Continue progress on porting feed parsers.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,16 @@
<string>Local Baseline</string>
@ -12,65 +12,65 @@ import SAX
// FeedParser handles RSS, Atom, JSON Feed, and RSS-in-JSON.
// You don’t need to know the type of feed.
public struct FeedParser {
public static func canParse(_ parserData: ParserData) -> Bool {
let type = feedType(parserData)
switch type {
case .jsonFeed, .rssInJSON, .rss, .atom:
return true
return false
public static func parse(_ parserData: ParserData) async throws -> ParsedFeed? {
let type = feedType(parserData)
switch type {
case .jsonFeed:
return try JSONFeedParser.parse(parserData)
case .rssInJSON:
return try RSSInJSONParser.parse(parserData)
case .rss:
return RSSParser.parse(parserData)
case .atom:
return AtomParser.parse(parserData)
case .unknown, .notAFeed:
return nil
/// For unit tests measuring performance.
public static func parseSync(_ parserData: ParserData) throws -> ParsedFeed? {
let type = feedType(parserData)
switch type {
case .jsonFeed:
return try JSONFeedParser.parse(parserData)
case .rssInJSON:
return try RSSInJSONParser.parse(parserData)
case .rss:
return RSSParser.parse(parserData)
case .atom:
return AtomParser.parse(parserData)
case .unknown, .notAFeed:
return nil
//public struct FeedParser {
// public static func canParse(_ parserData: ParserData) -> Bool {
// let type = feedType(parserData)
// switch type {
// case .jsonFeed, .rssInJSON, .rss, .atom:
// return true
// default:
// return false
// }
// }
// public static func parse(_ parserData: ParserData) async throws -> ParsedFeed? {
// let type = feedType(parserData)
// switch type {
// case .jsonFeed:
// return try JSONFeedParser.parse(parserData)
// case .rssInJSON:
// return try RSSInJSONParser.parse(parserData)
// case .rss:
// return RSSParser.parse(parserData)
// case .atom:
// return AtomParser.parse(parserData)
// case .unknown, .notAFeed:
// return nil
// }
// }
// /// For unit tests measuring performance.
// public static func parseSync(_ parserData: ParserData) throws -> ParsedFeed? {
// let type = feedType(parserData)
// switch type {
// case .jsonFeed:
// return try JSONFeedParser.parse(parserData)
// case .rssInJSON:
// return try RSSInJSONParser.parse(parserData)
// case .rss:
// return RSSParser.parse(parserData)
// case .atom:
// return AtomParser.parse(parserData)
// case .unknown, .notAFeed:
// return nil
// }
// }
@ -19,44 +19,44 @@ public enum FeedType: Sendable {
private let minNumberOfBytesRequired = 128
public func feedType(_ parserData: ParserData, isPartialData: Bool = false) -> FeedType {
// Can call with partial data — while still downloading, for instance.
// If there’s not enough data, return .unknown. Ask again when there’s more data.
// If it’s definitely not a feed, return .notAFeed.
// This is fast enough to call on the main thread.
if < minNumberOfBytesRequired {
return .unknown
let nsdata = as NSData
if nsdata.isProbablyJSONFeed() {
return .jsonFeed
if nsdata.isProbablyRSSInJSON() {
return .rssInJSON
if nsdata.isProbablyRSS() {
return .rss
if nsdata.isProbablyAtom() {
return .atom
if isPartialData && nsdata.isProbablyJSON() {
// Might not be able to detect a JSON Feed without all data.
// Dr. Drang’s JSON Feed (see althis.json and allthis-partial.json in tests)
// has, at this writing, the JSON version element at the end of the feed,
// which is totally legal — but it means not being able to detect
// that it’s a JSON Feed without all the data.
// So this returns .unknown instead of .notAFeed.
return .unknown
return .notAFeed
//private let minNumberOfBytesRequired = 128
//public func feedType(_ parserData: ParserData, isPartialData: Bool = false) -> FeedType {
// // Can call with partial data — while still downloading, for instance.
// // If there’s not enough data, return .unknown. Ask again when there’s more data.
// // If it’s definitely not a feed, return .notAFeed.
// //
// // This is fast enough to call on the main thread.
// if < minNumberOfBytesRequired {
// return .unknown
// }
// let nsdata = as NSData
// if nsdata.isProbablyJSONFeed() {
// return .jsonFeed
// }
// if nsdata.isProbablyRSSInJSON() {
// return .rssInJSON
// }
// if nsdata.isProbablyRSS() {
// return .rss
// }
// if nsdata.isProbablyAtom() {
// return .atom
// }
// if isPartialData && nsdata.isProbablyJSON() {
// // Might not be able to detect a JSON Feed without all data.
// // Dr. Drang’s JSON Feed (see althis.json and allthis-partial.json in tests)
// // has, at this writing, the JSON version element at the end of the feed,
// // which is totally legal — but it means not being able to detect
// // that it’s a JSON Feed without all the data.
// // So this returns .unknown instead of .notAFeed.
// return .unknown
// }
// return .notAFeed
@ -1,248 +1,248 @@
//// JSONFeedParser.swift
//// RSParser
//// Created by Brent Simmons on 6/25/17.
//// Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
// JSONFeedParser.swift
// RSParser
//import Foundation
//import SAX
// Created by Brent Simmons on 6/25/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
//// See
import Foundation
import SAX
// See
public struct JSONFeedParser {
struct Key {
static let version = "version"
static let items = "items"
static let title = "title"
static let homePageURL = "home_page_url"
static let feedURL = "feed_url"
static let feedDescription = "description"
static let nextURL = "next_url"
static let icon = "icon"
static let favicon = "favicon"
static let expired = "expired"
static let author = "author"
static let authors = "authors"
static let name = "name"
static let url = "url"
static let avatar = "avatar"
static let hubs = "hubs"
static let type = "type"
static let contentHTML = "content_html"
static let contentText = "content_text"
static let externalURL = "external_url"
static let summary = "summary"
static let image = "image"
static let bannerImage = "banner_image"
static let datePublished = "date_published"
static let dateModified = "date_modified"
static let tags = "tags"
static let uniqueID = "id"
static let attachments = "attachments"
static let mimeType = "mime_type"
static let sizeInBytes = "size_in_bytes"
static let durationInSeconds = "duration_in_seconds"
static let language = "language"
static let jsonFeedVersionMarker = "://" // Allow for the mistake of not getting the scheme exactly correct.
public static func parse(_ parserData: ParserData) throws -> ParsedFeed? {
guard let d = JSONUtilities.dictionary(with: else {
throw FeedParserError(.invalidJSON)
guard let version = d[Key.version] as? String, let _ = version.range(of: JSONFeedParser.jsonFeedVersionMarker) else {
throw FeedParserError(.jsonFeedVersionNotFound)
guard let itemsArray = d[Key.items] as? JSONArray else {
throw FeedParserError(.jsonFeedItemsNotFound)
guard let title = d[Key.title] as? String else {
throw FeedParserError(.jsonFeedTitleNotFound)
let authors = parseAuthors(d)
let homePageURL = d[Key.homePageURL] as? String
let feedURL = d[Key.feedURL] as? String ?? parserData.url
let feedDescription = d[Key.feedDescription] as? String
let nextURL = d[Key.nextURL] as? String
let iconURL = d[Key.icon] as? String
let faviconURL = d[Key.favicon] as? String
let expired = d[Key.expired] as? Bool ?? false
let hubs = parseHubs(d)
let language = d[Key.language] as? String
let items = parseItems(itemsArray, parserData.url)
return ParsedFeed(type: .jsonFeed, title: title, homePageURL: homePageURL, feedURL: feedURL, language: language, feedDescription: feedDescription, nextURL: nextURL, iconURL: iconURL, faviconURL: faviconURL, authors: authors, expired: expired, hubs: hubs, items: items)
private extension JSONFeedParser {
static func parseAuthors(_ dictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<ParsedAuthor>? {
if let authorsArray = dictionary[Key.authors] as? JSONArray {
var authors = Set<ParsedAuthor>()
for author in authorsArray {
if let parsedAuthor = parseAuthor(author) {
return authors
guard let authorDictionary = dictionary[] as? JSONDictionary,
let parsedAuthor = parseAuthor(authorDictionary) else {
return nil
return Set([parsedAuthor])
static func parseAuthor(_ dictionary: JSONDictionary) -> ParsedAuthor? {
let name = dictionary[] as? String
let url = dictionary[Key.url] as? String
let avatar = dictionary[Key.avatar] as? String
if name == nil && url == nil && avatar == nil {
return nil
return ParsedAuthor(name: name, url: url, avatarURL: avatar, emailAddress: nil)
static func parseHubs(_ dictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<ParsedHub>? {
guard let hubsArray = dictionary[Key.hubs] as? JSONArray else {
return nil
let hubs = hubsArray.compactMap { (hubDictionary) -> ParsedHub? in
guard let hubURL = hubDictionary[Key.url] as? String, let hubType = hubDictionary[Key.type] as? String else {
return nil
return ParsedHub(type: hubType, url: hubURL)
return hubs.isEmpty ? nil : Set(hubs)
static func parseItems(_ itemsArray: JSONArray, _ feedURL: String) -> Set<ParsedItem> {
return Set(itemsArray.compactMap { (oneItemDictionary) -> ParsedItem? in
return parseItem(oneItemDictionary, feedURL)
static func parseItem(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary, _ feedURL: String) -> ParsedItem? {
guard let uniqueID = parseUniqueID(itemDictionary) else {
return nil
let contentHTML = itemDictionary[Key.contentHTML] as? String
let contentText = itemDictionary[Key.contentText] as? String
if contentHTML == nil && contentText == nil {
return nil
let url = itemDictionary[Key.url] as? String
let externalURL = itemDictionary[Key.externalURL] as? String
let title = parseTitle(itemDictionary, feedURL)
let language = itemDictionary[Key.language] as? String
let summary = itemDictionary[Key.summary] as? String
let imageURL = itemDictionary[Key.image] as? String
let bannerImageURL = itemDictionary[Key.bannerImage] as? String
let datePublished = parseDate(itemDictionary[Key.datePublished] as? String)
let dateModified = parseDate(itemDictionary[Key.dateModified] as? String)
let authors = parseAuthors(itemDictionary)
var tags: Set<String>? = nil
if let tagsArray = itemDictionary[Key.tags] as? [String] {
tags = Set(tagsArray)
let attachments = parseAttachments(itemDictionary)
return ParsedItem(syncServiceID: nil, uniqueID: uniqueID, feedURL: feedURL, url: url, externalURL: externalURL, title: title, language: language, contentHTML: contentHTML, contentText: contentText, summary: summary, imageURL: imageURL, bannerImageURL: bannerImageURL, datePublished: datePublished, dateModified: dateModified, authors: authors, tags: tags, attachments: attachments)
static func parseTitle(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary, _ feedURL: String) -> String? {
guard let title = itemDictionary[Key.title] as? String else {
return nil
if isSpecialCaseTitleWithEntitiesFeed(feedURL) {
return (title as NSString).rsparser_stringByDecodingHTMLEntities()
return title
static func isSpecialCaseTitleWithEntitiesFeed(_ feedURL: String) -> Bool {
// As of 16 Feb. 2018, Kottke’s and Heer’s feeds includes HTML entities in the title elements.
