Delete some dead code.

This commit is contained in:
Brent Simmons 2017-09-09 12:24:30 -07:00
parent 3c47b23b8b
commit 4d816850d6
1 changed files with 2 additions and 147 deletions

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@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ final class ArticlesTable: DatabaseTable {
// TODO: statusesTable needs to cache status changes.
queue.update { (database) in
self.statusesTable.markArticleIDs(Set(articleIDs), statusKey, flag, database)
@ -193,22 +194,6 @@ private extension ArticlesTable {
// MARK: Fetching
// func attachRelatedObjects(_ articles: Set<Article>, _ database: FMDatabase) {
// let articleArray = { $0 as DatabaseObject }
// authorsLookupTable.attachRelatedObjects(to: articleArray, in: database)
// attachmentsLookupTable.attachRelatedObjects(to: articleArray, in: database)
// tagsLookupTable.attachRelatedObjects(to: articleArray, in: database)
// // In theory, its impossible to have a fetched article without a status.
// // Lets handle that impossibility anyway.
// // Remember that, if nothing else, the user can edit the SQLite database,
// // and thus could delete all their statuses.
// statusesTable.ensureStatusesForArticles(articles, database)
// }
func articleWithRow(_ row: FMResultSet) -> Article? {
guard let account = account else {
@ -287,110 +272,6 @@ private extension ArticlesTable {
return articlesWithResultSet(resultSet, database)
// MARK: Saving/Updating
func updateArticles(_ articlesDictionary: [String: Article], _ parsedItemsDictionary: [String: ParsedItem], _ feed: Feed, _ completion: @escaping RSVoidCompletionBlock) {
// 1. Fetch statuses for parsedItems.
// 2. Filter out parsedItems where userDeleted==1 or (arrival date > 4 months and not starred).
// (Under no user setting do we retain articles older with an arrival date > 4 months.)
// 3. Find parsedItems with no status and no matching article: save them as entirely new articles.
// 4. Compare remaining parsedItems with articles, and update database with any changes.
queue.fetch { (database) in
let parsedItemArticleIDs = Set(parsedItemsDictionary.keys)
let fetchedStatuses = self.statusesTable.fetchStatusesForArticleIDs(parsedItemArticleIDs, database)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// #2. Drop any parsedItems that can be ignored.
// If thats all of them, then great  nothing to do.
let filteredParsedItems = self.filterParsedItems(parsedItemsDictionary, fetchedStatuses)
if filteredParsedItems.isEmpty {
// #3. Save entirely new parsedItems.
let newParsedItems = self.findNewParsedItems(parsedItemsDictionary, fetchedStatuses, articlesDictionary)
if !newParsedItems.isEmpty {
self.saveNewParsedItems(newParsedItems, feed)
// #4. Update existing parsedItems.
let parsedItemsToUpdate = self.findExistingParsedItems(parsedItemsDictionary, fetchedStatuses, articlesDictionary)
if !parsedItemsToUpdate.isEmpty {
self.updateParsedItems(parsedItemsToUpdate, articlesDictionary, feed)
func updateParsedItems(_ parsedItems: [String: ParsedItem], _ articles: [String: Article], _ feed: Feed) {
// updateRelatedObjects(_ parsedItems: [String: ParsedItem], _ articles: [String: Article])
// func updateRelatedObjects(_ parsedItems: [String: ParsedItem], _ articles: [String: Article]) {
// // Update the in-memory Articles when needed.
// // Save only when there are changes, which should be pretty infrequent.
// assert(Thread.isMainThread)
// var articlesWithTagChanges = Set<Article>()
// var articlesWithAttachmentChanges = Set<Article>()
// var articlesWithAuthorChanges = Set<Article>()
// for (articleID, parsedItem) in parsedItems {
// guard let article = articles[articleID] else {
// continue
// }
// if article.updateTagsWithParsedTags(parsedItem.tags) {
// articlesWithTagChanges.insert(article)
// }
// if article.updateAttachmentsWithParsedAttachments(parsedItem.attachments) {
// articlesWithAttachmentChanges.insert(article)
// }
// if article.updateAuthorsWithParsedAuthors(parsedItem.authors) {
// articlesWithAuthorChanges.insert(article)
// }
// }
// if articlesWithTagChanges.isEmpty && articlesWithAttachmentChanges.isEmpty && articlesWithAuthorChanges.isEmpty {
// // Should be pretty common.
// return
// }
// // We used detachedCopy because the Article objects being updated are main-thread objects.
// articlesWithTagChanges = Set({ $0.detachedCopy() })
// articlesWithAttachmentChanges = Set({ $0.detachedCopy() })
// articlesWithAuthorChanges = Set({ $0.detachedCopy() })
// queue.update { (database) in
// if !articlesWithTagChanges.isEmpty {
// tagsLookupTable.saveRelatedObjects(for: articlesWithTagChanges.databaseObjects(), in: database)
// }
// if !articlesWithAttachmentChanges.isEmpty {
// attachmentsLookupTable.saveRelatedObjects(for: articlesWithAttachmentChanges.databaseObjects(), in: database)
// }
// if !articlesWithAuthorChanges.isEmpty {
// authorsLookupTable.saveRelatedObjects(for: articlesWithAuthorChanges.databaseObjects(), in: database)
// }
// }
// }
// MARK: Save New Articles
func saveNewArticles(_ articles: Set<Article>, _ database: FMDatabase) {
@ -443,11 +324,7 @@ private extension ArticlesTable {
saveUpdatedRelatedObjects(updatedArticles, fetchedArticles, database)
for updatedArticle in updatedArticles {
guard let fetchedArticle = fetchedArticle[updatedArticle.articleID] else {
assertionFailure("Expected to find matching fetched article.");
if let changesDictionary = updatedArticle.changesFrom(fetchedArticles[upd])
saveUpdatedArticle(updatedArticle, fetchedArticles, database)
@ -501,27 +378,5 @@ private extension ArticlesTable {
return d
func findNewParsedItems(_ parsedItems: [String: ParsedItem], _ statuses: [String: ArticleStatus], _ articles: [String: Article]) -> [String: ParsedItem] {
// If theres no existing status or Article, then its completely new.
var d = [String: ParsedItem]()
for (articleID, parsedItem) in parsedItems {
if statuses[articleID] == nil && articles[articleID] == nil {
d[articleID] = parsedItem
return d
func findExistingParsedItems(_ parsedItems: [String: ParsedItem], _ statuses: [String: ArticleStatus], _ articles: [String: Article]) -> [String: ParsedItem] {
return [String: ParsedItem]() //TODO