<li>Add keyboard shortcut for Copy Article URL and Copy External URL menu items</li>
<li>Fix some Applescript bugs</li>
<li>Add support for 429 responses and Cache-Control header —will use less bandwidth and will be kinder to servers (for On My Mac and iCloud accounts)</li>
<li>Support MarsEdit 5 - it will now appear in Share menu</li>
<li>Fix a crashing bug that could happen when adding an account</li>
<pubDate>Mon, 03 Dec 2024 20:35:00 -0800</pubDate>
<p>Add keyboard shortcut for Copy Article URL and Copy External URL menu items</p>
<p>Fix some Applescript bugs</p>
<p>Support MarsEdit 5 - it will now appear in Share menu</p>
<p>Fix a crashing bug that could happen when adding an account</p>
<p>Remove FeedWrangler support code</p>
<p>Fix data race with article status (read/unread and starred/unstarred)</p>
<p>Switch to using built-in URLSession caching —supports Cache-Control response header and other good things — means the app uses less bandwidth and is kinder to the servers it contacts</p>
<p>Add support for handling 429 responses</p>
<pubDate>Fri, 29 Nov 2024 22:55:00 -0800</pubDate>
<p>This builds adds a new setting — you can turn on/off JavaScript for the article pane. It’s on by default, which matches previous behavior.</p>
<p>Note that some content —videos and embedded social media posts, for instance — will often require JavaScript to be <i>on</i> in order to work properly.</p>
<p>However, for those who want or need greater security and privacy, we’ve made this setting available.</p>
<p><b>This build removes Reddit API integration! Don’t install it if you’re not ready for that to happen!</b></p>
<p>But note that Reddit API integration will end June 30, due to Reddit CEO Steve Huffman’s decision to make apps like NetNewsWire pay to use the Reddit API.</p>
<p>For more information, read <ahref="https://netnewswire.blog/2023/06/11/netnewswire-to-end.html">NetNewsWire to End Reddit API Use by End of June</a>.</p>
<pubDate>Mon, 26 Jun 2023 21:30:00 -0800</pubDate>
<p>Show Reddit deprecation notice on startup if needed.</p>
<p>For more information, read <ahref="https://netnewswire.blog/2023/06/11/netnewswire-to-end.html">NetNewsWire to End Reddit API Use by End of June</a>.</p>
<pubDate>Sun, 25 Jun 2023 14:00:00 -0800</pubDate>