// If we find more feeds like this, we’ll add them here. If these feeds get fixed, we’ll remove them.
let lowerFeedURL = feedURL.lowercased()
let matchStrings = ["", "", "", ""]
for matchString in matchStrings {
if lowerFeedURL.contains(matchString) {
return true
return false
static func parseUniqueID(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> String? {
if let uniqueID = itemDictionary[Key.uniqueID] as? String {
return uniqueID // Spec says it must be a string
// Version 1 spec also says that if it’s a number, even though that’s incorrect, it should be coerced to a string.
if let uniqueID = itemDictionary[Key.uniqueID] as? Int {
return "\(uniqueID)"
if let uniqueID = itemDictionary[Key.uniqueID] as? Double {
return "\(uniqueID)"
return nil
static func parseDate(_ dateString: String?) -> Date? {
guard let dateString = dateString, !dateString.isEmpty else {
return nil
return RSDateWithString(dateString)
static func parseAttachments(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<ParsedAttachment>? {
guard let attachmentsArray = itemDictionary[Key.attachments] as? JSONArray else {
return nil
return Set(attachmentsArray.compactMap { parseAttachment($0) })
static func parseAttachment(_ attachmentObject: JSONDictionary) -> ParsedAttachment? {
guard let url = attachmentObject[Key.url] as? String else {
return nil
guard let mimeType = attachmentObject[Key.mimeType] as? String else {
return nil
let title = attachmentObject[Key.title] as? String
let sizeInBytes = attachmentObject[Key.sizeInBytes] as? Int
let durationInSeconds = attachmentObject[Key.durationInSeconds] as? Int
return ParsedAttachment(url: url, mimeType: mimeType, title: title, sizeInBytes: sizeInBytes, durationInSeconds: durationInSeconds)
//public struct JSONFeedParser {
// struct Key {
// static let version = "version"
// static let items = "items"
// static let title = "title"
// static let homePageURL = "home_page_url"
// static let feedURL = "feed_url"
// static let feedDescription = "description"
// static let nextURL = "next_url"
// static let icon = "icon"
// static let favicon = "favicon"
// static let expired = "expired"
// static let author = "author"
// static let authors = "authors"
// static let name = "name"
// static let url = "url"
// static let avatar = "avatar"
// static let hubs = "hubs"
// static let type = "type"
// static let contentHTML = "content_html"
// static let contentText = "content_text"
// static let externalURL = "external_url"
// static let summary = "summary"
// static let image = "image"
// static let bannerImage = "banner_image"
// static let datePublished = "date_published"
// static let dateModified = "date_modified"
// static let tags = "tags"
// static let uniqueID = "id"
// static let attachments = "attachments"
// static let mimeType = "mime_type"
// static let sizeInBytes = "size_in_bytes"
// static let durationInSeconds = "duration_in_seconds"
// static let language = "language"
// }
// static let jsonFeedVersionMarker = "://" // Allow for the mistake of not getting the scheme exactly correct.
// public static func parse(_ parserData: ParserData) throws -> ParsedFeed? {
// guard let d = JSONUtilities.dictionary(with: else {
// throw FeedParserError(.invalidJSON)
// }
// guard let version = d[Key.version] as? String, let _ = version.range(of: JSONFeedParser.jsonFeedVersionMarker) else {
// throw FeedParserError(.jsonFeedVersionNotFound)
// }
// guard let itemsArray = d[Key.items] as? JSONArray else {
// throw FeedParserError(.jsonFeedItemsNotFound)
// }
// guard let title = d[Key.title] as? String else {
// throw FeedParserError(.jsonFeedTitleNotFound)
// }
// let authors = parseAuthors(d)
// let homePageURL = d[Key.homePageURL] as? String
// let feedURL = d[Key.feedURL] as? String ?? parserData.url
// let feedDescription = d[Key.feedDescription] as? String
// let nextURL = d[Key.nextURL] as? String
// let iconURL = d[Key.icon] as? String
// let faviconURL = d[Key.favicon] as? String
// let expired = d[Key.expired] as? Bool ?? false
// let hubs = parseHubs(d)
// let language = d[Key.language] as? String
// let items = parseItems(itemsArray, parserData.url)
// return ParsedFeed(type: .jsonFeed, title: title, homePageURL: homePageURL, feedURL: feedURL, language: language, feedDescription: feedDescription, nextURL: nextURL, iconURL: iconURL, faviconURL: faviconURL, authors: authors, expired: expired, hubs: hubs, items: items)
// }
//private extension JSONFeedParser {
// static func parseAuthors(_ dictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<ParsedAuthor>? {
// if let authorsArray = dictionary[Key.authors] as? JSONArray {
// var authors = Set<ParsedAuthor>()
// for author in authorsArray {
// if let parsedAuthor = parseAuthor(author) {
// authors.insert(parsedAuthor)
// }
// }
// return authors
// }
// guard let authorDictionary = dictionary[] as? JSONDictionary,
// let parsedAuthor = parseAuthor(authorDictionary) else {
// return nil
// }
// return Set([parsedAuthor])
// }
// static func parseAuthor(_ dictionary: JSONDictionary) -> ParsedAuthor? {
// let name = dictionary[] as? String
// let url = dictionary[Key.url] as? String
// let avatar = dictionary[Key.avatar] as? String
// if name == nil && url == nil && avatar == nil {
// return nil
// }
// return ParsedAuthor(name: name, url: url, avatarURL: avatar, emailAddress: nil)
// }
// static func parseHubs(_ dictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<ParsedHub>? {
// guard let hubsArray = dictionary[Key.hubs] as? JSONArray else {
// return nil
// }
// let hubs = hubsArray.compactMap { (hubDictionary) -> ParsedHub? in
// guard let hubURL = hubDictionary[Key.url] as? String, let hubType = hubDictionary[Key.type] as? String else {
// return nil
// }
// return ParsedHub(type: hubType, url: hubURL)
// }
// return hubs.isEmpty ? nil : Set(hubs)
// }
// static func parseItems(_ itemsArray: JSONArray, _ feedURL: String) -> Set<ParsedItem> {
// return Set(itemsArray.compactMap { (oneItemDictionary) -> ParsedItem? in
// return parseItem(oneItemDictionary, feedURL)
// })
// }
// static func parseItem(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary, _ feedURL: String) -> ParsedItem? {
// guard let uniqueID = parseUniqueID(itemDictionary) else {
// return nil
// }
// let contentHTML = itemDictionary[Key.contentHTML] as? String
// let contentText = itemDictionary[Key.contentText] as? String
// if contentHTML == nil && contentText == nil {
// return nil
// }
// let url = itemDictionary[Key.url] as? String
// let externalURL = itemDictionary[Key.externalURL] as? String
// let title = parseTitle(itemDictionary, feedURL)
