToIconURLCache.plist")
let homePagesWithNoIconURL = tempDir.appendingPathComponent("HomePagesWithNoIconURLCache.plist")
// If the image disk cache hasn't been flushed for 3 days and the network is available, delete it
if let flushDate = AppDefaults.lastImageCacheFlushDate, flushDate.addingTimeInterval(3600*24*3) < Date() {
if let reachability = try? Reachability(hostname: "") {
if reachability.connection != .unavailable {
for tempItem in [faviconsFolderURL, imagesFolderURL, homePageToIconURL] {
for tempItem in [faviconsFolderURL, imagesFolderURL, homePageToIconURL, homePagesWithNoIconURL] {
do {
os_log(.info, log: self.log, "Removing cache file: %@", tempItem.absoluteString)
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: tempItem)