2019-09-18 09:18:06 +10:00
// FeedlyAccountDelegate+OAuth.swift
// Account
// Created by Kiel Gillard on 14/9/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import RSWeb
/// Models the access token response from Feedly.
/// https://developer.feedly.com/v3/auth/#exchanging-an-auth-code-for-a-refresh-token-and-an-access-token
public struct FeedlyOAuthAccessTokenResponse: Decodable, OAuthAccessTokenResponse {
/// The ID of the Feedly user.
public var id: String
// Required properties of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework section 4.1.4.
public var accessToken: String
public var tokenType: String
public var expiresIn: Int
public var refreshToken: String?
public var scope: String
extension FeedlyAccountDelegate: OAuthAuthorizationGranting {
private static let oauthAuthorizationGrantScope = "https://cloud.feedly.com/subscriptions"
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static func oauthAuthorizationCodeGrantRequest() -> URLRequest {
let client = environment.oauthAuthorizationClient
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let authorizationRequest = OAuthAuthorizationRequest(clientId: client.id,
redirectUri: client.redirectUri,
scope: oauthAuthorizationGrantScope,
state: client.state)
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let baseURLComponents = environment.baseUrlComponents
return FeedlyAPICaller.authorizationCodeUrlRequest(for: authorizationRequest, baseUrlComponents: baseURLComponents)
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2019-11-08 18:35:22 +11:00
static func requestOAuthAccessToken(with response: OAuthAuthorizationResponse, transport: Transport, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<OAuthAuthorizationGrant, Error>) -> ()) {
let client = environment.oauthAuthorizationClient
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let request = OAuthAccessTokenRequest(authorizationResponse: response,
scope: oauthAuthorizationGrantScope,
client: client)
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let caller = FeedlyAPICaller(transport: transport, api: environment)
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caller.requestAccessToken(request) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let response):
let accessToken = Credentials(type: .oauthAccessToken, username: response.id, secret: response.accessToken)
let refreshToken: Credentials? = {
guard let token = response.refreshToken else {
return nil
return Credentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken, username: response.id, secret: token)
let grant = OAuthAuthorizationGrant(accessToken: accessToken, refreshToken: refreshToken)
case .failure(let error):
2019-11-07 18:54:41 +11:00
extension FeedlyAccountDelegate: OAuthAccessTokenRefreshing {
func refreshAccessToken(with refreshToken: String, client: OAuthAuthorizationClient, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<OAuthAuthorizationGrant, Error>) -> ()) {
let request = OAuthRefreshAccessTokenRequest(refreshToken: refreshToken, scope: nil, client: client)
caller.refreshAccessToken(request) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let response):
let accessToken = Credentials(type: .oauthAccessToken, username: response.id, secret: response.accessToken)
let refreshToken: Credentials? = {
guard let token = response.refreshToken else {
return nil
return Credentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken, username: response.id, secret: token)
let grant = OAuthAuthorizationGrant(accessToken: accessToken, refreshToken: refreshToken)
case .failure(let error):