// let language = itemDictionary[Key.language] as? String
// let summary = itemDictionary[Key.summary] as? String
// let imageURL = itemDictionary[Key.image] as? String
// let bannerImageURL = itemDictionary[Key.bannerImage] as? String
// let datePublished = parseDate(itemDictionary[Key.datePublished] as? String)
// let dateModified = parseDate(itemDictionary[Key.dateModified] as? String)
// let authors = parseAuthors(itemDictionary)
// var tags: Set<String>? = nil
// if let tagsArray = itemDictionary[Key.tags] as? [String] {
// tags = Set(tagsArray)
// }
// let attachments = parseAttachments(itemDictionary)
// return ParsedItem(syncServiceID: nil, uniqueID: uniqueID, feedURL: feedURL, url: url, externalURL: externalURL, title: title, language: language, contentHTML: contentHTML, contentText: contentText, summary: summary, imageURL: imageURL, bannerImageURL: bannerImageURL, datePublished: datePublished, dateModified: dateModified, authors: authors, tags: tags, attachments: attachments)
// }
// static func parseTitle(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary, _ feedURL: String) -> String? {
// guard let title = itemDictionary[Key.title] as? String else {
// return nil
// }
// if isSpecialCaseTitleWithEntitiesFeed(feedURL) {
// return (title as NSString).rsparser_stringByDecodingHTMLEntities()
// }
// return title
// }
// static func isSpecialCaseTitleWithEntitiesFeed(_ feedURL: String) -> Bool {
// // As of 16 Feb. 2018, Kottke’s and Heer’s feeds includes HTML entities in the title elements.
// // If we find more feeds like this, we’ll add them here. If these feeds get fixed, we’ll remove them.
// let lowerFeedURL = feedURL.lowercased()
// let matchStrings = ["", "", "", ""]
// for matchString in matchStrings {
// if lowerFeedURL.contains(matchString) {
// return true
// }
// }
// return false
// }
// static func parseUniqueID(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> String? {
// if let uniqueID = itemDictionary[Key.uniqueID] as? String {
// return uniqueID // Spec says it must be a string
// }
// // Version 1 spec also says that if it’s a number, even though that’s incorrect, it should be coerced to a string.
// if let uniqueID = itemDictionary[Key.uniqueID] as? Int {
// return "\(uniqueID)"
// }
// if let uniqueID = itemDictionary[Key.uniqueID] as? Double {
// return "\(uniqueID)"
// }
// return nil
// }
// static func parseDate(_ dateString: String?) -> Date? {
// guard let dateString = dateString, !dateString.isEmpty else {
// return nil
// }
// return RSDateWithString(dateString)
// }
// static func parseAttachments(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<ParsedAttachment>? {
// guard let attachmentsArray = itemDictionary[Key.attachments] as? JSONArray else {
// return nil
// }
// return Set(attachmentsArray.compactMap { parseAttachment($0) })
// }
// static func parseAttachment(_ attachmentObject: JSONDictionary) -> ParsedAttachment? {
// guard let url = attachmentObject[Key.url] as? String else {
// return nil
// }
// guard let mimeType = attachmentObject[Key.mimeType] as? String else {
// return nil
// }
// let title = attachmentObject[Key.title] as? String
// let sizeInBytes = attachmentObject[Key.sizeInBytes] as? Int
// let durationInSeconds = attachmentObject[Key.durationInSeconds] as? Int
// return ParsedAttachment(url: url, mimeType: mimeType, title: title, sizeInBytes: sizeInBytes, durationInSeconds: durationInSeconds)
// }
@ -1,182 +1,182 @@
//// RSSInJSONParser.swift
//// RSParser
//// Created by Brent Simmons on 6/24/17.
//// Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
// RSSInJSONParser.swift
// RSParser
//import Foundation
//import SAX
// Created by Brent Simmons on 6/24/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
//// See
//// Also:
import Foundation
import SAX
// See
// Also:
public struct RSSInJSONParser {
public static func parse(_ parserData: ParserData) throws -> ParsedFeed? {
do {
guard let parsedObject = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: as? JSONDictionary else {
throw FeedParserError(.invalidJSON)
guard let rssObject = parsedObject["rss"] as? JSONDictionary else {
throw FeedParserError(.rssChannelNotFound)
guard let channelObject = rssObject["channel"] as? JSONDictionary else {
throw FeedParserError(.rssChannelNotFound)
// I’d bet money that in practice the items array won’t always appear correctly inside the channel object.
// I’d also bet that sometimes it gets called "items" instead of "item".
var itemsObject = channelObject["item"] as? JSONArray
if itemsObject == nil {
itemsObject = parsedObject["item"] as? JSONArray
if itemsObject == nil {
itemsObject = channelObject["items"] as? JSONArray
if itemsObject == nil {
itemsObject = parsedObject["items"] as? JSONArray
if itemsObject == nil {
throw FeedParserError(.rssItemsNotFound)
let title = channelObject["title"] as? String
let homePageURL = channelObject["link"] as? String
let feedURL = parserData.url
let feedDescription = channelObject["description"] as? String
let feedLanguage = channelObject["language"] as? String
let items = parseItems(itemsObject!, parserData.url)
return ParsedFeed(type: .rssInJSON, title: title, homePageURL: homePageURL, feedURL: feedURL, language: feedLanguage, feedDescription: feedDescription, nextURL: nil, iconURL: nil, faviconURL: nil, authors: nil, expired: false, hubs: nil, items: items)
catch { throw error }
private extension RSSInJSONParser {
static func parseItems(_ itemsObject: JSONArray, _ feedURL: String) -> Set<ParsedItem> {
return Set(itemsObject.compactMap{ (oneItemDictionary) -> ParsedItem? in
return parsedItemWithDictionary(oneItemDictionary, feedURL)
static func parsedItemWithDictionary(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary, _ feedURL: String) -> ParsedItem? {
let externalURL = itemDictionary["link"] as? String
let title = itemDictionary["title"] as? String
var contentHTML = itemDictionary["description"] as? String
var contentText: String? = nil
if contentHTML != nil && !(contentHTML!.contains("<")) {
contentText = contentHTML
contentHTML = nil
if contentHTML == nil && contentText == nil && title == nil {
return nil
var datePublished: Date? = nil
if let datePublishedString = itemDictionary["pubDate"] as? String {
datePublished = RSDateWithString(datePublishedString)
let authors = parseAuthors(itemDictionary)
let tags = parseTags(itemDictionary)
let attachments = parseAttachments(itemDictionary)
var uniqueID: String? = itemDictionary["guid"] as? String
if uniqueID == nil {
// Calculate a uniqueID based on a combination of non-empty elements. Then hash the result.
