2021-06-16 14:41:51 +08:00
//Copyright (c) 2014-2020 AgileBits Inc.
//Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
//of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
//in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
//to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
//copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
//furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
//The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
//copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# import <Foundation / Foundation.h>
# import <UIKit / UIKit.h>
# import <MobileCoreServices / MobileCoreServices.h>
# ifdef __IPHONE_8_0
# import <WebKit / WebKit.h>
# endif
# if __has_feature(nullability)
# else
# define nullable
# define __nullable
# define nonnull
# define __nonnull
# endif
// Login Dictionary keys - Used to get or set the properties of a 1Password Login
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionURLStringKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionUsernameKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionPasswordKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionTOTPKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionTitleKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionNotesKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionSectionTitleKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionFieldsKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionReturnedFieldsKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionOldPasswordKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionPasswordGeneratorOptionsKey ;
// Password Generator options - Used to set the 1Password Password Generator options when saving a new Login or when changing the password for for an existing Login
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordMinLengthKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordMaxLengthKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordRequireDigitsKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordRequireSymbolsKey ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordForbiddenCharactersKey ;
// Errors codes
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const AppExtensionErrorDomain ;
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NS_ENUM ( NSUInteger , AppExtensionErrorCode ) {
AppExtensionErrorCodeCancelledByUser = 0 ,
AppExtensionErrorCodeAPINotAvailable = 1 ,
AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToContactExtension = 2 ,
AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToLoadItemProviderData = 3 ,
AppExtensionErrorCodeCollectFieldsScriptFailed = 4 ,
AppExtensionErrorCodeFillFieldsScriptFailed = 5 ,
AppExtensionErrorCodeUnexpectedData = 6 ,
AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToObtainURLStringFromWebView = 7
} ;
// Note to creators of libraries or frameworks:
// If you include this code within your library, then to prevent potential duplicate symbol
// conflicts for adopters of your library, you should rename the OnePasswordExtension class
// and associated typedefs. You might to so by adding your own project prefix, e.g.,
// MyLibraryOnePasswordExtension.
typedef void ( ^ OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock ) ( NSDictionary * __nullable loginDictionary , NSError * __nullable error ) ;
typedef void ( ^ OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock ) ( BOOL success , NSError * __nullable error ) ;
typedef void ( ^ OnePasswordExtensionItemCompletionBlock ) ( NSExtensionItem * __nullable extensionItem , NSError * __nullable error ) ;
@ interface OnePasswordExtension : NSObject
+ ( OnePasswordExtension * ) sharedExtension ;
@ discussion Determines if the 1 Password Extension is available . Allows you to only show the 1 Password login button to those
that can use it . Of course , you could leave the button enabled and educate users about the virtues of strong , unique
passwords instead : )
@ return isAppExtensionAvailable Returns YES if any app that supports the generic ` org - appextension - feature - password - management ` feature is installed on the device .
# ifdef __IPHONE_8_0
- ( BOOL ) isAppExtensionAvailable NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE_IOS ( " Not available in an extension. Check if org-appextension-feature-password-management:// URL can be opened by the app. " ) ;
# else
- ( BOOL ) isAppExtensionAvailable ;
# endif
Called from your login page , this method will find all available logins for the given URLString .
@ discussion 1 Password will show all matching Login for the naked domain of the given URLString . For example if the user has an item in your 1 Password vault with " subdomain1.domain.com” as the website and another one with " subdomain2 . domain . com ” , and the URLString is " https://domain.com " , 1 Password will show both items .
However , if no matching login is found for " https://domain.com " , the 1 Password Extension will display the " Show all Logins " button so that the user can search among all the Logins in the vault . This is especially useful when the user has a login for " https://olddomain.com " .
After the user selects a login , it is stored into an NSDictionary and given to your completion handler . Use the ` Login Dictionary keys ` above to
extract the needed information and update your UI . The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main thread .
@ param URLString For the matching Logins in the 1 Password vault .
@ param viewController The view controller from which the 1 Password Extension is invoked . Usually ` self `
@ param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show . UIButton , UIBarButtonItem or UIView . Can also be nil on iPhone , but not on iPad .
@ param completion A completion block called with two parameters loginDictionary and error once completed . The loginDictionary reply parameter that contains the username , password and the One - Time Password if available . The error Reply parameter that is nil if the 1 Password Extension has been successfully completed , or it contains error information about the completion failure .
- ( void ) findLoginForURLString : ( nonnull NSString * ) URLString forViewController : ( nonnull UIViewController * ) viewController sender : ( nullable id ) sender completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock ) completion ;
Create a new login within 1 Password and allow the user to generate a new password before saving .
@ discussion The provided URLString should be unique to your app or service and be identical to what you pass into the find login method .
The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main
thread .
@ param URLString For the new Login to be saved in 1 Password .
@ param loginDetailsDictionary about the Login to be saved , including custom fields , are stored in an dictionary and given to the 1 Password Extension .
@ param passwordGenerationOptions The Password generator options represented in a dictionary form .
@ param viewController The view controller from which the 1 Password Extension is invoked . Usually ` self `
@ param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show . UIButton , UIBarButtonItem or UIView . Can also be nil on iPhone , but not on iPad .
@ param completion A completion block which is called with type parameters loginDictionary and error . The loginDictionary reply parameter which contain all the information about the newly saved Login . Use the ` Login Dictionary keys ` above to extract the needed information and update your UI . For example , updating the UI with the newly generated password lets the user know their action was successful . The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1 Password Extension has been successfully completed , or it contains error information about the completion failure .
