Implement moving in and out of folders.
This commit is contained in:
@ -268,6 +268,91 @@ class MasterViewController: UITableViewController, UndoableCommandRunner {
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(timeline, animated: true)
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, canMoveRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
guard let node = nodeFor(indexPath) else {
return false
return node.representedObject is Feed
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, targetIndexPathForMoveFromRowAt sourceIndexPath: IndexPath, toProposedIndexPath proposedDestinationIndexPath: IndexPath) -> IndexPath {
// Adjust the index path so that it will never be in the smart feeds area
let destIndexPath: IndexPath = {
if proposedDestinationIndexPath.section == 0 {
return IndexPath(row: 0, section: 1)
return proposedDestinationIndexPath
guard let draggedNode = nodeFor(sourceIndexPath), let destNode = nodeFor(destIndexPath), let parentNode = destNode.parent else {
assertionFailure("This should never happen")
return sourceIndexPath
// If this is a folder and isn't expanded or doesn't have any entries, let the users drop on it
if destNode.representedObject is Folder && (destNode.numberOfChildNodes == 0 || !expandedNodes.contains(destNode)) {
let movementAdjustment = sourceIndexPath > proposedDestinationIndexPath ? 1 : 0
return IndexPath(row: destIndexPath.row + movementAdjustment, section: destIndexPath.section)
// If we are dragging around in the same container, just return the original source
if parentNode.childNodes.contains(draggedNode) {
return sourceIndexPath
// Suggest to the user the best place to drop the feed
// Revisit if the tree controller can ever be sorted in some other way.
let nodes = parentNode.childNodes + [draggedNode]
var sortedNodes = nodes.sortedAlphabeticallyWithFoldersAtEnd()
let index = sortedNodes.firstIndex(of: draggedNode)!
if index == 0 {
if parentNode.representedObject is Account {
return IndexPath(row: 0, section: destIndexPath.section)
} else {
return indexPathFor(parentNode)!
} else {
sortedNodes.remove(at: sortedNodes.firstIndex(of: draggedNode)!)
let movementAdjustment = sourceIndexPath < proposedDestinationIndexPath ? 1 : 0
return indexPathFor(sortedNodes[index - movementAdjustment])!
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, moveRowAt sourceIndexPath: IndexPath, to destinationIndexPath: IndexPath) {
let movementAdjustment = sourceIndexPath > destinationIndexPath ? 1 : 0
let adjustedDestIndexPath = IndexPath(row: destinationIndexPath.row - movementAdjustment, section: destinationIndexPath.section)
guard let sourceNode = nodeFor(sourceIndexPath),
let destNode = nodeFor(adjustedDestIndexPath),
let feed = sourceNode.representedObject as? Feed else {
let destParentNode: Node? = {
if destNode.representedObject is Folder {
return destNode
} else {
if destNode.parent?.representedObject is Folder {
return destNode.parent!
} else {
return nil
let account = accountForNode(destNode)
let sourceContainer = sourceNode.parent?.representedObject as? Container
let destinationFolder = destParentNode?.representedObject as? Folder
account?.addFeed(feed, to: destinationFolder)
// MARK: Actions
@ -570,7 +655,20 @@ private extension MasterViewController {
callback(cell as! MasterTableViewCell, node)
private func accountForNode(_ node: Node) -> Account? {
if let account = node.representedObject as? Account {
return account
if let folder = node.representedObject as? Folder {
return folder.account
if let feed = node.representedObject as? Feed {
return feed.account
return nil
func rebuildShadowTable() {
for i in 0..<treeController.rootNode.numberOfChildNodes {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user