// Items should have guids. When they don't, re-runs are very likely
// because there's no other 100% reliable way to determine identity.
// This calculated uniqueID is valid only for this particular feed. (Just like ids in JSON Feed.)
var s = ""
if let datePublished = datePublished {
s += "\(datePublished.timeIntervalSince1970)"
if let title = title {
s += title
if let externalURL = externalURL {
s += externalURL
if let authorEmailAddress = authors?.first?.emailAddress {
s += authorEmailAddress
if let oneAttachmentURL = attachments?.first?.url {
s += oneAttachmentURL
if s.isEmpty {
// Sheesh. Tough case.
if let _ = contentHTML {
s = contentHTML!
if let _ = contentText {
s = contentText!
uniqueID = (s as NSString).rsparser_md5Hash()
if let uniqueID = uniqueID {
return ParsedItem(syncServiceID: nil, uniqueID: uniqueID, feedURL: feedURL, url: nil, externalURL: externalURL, title: title, language: nil, contentHTML: contentHTML, contentText: contentText, summary: nil, imageURL: nil, bannerImageURL: nil, datePublished: datePublished, dateModified: nil, authors: authors, tags: tags, attachments: attachments)
return nil
static func parseAuthors(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<ParsedAuthor>? {
guard let authorEmailAddress = itemDictionary["author"] as? String else {
return nil
let parsedAuthor = ParsedAuthor(name: nil, url: nil, avatarURL: nil, emailAddress: authorEmailAddress)
return Set([parsedAuthor])
static func parseTags(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<String>? {
if let categoryObject = itemDictionary["category"] as? JSONDictionary {
if let oneTag = categoryObject["#value"] as? String {
return Set([oneTag])
return nil
else if let categoryArray = itemDictionary["category"] as? JSONArray {
return Set(categoryArray.compactMap{ $0["#value"] as? String })
return nil
static func parseAttachments(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<ParsedAttachment>? {
guard let enclosureObject = itemDictionary["enclosure"] as? JSONDictionary else {
return nil
guard let attachmentURL = enclosureObject["url"] as? String else {
return nil
var attachmentSize = enclosureObject["length"] as? Int
if attachmentSize == nil {
if let attachmentSizeString = enclosureObject["length"] as? String {
attachmentSize = (attachmentSizeString as NSString).integerValue
let type = enclosureObject["type"] as? String
if let attachment = ParsedAttachment(url: attachmentURL, mimeType: type, title: nil, sizeInBytes: attachmentSize, durationInSeconds: nil) {
return Set([attachment])
return nil
//public struct RSSInJSONParser {
// public static func parse(_ parserData: ParserData) throws -> ParsedFeed? {
// do {
// guard let parsedObject = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: as? JSONDictionary else {
// throw FeedParserError(.invalidJSON)
// }
// guard let rssObject = parsedObject["rss"] as? JSONDictionary else {
// throw FeedParserError(.rssChannelNotFound)
// }
// guard let channelObject = rssObject["channel"] as? JSONDictionary else {
// throw FeedParserError(.rssChannelNotFound)
// }
// // I’d bet money that in practice the items array won’t always appear correctly inside the channel object.
// // I’d also bet that sometimes it gets called "items" instead of "item".
// var itemsObject = channelObject["item"] as? JSONArray
// if itemsObject == nil {
// itemsObject = parsedObject["item"] as? JSONArray
// }
// if itemsObject == nil {
// itemsObject = channelObject["items"] as? JSONArray
// }
// if itemsObject == nil {
// itemsObject = parsedObject["items"] as? JSONArray
// }
// if itemsObject == nil {
// throw FeedParserError(.rssItemsNotFound)
// }
// let title = channelObject["title"] as? String
// let homePageURL = channelObject["link"] as? String
// let feedURL = parserData.url
// let feedDescription = channelObject["description"] as? String
// let feedLanguage = channelObject["language"] as? String
// let items = parseItems(itemsObject!, parserData.url)
// return ParsedFeed(type: .rssInJSON, title: title, homePageURL: homePageURL, feedURL: feedURL, language: feedLanguage, feedDescription: feedDescription, nextURL: nil, iconURL: nil, faviconURL: nil, authors: nil, expired: false, hubs: nil, items: items)
// }
// catch { throw error }
// }
//private extension RSSInJSONParser {
// static func parseItems(_ itemsObject: JSONArray, _ feedURL: String) -> Set<ParsedItem> {
// return Set(itemsObject.compactMap{ (oneItemDictionary) -> ParsedItem? in
// return parsedItemWithDictionary(oneItemDictionary, feedURL)
// })
// }
// static func parsedItemWithDictionary(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary, _ feedURL: String) -> ParsedItem? {
// let externalURL = itemDictionary["link"] as? String
// let title = itemDictionary["title"] as? String
// var contentHTML = itemDictionary["description"] as? String
// var contentText: String? = nil
// if contentHTML != nil && !(contentHTML!.contains("<")) {
// contentText = contentHTML
// contentHTML = nil
// }
// if contentHTML == nil && contentText == nil && title == nil {
// return nil
// }
// var datePublished: Date? = nil
// if let datePublishedString = itemDictionary["pubDate"] as? String {
// datePublished = RSDateWithString(datePublishedString)
// }
// let authors = parseAuthors(itemDictionary)
// let tags = parseTags(itemDictionary)
// let attachments = parseAttachments(itemDictionary)
// var uniqueID: String? = itemDictionary["guid"] as? String
// if uniqueID == nil {
// // Calculate a uniqueID based on a combination of non-empty elements. Then hash the result.
