2019-09-04 16:24:48 -05:00
// KeyboardManager.swift
// NetNewsWire-iOS
// Created by Maurice Parker on 9/4/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
enum KeyboardType: String {
case global = "GlobalKeyboardShortcuts"
case sidebar = "SidebarKeyboardShortcuts"
case timeline = "TimelineKeyboardShortcuts"
case detail = "DetailKeyboardShortcuts"
class KeyboardManager {
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
private(set) var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand]
2019-09-05 14:37:07 -05:00
init(type: KeyboardType) {
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
keyCommands = KeyboardManager.globalAuxilaryKeyCommands()
switch type {
case .sidebar:
keyCommands.append(contentsOf: KeyboardManager.hardcodeFeedKeyCommands())
case .timeline, .detail:
keyCommands.append(contentsOf: KeyboardManager.hardcodeArticleKeyCommands())
2019-09-06 07:58:36 -05:00
let globalFile = Bundle.main.path(forResource: KeyboardType.global.rawValue, ofType: "plist")!
let globalEntries = NSArray(contentsOfFile: globalFile)! as! [[String: Any]]
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
let globalCommands = globalEntries.compactMap { KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(keyEntry: $0) }
keyCommands.append(contentsOf: globalCommands)
2019-09-06 07:58:36 -05:00
let specificFile = Bundle.main.path(forResource: type.rawValue, ofType: "plist")!
let specificEntries = NSArray(contentsOfFile: specificFile)! as! [[String: Any]]
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
keyCommands.append(contentsOf: specificEntries.compactMap { KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(keyEntry: $0) } )
static func createKeyCommand(title: String, action: String, input: String, modifiers: UIKeyModifierFlags) -> UIKeyCommand {
let selector = NSSelectorFromString(action)
return UIKeyCommand(title: title, image: nil, action: selector, input: input, modifierFlags: modifiers, propertyList: nil, alternates: [], discoverabilityTitle: nil, attributes: [], state: .on)
2019-09-04 16:24:48 -05:00
2019-09-05 14:37:07 -05:00
private extension KeyboardManager {
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
static func createKeyCommand(keyEntry: [String: Any]) -> UIKeyCommand? {
2019-09-04 16:24:48 -05:00
guard let input = createKeyCommandInput(keyEntry: keyEntry) else { return nil }
let modifiers = createKeyModifierFlags(keyEntry: keyEntry)
2019-09-04 21:06:29 -05:00
let action = keyEntry["action"] as! String
2019-09-04 16:24:48 -05:00
if let title = keyEntry["title"] as? String {
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
return KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: title, action: action, input: input, modifiers: modifiers)
2019-09-04 16:24:48 -05:00
} else {
2019-09-04 21:06:29 -05:00
return UIKeyCommand(input: input, modifierFlags: modifiers, action: NSSelectorFromString(action))
2019-09-04 16:24:48 -05:00
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
static func createKeyCommandInput(keyEntry: [String: Any]) -> String? {
2019-09-04 16:24:48 -05:00
guard let key = keyEntry["key"] as? String else { return nil }
switch(key) {
case "[space]":
2019-09-05 21:14:19 -05:00
return "\u{0020}"
2019-09-04 16:24:48 -05:00
case "[uparrow]":
return UIKeyCommand.inputUpArrow
case "[downarrow]":
return UIKeyCommand.inputDownArrow
case "[leftarrow]":
return UIKeyCommand.inputLeftArrow
case "[rightarrow]":
return UIKeyCommand.inputRightArrow
case "[return]":
return "\r"
case "[enter]":
return nil
case "[delete]":
return "\u{8}"
case "[deletefunction]":
return nil
case "[tab]":
return "\t"
return key
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
static func createKeyModifierFlags(keyEntry: [String: Any]) -> UIKeyModifierFlags {
2019-09-04 16:24:48 -05:00
var flags = UIKeyModifierFlags()
if keyEntry["shiftModifier"] as? Bool ?? false {
if keyEntry["optionModifier"] as? Bool ?? false {
if keyEntry["commandModifier"] as? Bool ?? false {
if keyEntry["controlModifier"] as? Bool ?? false {
return flags
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
static func globalAuxilaryKeyCommands() -> [UIKeyCommand] {
2019-09-05 13:14:14 -05:00
var keys = [UIKeyCommand]()
2019-11-14 20:11:41 -06:00
let addNewFeedTitle = NSLocalizedString("New Web Feed", comment: "New Web Feed")
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: addNewFeedTitle, action: "addNewFeed:", input: "n", modifiers: [.command]))
2019-09-05 13:14:14 -05:00
let addNewFolderTitle = NSLocalizedString("New Folder", comment: "New Folder")
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: addNewFolderTitle, action: "addNewFolder:", input: "n", modifiers: [.command, .shift]))
2019-09-05 13:14:14 -05:00
let refreshTitle = NSLocalizedString("Refresh", comment: "Refresh")
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: refreshTitle, action: "refresh:", input: "r", modifiers: [.command]))
