diff --git a/Mac/Resources/NetNewsWire.sdef b/Mac/Resources/NetNewsWire.sdef
index 20266f71d..3f445d602 100644
--- a/Mac/Resources/NetNewsWire.sdef
+++ b/Mac/Resources/NetNewsWire.sdef
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
         <enumeration name="account type" code="enum">
-            <enumerator name="local" code="Locl" description="The On my Mac account"/>
+            <enumerator name="onmymac" code="Locl" description="An On my Mac (local) account"/>
             <enumerator name="feedly" code="Fdly" description="A Feedly account"/>
             <enumerator name="feedbin" code="Fdbn" description="A Feedbin account"/>
             <enumerator name="feed wrangler" code="FWrg" description="A Feed Wrangler account"/>
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
             <property name="id" code="ID  " type="text" access="r" description="The unique id of the account">
                 <cocoa key="uniqueId"/>
-            <property name="type" code="ATyp" type="account type" access="r" description="The type of the account">
+            <property name="accountType" code="ATyp" type="account type" access="r" description="The type of the account">
                 <cocoa key="accountType"/>
 			<property name="active" code="Actv" type="boolean" access="rw" description="Whether or not the account is active">