// // Items should have guids. When they don't, re-runs are very likely
// // because there's no other 100% reliable way to determine identity.
// // This calculated uniqueID is valid only for this particular feed. (Just like ids in JSON Feed.)
// var s = ""
// if let datePublished = datePublished {
// s += "\(datePublished.timeIntervalSince1970)"
// }
// if let title = title {
// s += title
// }
// if let externalURL = externalURL {
// s += externalURL
// }
// if let authorEmailAddress = authors?.first?.emailAddress {
// s += authorEmailAddress
// }
// if let oneAttachmentURL = attachments?.first?.url {
// s += oneAttachmentURL
// }
// if s.isEmpty {
// // Sheesh. Tough case.
// if let _ = contentHTML {
// s = contentHTML!
// }
// if let _ = contentText {
// s = contentText!
// }
// }
// uniqueID = (s as NSString).rsparser_md5Hash()
// }
// if let uniqueID = uniqueID {
// return ParsedItem(syncServiceID: nil, uniqueID: uniqueID, feedURL: feedURL, url: nil, externalURL: externalURL, title: title, language: nil, contentHTML: contentHTML, contentText: contentText, summary: nil, imageURL: nil, bannerImageURL: nil, datePublished: datePublished, dateModified: nil, authors: authors, tags: tags, attachments: attachments)
// }
// return nil
// }
// static func parseAuthors(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<ParsedAuthor>? {
// guard let authorEmailAddress = itemDictionary["author"] as? String else {
// return nil
// }
// let parsedAuthor = ParsedAuthor(name: nil, url: nil, avatarURL: nil, emailAddress: authorEmailAddress)
// return Set([parsedAuthor])
// }
// static func parseTags(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<String>? {
// if let categoryObject = itemDictionary["category"] as? JSONDictionary {
// if let oneTag = categoryObject["#value"] as? String {
// return Set([oneTag])
// }
// return nil
// }
// else if let categoryArray = itemDictionary["category"] as? JSONArray {
// return Set(categoryArray.compactMap{ $0["#value"] as? String })
// }
// return nil
// }
// static func parseAttachments(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set<ParsedAttachment>? {
// guard let enclosureObject = itemDictionary["enclosure"] as? JSONDictionary else {
// return nil
// }
// guard let attachmentURL = enclosureObject["url"] as? String else {
// return nil
// }
// var attachmentSize = enclosureObject["length"] as? Int
// if attachmentSize == nil {
// if let attachmentSizeString = enclosureObject["length"] as? String {
// attachmentSize = (attachmentSizeString as NSString).integerValue
// }
// }
// let type = enclosureObject["type"] as? String
// if let attachment = ParsedAttachment(url: attachmentURL, mimeType: type, title: nil, sizeInBytes: attachmentSize, durationInSeconds: nil) {
// return Set([attachment])
// }
// return nil
// }
@ -63,5 +63,10 @@ public final class ParsedItem: Hashable, Sendable {
public static func ==(lhs: ParsedItem, rhs: ParsedItem) -> Bool {
lhs.syncServiceID == rhs.syncServiceID && lhs.uniqueID == rhs.uniqueID && lhs.feedURL == rhs.feedURL && lhs.url == rhs.url && lhs.externalURL == rhs.externalURL && lhs.title == rhs.title lhs.language == rhs.language && lhs.contentHTML == rhs.contentHTML && lhs.contentText == rhs.contentText && lhs.summary == rhs.summary && lhs.imageURL == rhs.imageURL && lhs.bannerImageURL == rhs.bannerImageURL && lhs.datePublished == rhs.datePublished && lhs.dateModified == rhs.dateModified && lhs.authors == rhs.authors && lhs.tags == rhs.tags && lhs.attachments == rhs.attachments
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ import SAX
// In general, you should see FeedParser.swift for all your feed-parsing needs.
public struct AtomParser {
public static func parse(_ parserData: ParserData) -> ParsedFeed? {
if let rsParsedFeed = RSAtomParser.parseFeed(with: parserData) {
return RSParsedFeedTransformer.parsedFeed(rsParsedFeed)
return nil
//public struct AtomParser {
// public static func parse(_ parserData: ParserData) -> ParsedFeed? {
// if let rsParsedFeed = RSAtomParser.parseFeed(with: parserData) {
// return RSParsedFeedTransformer.parsedFeed(rsParsedFeed)
// }
// return nil
// }
@ -13,65 +13,65 @@ import Foundation
// These functions take an RSParsedFeed and return a Swift-y ParsedFeed,
// which is part of providing a single API for feed parsing.
