fiddle with where the padding spaces are added

This commit is contained in:
Olof Hellman 2019-07-10 00:08:30 -07:00
parent 9a730afb49
commit 27e57aad6c

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ end getContentsOrHtml
-- given a list of author names, generate a happily formatted list like "Jean MacDonald and James Dempsey"
-- if the list is more than two names, use Oxford comma structure: "Brent Simmons, Jean MacDonald, and James Dempsey"
-- the returned string is padded by spaces on both sides
to formatListOfNames(listOfNames)
set c to count listOfNames
@ -45,17 +44,17 @@ to formatListOfNames(listOfNames)
set formattedList to t1 & ", and " & lastName
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
end if
return " from " & formattedList & " "
return formattedList
end formatListOfNames
-- sometimes, an article has an author, sometimes it has more than one, sometimes there's no author
-- this function getAuthorStub() returns a string like " by Kaya Thomas " that can be used in crafting a message
-- this function getAuthorStub() returns a string like " from Jean MacDonald " that can be used in crafting a message
-- about the current article. If there are no authors, it just returns a single space.
to getAuthorStub(authorNames)
if ((count authorNames) is greater than 0) then
return formatListOfNames(authorNames)
return " from " & formatListOfNames(authorNames) & " "
end if
end try
return " "