- ( void ) storeLoginForURLString : ( nonnull NSString * ) URLString loginDetails : ( nullable NSDictionary * ) loginDetailsDictionary passwordGenerationOptions : ( nullable NSDictionary * ) passwordGenerationOptions forViewController : ( nonnull UIViewController * ) viewController sender : ( nullable id ) sender completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock ) completion ;
Change the password for an existing login within 1 Password .
@ discussion The provided URLString should be unique to your app or service and be identical to what you pass into the find login method . The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main thread .
1 Password 6 and later :
The 1 Password Extension will display all available the matching Logins for the given URL string . The user can choose which Login item to update . The " New Login " button will also be available at all times , in case the user wishes to to create a new Login instead ,
1 Password 5 :
These are the three scenarios that are supported :
1. A single matching Login is found : 1 Password will enter edit mode for that Login and will update its password using the value for AppExtensionPasswordKey .
2. More than a one matching Logins are found : 1 Password will display a list of all matching Logins . The user must choose which one to update . Once in edit mode , the Login will be updated with the new password .
3. No matching login is found : 1 Password will create a new Login using the optional fields if available to populate its properties .
@ param URLString for the Login to be updated with a new password in 1 Password .
@ param loginDetailsDictionary about the Login to be saved , including old password and the username , are stored in an dictionary and given to the 1 Password Extension .
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@ param passwordGenerationOptions The Password generator options represented in a dictionary form .
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@ param viewController The view controller from which the 1 Password Extension is invoked . Usually ` self `
@ param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show . UIButton , UIBarButtonItem or UIView . Can also be nil on iPhone , but not on iPad .
@ param completion A completion block which is called with type parameters loginDictionary and error . The loginDictionary reply parameter which contain all the information about the newly updated Login , including the newly generated and the old password . Use the ` Login Dictionary keys ` above to extract the needed information and update your UI . For example , updating the UI with the newly generated password lets the user know their action was successful . The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1 Password Extension has been successfully completed , or it contains error information about the completion failure .
- ( void ) changePasswordForLoginForURLString : ( nonnull NSString * ) URLString loginDetails : ( nullable NSDictionary * ) loginDetailsDictionary passwordGenerationOptions : ( nullable NSDictionary * ) passwordGenerationOptions forViewController : ( UIViewController * ) viewController sender : ( nullable id ) sender completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock ) completion ;
Called from your web view controller , this method will show all the saved logins for the active page in the provided web
view , and automatically fill the HTML form fields . Supports WKWebView .
@ discussion 1 Password will show all matching Login for the naked domain of the current website . For example if the user has an item in your 1 Password vault with " subdomain1.domain.com” as the website and another one with " subdomain2 . domain . com ” , and the current website is " https://domain.com " , 1 Password will show both items .
However , if no matching login is found for " https://domain.com " , the 1 Password Extension will display the " New Login " button so that the user can create a new Login for the current website .
@ param webView The web view which displays the form to be filled . The active WKWebView . Must not be nil .
@ param viewController The view controller from which the 1 Password Extension is invoked . Usually ` self `
@ param sender The sender which triggers the share sheet to show . UIButton , UIBarButtonItem or UIView . Can also be nil on iPhone , but not on iPad .
@ param yesOrNo Boolean flag . If YES is passed only matching Login items will be shown , otherwise the 1 Password Extension will also display Credit Cards and Identities .
@ param completion Completion block called on completion with parameters success , and error . The success reply parameter that is YES if the 1 Password Extension has been successfully completed or NO otherwise . The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1 Password Extension has been successfully completed , or it contains error information about the completion failure .
- ( void ) fillItemIntoWebView : ( nonnull WKWebView * ) webView forViewController : ( nonnull UIViewController * ) viewController sender : ( nullable id ) sender showOnlyLogins : ( BOOL ) yesOrNo completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock ) completion ;
Called in the UIActivityViewController completion block to find out whether or not the user selected the 1 Password Extension activity .
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@ param activityType or the bundle identifier of the selected activity in the share sheet .
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@ return isOnePasswordExtensionActivityType Returns YES if the selected activity is the 1 Password extension , NO otherwise .
- ( BOOL ) isOnePasswordExtensionActivityType : ( nullable NSString * ) activityType ;
The returned NSExtensionItem can be used to create your own UIActivityViewController . Use ` isOnePasswordExtensionActivityType : ` and ` fillReturnedItems : intoWebView : completion : ` in the activity view controller completion block to process the result . The completion block is guaranteed to be called on the main thread .
@ param webView The web view which displays the form to be filled . The active WKWebView . Must not be nil .
@ param completion Completion block called on completion with extensionItem and error . The extensionItem reply parameter that is contains all the info required by the 1 Password extension if has been successfully completed or nil otherwise . The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1 Password extension item has been successfully created , or it contains error information about the completion failure .
- ( void ) createExtensionItemForWebView : ( nonnull WKWebView * ) webView completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordExtensionItemCompletionBlock ) completion ;
Method used in the UIActivityViewController completion block to fill information into a web view .
@ param returnedItems Array which contains the selected activity in the share sheet . Empty array if the share sheet is cancelled by the user .
@ param webView The web view which displays the form to be filled . The active WKWebView . Must not be nil .
@ param completion Completion block called on completion with parameters success , and error . The success reply parameter that is YES if the 1 Password Extension has been successfully completed or NO otherwise . The error reply parameter that is nil if the 1 Password Extension has been successfully completed , or it contains error information about the completion failure .
- ( void ) fillReturnedItems : ( nullable NSArray * ) returnedItems intoWebView : ( nonnull WKWebView * ) webView completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock ) completion ;
@ end
# if __has_feature(nullability)
# endif