struct RSParsedFeedTransformer {
static func parsedFeed(_ rsParsedFeed: RSParsedFeed) -> ParsedFeed {
let items = parsedItems(rsParsedFeed.articles)
return ParsedFeed(type: .rss, title: rsParsedFeed.title, homePageURL:, feedURL: rsParsedFeed.urlString, language: rsParsedFeed.language, feedDescription: nil, nextURL: nil, iconURL: nil, faviconURL: nil, authors: nil, expired: false, hubs: nil, items: items)
private extension RSParsedFeedTransformer {
static func parsedItems(_ parsedArticles: Set<RSParsedArticle>) -> Set<ParsedItem> {
// Create Set<ParsedItem> from Set<RSParsedArticle>
return Set(
static func parsedItem(_ parsedArticle: RSParsedArticle) -> ParsedItem {
let uniqueID = parsedArticle.articleID
let url = parsedArticle.permalink
let externalURL =
let title = parsedArticle.title
let language = parsedArticle.language
let contentHTML = parsedArticle.body
let datePublished = parsedArticle.datePublished
let dateModified = parsedArticle.dateModified
let authors = parsedAuthors(parsedArticle.authors)
let attachments = parsedAttachments(parsedArticle.enclosures)
return ParsedItem(syncServiceID: nil, uniqueID: uniqueID, feedURL: parsedArticle.feedURL, url: url, externalURL: externalURL, title: title, language: language, contentHTML: contentHTML, contentText: nil, summary: nil, imageURL: nil, bannerImageURL: nil, datePublished: datePublished, dateModified: dateModified, authors: authors, tags: nil, attachments: attachments)
static func parsedAuthors(_ authors: Set<RSParsedAuthor>?) -> Set<ParsedAuthor>? {
guard let authors = authors, !authors.isEmpty else {
return nil
let transformedAuthors = authors.compactMap { (author) -> ParsedAuthor? in
return ParsedAuthor(name:, url: author.url, avatarURL: nil, emailAddress: author.emailAddress)
return transformedAuthors.isEmpty ? nil : Set(transformedAuthors)
static func parsedAttachments(_ enclosures: Set<RSParsedEnclosure>?) -> Set<ParsedAttachment>? {
guard let enclosures = enclosures, !enclosures.isEmpty else {
return nil
let attachments = enclosures.compactMap { (enclosure) -> ParsedAttachment? in
let sizeInBytes = enclosure.length > 0 ? enclosure.length : nil
return ParsedAttachment(url: enclosure.url, mimeType: enclosure.mimeType, title: nil, sizeInBytes: sizeInBytes, durationInSeconds: nil)
return attachments.isEmpty ? nil : Set(attachments)
//struct RSParsedFeedTransformer {
// static func parsedFeed(_ rsParsedFeed: RSParsedFeed) -> ParsedFeed {
// let items = parsedItems(rsParsedFeed.articles)
// return ParsedFeed(type: .rss, title: rsParsedFeed.title, homePageURL:, feedURL: rsParsedFeed.urlString, language: rsParsedFeed.language, feedDescription: nil, nextURL: nil, iconURL: nil, faviconURL: nil, authors: nil, expired: false, hubs: nil, items: items)
// }
//private extension RSParsedFeedTransformer {
// static func parsedItems(_ parsedArticles: Set<RSParsedArticle>) -> Set<ParsedItem> {
// // Create Set<ParsedItem> from Set<RSParsedArticle>
// return Set(
// }
// static func parsedItem(_ parsedArticle: RSParsedArticle) -> ParsedItem {
// let uniqueID = parsedArticle.articleID
// let url = parsedArticle.permalink
// let externalURL =
// let title = parsedArticle.title
// let language = parsedArticle.language
// let contentHTML = parsedArticle.body
// let datePublished = parsedArticle.datePublished
// let dateModified = parsedArticle.dateModified
// let authors = parsedAuthors(parsedArticle.authors)
// let attachments = parsedAttachments(parsedArticle.enclosures)
// return ParsedItem(syncServiceID: nil, uniqueID: uniqueID, feedURL: parsedArticle.feedURL, url: url, externalURL: externalURL, title: title, language: language, contentHTML: contentHTML, contentText: nil, summary: nil, imageURL: nil, bannerImageURL: nil, datePublished: datePublished, dateModified: dateModified, authors: authors, tags: nil, attachments: attachments)
// }
// static func parsedAuthors(_ authors: Set<RSParsedAuthor>?) -> Set<ParsedAuthor>? {
// guard let authors = authors, !authors.isEmpty else {
// return nil
// }
// let transformedAuthors = authors.compactMap { (author) -> ParsedAuthor? in
// return ParsedAuthor(name:, url: author.url, avatarURL: nil, emailAddress: author.emailAddress)
// }
// return transformedAuthors.isEmpty ? nil : Set(transformedAuthors)
// }
// static func parsedAttachments(_ enclosures: Set<RSParsedEnclosure>?) -> Set<ParsedAttachment>? {
// guard let enclosures = enclosures, !enclosures.isEmpty else {
// return nil
// }
// let attachments = enclosures.compactMap { (enclosure) -> ParsedAttachment? in
// let sizeInBytes = enclosure.length > 0 ? enclosure.length : nil
// return ParsedAttachment(url: enclosure.url, mimeType: enclosure.mimeType, title: nil, sizeInBytes: sizeInBytes, durationInSeconds: nil)
// }
// return attachments.isEmpty ? nil : Set(attachments)
// }
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public final class RSSParser {
private var parsingAuthor = false
private var currentAttributes: SAXParser.XMLAttributesDictionary?
