Delete no-longer-used function.

This commit is contained in:
Brent Simmons 2024-05-17 22:40:29 -07:00
parent a579126e92
commit 45c08cd155

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@ -271,41 +271,4 @@ class FeedlyTestSupport {
XCTAssertEqual(items.count, entries.count)
XCTAssertTrue(missing.isEmpty, "Failed to create \(FeedlyEntry.self) values from objects in the JSON with these ids.")
func makeParsedItemTestDataFor(numberOfFeeds: Int, numberOfItemsInFeeds: Int) -> [String: Set<ParsedItem>] {
let ids = (0..<numberOfFeeds).map { "feed/\($0)" }
let feedIDsAndItemCounts = { ($0, numberOfItemsInFeeds) }
let entries = { (feedId, count) -> (String, [Int]) in
return (feedId, (0..<count).map { $0 })
}.map { pair -> (String, Set<ParsedItem>) in
let items = { index -> ParsedItem in
ParsedItem(syncServiceID: "\(pair.0)/articles/\(index)",
uniqueID: UUID().uuidString,
feedURL: pair.0,
url: "http://localhost/",
externalURL: "http://localhost/\(pair.0)/articles/\(index).html",
title: "Title\(index)",
language: nil,
contentHTML: "Content \(index) HTML.",
contentText: "Content \(index) Text",
summary: nil,
imageURL: nil,
bannerImageURL: nil,
datePublished: nil,
dateModified: nil,
authors: nil,
tags: nil,
attachments: nil)
return (pair.0, Set(items))
}.reduce([String: Set<ParsedItem>](minimumCapacity: feedIDsAndItemCounts.count)) { (dict, pair) in
var mutant = dict
mutant[pair.0] = pair.1
return mutant
return entries