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// Sink.swift
// CombineExt
// Created by Shai Mishali on 14/03/2020.
// Copyright © 2020 Combine Community. All rights reserved.
#if canImport(Combine)
import Combine
/// A generic sink using an underlying demand buffer to balance
/// the demand of a downstream subscriber for the events of an
/// upstream publisher
@available(OSX 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
class Sink<Upstream: Publisher, Downstream: Subscriber>: Subscriber {
typealias TransformFailure = (Upstream.Failure) -> Downstream.Failure?
typealias TransformOutput = (Upstream.Output) -> Downstream.Input?
private(set) var buffer: DemandBuffer<Downstream>
private var upstreamSubscription: Subscription?
private let transformOutput: TransformOutput?
private let transformFailure: TransformFailure?
/// Initialize a new sink subscribing to the upstream publisher and
/// fulfilling the demand of the downstream subscriber using a backpresurre
/// demand-maintaining buffer.
/// - parameter upstream: The upstream publisher
/// - parameter downstream: The downstream subscriber
/// - parameter transformOutput: Transform the upstream publisher's output type to the downstream's input type
/// - parameter transformFailure: Transform the upstream failure type to the downstream's failure type
/// - note: You **must** provide the two transformation functions above if you're using
/// the default `Sink` implementation. Otherwise, you must subclass `Sink` with your own
/// publisher's sink and manage the buffer accordingly.
init(upstream: Upstream,
downstream: Downstream,
transformOutput: TransformOutput? = nil,
transformFailure: TransformFailure? = nil) {
self.buffer = DemandBuffer(subscriber: downstream)
self.transformOutput = transformOutput
self.transformFailure = transformFailure
func demand(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) {
let newDemand = buffer.demand(demand)
func receive(subscription: Subscription) {
upstreamSubscription = subscription
func receive(_ input: Upstream.Output) -> Subscribers.Demand {
guard let transform = transformOutput else {
Missing output transformation
You must either:
- Provide a transformation function from the upstream's output to the downstream's input; or
- Subclass `Sink` with your own publisher's Sink and manage the buffer yourself
guard let input = transform(input) else { return .none }
return buffer.buffer(value: input)
func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Upstream.Failure>) {
switch completion {
case .finished:
buffer.complete(completion: .finished)
case .failure(let error):
guard let transform = transformFailure else {
Missing failure transformation
You must either:
- Provide a transformation function from the upstream's failure to the downstream's failuer; or
- Subclass `Sink` with your own publisher's Sink and manage the buffer yourself
guard let error = transform(error) else { return }
buffer.complete(completion: .failure(error))
func cancelUpstream() {
deinit { cancelUpstream() }