public static func parsedFeed(with parserData: ParserData) -> RSSFeed {
static func parsedFeed(with parserData: ParserData) -> RSSFeed {
let parser = RSSParser(parserData)
@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ public final class RSSParser {
private extension RSSParser {
func parse() {
let saxParser = SAXParser(delegate: self, data: data)
private struct XMLName {
static let uppercaseRDF = "RDF".utf8CString
static let item = "item".utf8CString
@ -63,9 +69,13 @@ private extension RSSParser {
static let dc = "dc".utf8CString
static let content = "content".utf8CString
static let encoded = "encoded".utf8CString
static let creator = "creator".utf8CString
static let date = "date".utf8CString
static let pubDate = "pubDate".utf8CString
static let description = "description".utf8CString
func addFeedElement(_ localName: XMLPointer, _ prefix: XMLPointer?) {
func addFeedElement(_ saxParser: SAXParser, _ localName: XMLPointer, _ prefix: XMLPointer?) {
guard prefix == nil else {
@ -73,14 +83,14 @@ private extension RSSParser {
if SAXEqualTags(localName, {
if == nil {
|||| = currentString
|||| = saxParser.currentString
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.title) {
feed.title = currentString
feed.title = saxParser.currentString
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.language) {
feed.language = currentString
feed.language = saxParser.currentString
@ -91,13 +101,17 @@ private extension RSSParser {
func addArticleElement(_ saxParser: SAXParser, _ localName: XMLPointer, _ prefix: XMLPointer?) {
if SAXEqualTags(prefix, XMLName.dc) {
guard let currentArticle else {
if SAXEqualTags(prefix, XMLName.content) && SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.encoded) {
if let currentString, !currentString.isEmpty {
if let prefix, SAXEqualTags(prefix, XMLName.dc) {
addDCElement(saxParser, localName, currentArticle)
if let prefix, SAXEqualTags(prefix, XMLName.content) && SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.encoded) {
if let currentString = saxParser.currentString, !currentString.isEmpty {
currentArticle.body = currentString
@ -107,40 +121,171 @@ private extension RSSParser {
if SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.guid) {
if let currentString = saxParser.currentString {
if SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.guid) {
addGuid(currentString, currentArticle)
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, {
addAuthorWithString(currentString, currentArticle)
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, {
|||| = urlString(currentString)
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.description) {
if currentArticle.body == nil {
currentArticle.body = currentString
else if !parsingAuthor && SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.title) {
currentArticle.title = currentString
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.pubDate) {
currentArticle.datePublished = currentDate(saxParser)
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, {
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.enclosure), let currentAttributes {
addEnclosure(currentAttributes, currentArticle)
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, {
|||| = urlString(currentString)
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.description) {
if currentArticle.body == nil {
currentArticle.body = currentString
func addDCElement(_ saxParser: SAXParser, _ localName: XMLPointer, _ currentArticle: RSSArticle) {
if SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.creator) {
if let currentString = saxParser.currentString {
addAuthorWithString(currentString, currentArticle)
else if !parsingAuthor && SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.title) {
if let currentString {
currentArticle.title = currentString
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, {
currentArticle.datePublished = currentDate(saxParser)
static let isPermalinkKey = "isPermaLink"
static let isPermalinkLowercaseKey = "ispermalink"
static let falseValue = "false"
func addGuid(_ guid: String, _ currentArticle: RSSArticle) {
currentArticle.guid = guid
guard let currentAttributes else {
let isPermaLinkValue: String? = {
if let value = currentAttributes[Self.isPermalinkKey] {
return value
// Allow for `ispermalink`, `isPermalink`, etc.
for (key, value) in currentAttributes {
if key.lowercased() == Self.isPermalinkLowercaseKey {
return value
return nil
// Spec: `isPermaLink is optional, its default value is true.`
// Return only if non-nil and equal to false — otherwise it’s a permalink.
if let isPermaLinkValue, isPermaLinkValue == Self.falseValue {
else if SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.enclosure) {
// Feed bug found in the wild: using a guid that’s not really a permalink
// and not realizing that `isPermaLink` is true by default.
if stringIsProbablyAURLOrRelativePath(guid) {
currentArticle.permalink = urlString(guid)
func stringIsProbablyAURLOrRelativePath(_ s: String) -> Bool {
// The RSS guid is defined as a permalink, except when it appears like this:
// `<guid isPermaLink="false">some—identifier</guid>`
// However, people often seem to think it’s *not* a permalink by default, even
// though it is. So we try to detect the situation where the value is not a URL string,
// and not even a relative path. This may need to evolve over time.
if !s.contains("/") {
// This seems to be just about the best possible check.
// Bad guids are often just integers, for instance.
return false
if s.lowercased().hasPrefix("tag:") {
// A common non-URL guid form starts with `tag:`.
return false
return true
/// Do best attempt at turning a string into a URL string.
/// If it already appears to be a URL, return it.
/// Otherwise, treat it like a relative URL and resolve using
/// the URL of the home page of the feed (if available)
/// or the URL of the feed.
/// The returned value is not guaranteed to be a valid URL string.
/// It’s a best attempt without going to heroic lengths.
func urlString(_ s: String) -> String {
if s.lowercased().hasPrefix("http") {
return s
let baseURLString = ?? feedURL
guard let baseURL = URL(string: baseURLString) else {
return s
guard let resolvedURL = URL(string: s, relativeTo: baseURL) else {
return s
return resolvedURL.absoluteString
func addAuthorWithString(_ authorString: String, _ currentArticle: RSSArticle) {
if authorString.isEmpty {
let author = RSSAuthor(singleString: authorString)
private struct EnclosureKey {
static let url = "url"
static let length = "length"
static let type = "type"
func addEnclosure(_ attributes: SAXParser.XMLAttributesDictionary, _ currentArticle: RSSArticle) {
guard let url = attributes[EnclosureKey.url], !url.isEmpty else {
let enclosure = RSSEnclosure(url: url)
if let lengthValue = attributes[EnclosureKey.length], let length = Int(lengthValue) {
enclosure.length = length
enclosure.mimeType = attributes[EnclosureKey.type]
func currentDate(_ saxParser: SAXParser) -> Date? {
guard let data = saxParser.currentCharacters else {
return nil
return data)
@ -157,8 +302,8 @@ extension RSSParser: SAXParserDelegate {
var xmlAttributes: XMLAttributesDictionary? = nil
if (isRDF && SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.item)) || SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.guid) || SAXEqualTags(enclosure, XMLName.enclosure) {
var xmlAttributes: SAXParser.XMLAttributesDictionary? = nil
if (isRDF && SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.item)) || SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.guid) || SAXEqualTags(localName, XMLName.enclosure) {
xmlAttributes = saxParser.attributesDictionary(attributes, attributeCount: attributeCount)
if currentAttributes != xmlAttributes {
@ -169,7 +314,7 @@ extension RSSParser: SAXParserDelegate {
parsingArticle = true
if isRDF && let rdfGuid = xmlAttributes?[XMLName.rdfAbout], let currentArticle { // RSS 1.0 guid
if isRDF, let rdfGuid = xmlAttributes?[XMLName.rdfAbout], let currentArticle { // RSS 1.0 guid
currentArticle.guid = rdfGuid
currentArticle.permalink = rdfGuid
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// File.swift
// SAXUtilities.swift
// Created by Brent Simmons on 8/26/24.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user