2019-09-05 13:14:14 -05:00
let nextUnreadTitle = NSLocalizedString("Next Unread", comment: "Next Unread")
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: nextUnreadTitle, action: "nextUnread:", input: "/", modifiers: [.command]))
2019-09-05 13:14:14 -05:00
let goToTodayTitle = NSLocalizedString("Go To Today", comment: "Go To Today")
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: goToTodayTitle, action: "goToToday:", input: "1", modifiers: [.command]))
2019-09-05 13:14:14 -05:00
let goToAllUnreadTitle = NSLocalizedString("Go To All Unread", comment: "Go To All Unread")
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: goToAllUnreadTitle, action: "goToAllUnread:", input: "2", modifiers: [.command]))
2019-09-05 13:14:14 -05:00
let goToStarredTitle = NSLocalizedString("Go To Starred", comment: "Go To Starred")
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: goToStarredTitle, action: "goToStarred:", input: "3", modifiers: [.command]))
2019-09-05 13:14:14 -05:00
2020-05-13 17:29:59 +05:30
let gotoSettings = NSLocalizedString("Go To Settings", comment: "Go To Settings")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: gotoSettings, action: "goToSettings:", input: ",", modifiers: [.command]))
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
let articleSearchTitle = NSLocalizedString("Article Search", comment: "Article Search")
2020-03-22 10:18:07 -05:00
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: articleSearchTitle, action: "articleSearch:", input: "f", modifiers: [.command, .alternate]))
2019-09-05 15:43:01 -05:00
let markAllAsReadTitle = NSLocalizedString("Mark All as Read", comment: "Mark All as Read")
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: markAllAsReadTitle, action: "markAllAsRead:", input: "k", modifiers: [.command]))
2019-09-05 15:43:01 -05:00
2020-03-15 18:15:52 -05:00
let cleanUp = NSLocalizedString("Clean Up", comment: "Clean Up")
2020-03-22 10:23:31 -05:00
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: cleanUp, action: "cleanUp:", input: "'", modifiers: [.command]))
2020-03-22 10:18:07 -05:00
let toggleReadFeedsFilter = NSLocalizedString("Toggle Read Feeds Filter", comment: "Toggle Read Feeds Filter")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: toggleReadFeedsFilter, action: "toggleReadFeedsFilter:", input: "f", modifiers: [.command, .shift]))
let toggleReadArticlesFilter = NSLocalizedString("Toggle Read Articles Filter", comment: "Toggle Read Articles Filter")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: toggleReadArticlesFilter, action: "toggleReadArticlesFilter:", input: "h", modifiers: [.command, .shift]))
2020-03-15 18:15:52 -05:00
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
return keys
static func hardcodeFeedKeyCommands() -> [UIKeyCommand] {
var keys = [UIKeyCommand]()
2019-09-05 15:43:01 -05:00
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
let nextUpTitle = NSLocalizedString("Select Next Up", comment: "Select Next Up")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: nextUpTitle, action: "selectNextUp:", input: UIKeyCommand.inputUpArrow, modifiers: []))
2019-09-05 15:43:01 -05:00
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
let nextDownTitle = NSLocalizedString("Select Next Down", comment: "Select Next Down")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: nextDownTitle, action: "selectNextDown:", input: UIKeyCommand.inputDownArrow, modifiers: []))
2019-09-07 09:01:29 -05:00
2019-09-05 13:14:14 -05:00
return keys
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
static func hardcodeArticleKeyCommands() -> [UIKeyCommand] {
2019-09-04 21:06:29 -05:00
var keys = [UIKeyCommand]()
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
let openInBrowserTitle = NSLocalizedString("Open In Browser", comment: "Open In Browser")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: openInBrowserTitle, action: "openInBrowser:", input: UIKeyCommand.inputRightArrow, modifiers: [.command]))
2019-09-04 21:06:29 -05:00
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
let toggleReadTitle = NSLocalizedString("Toggle Read Status", comment: "Toggle Read Status")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: toggleReadTitle, action: "toggleRead:", input: "u", modifiers: [.command, .shift]))
2020-01-04 09:42:29 +01:00
let markAboveAsReadTitle = NSLocalizedString("Mark Above as Read", comment: "Mark Above as Read")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: markAboveAsReadTitle, action: "markAboveAsRead:", input: "k", modifiers: [.command, .control]))
let markBelowAsReadTitle = NSLocalizedString("Mark Below as Read", comment: "Mark Below as Read")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: markBelowAsReadTitle, action: "markBelowAsRead:", input: "k", modifiers: [.command, .shift]))
2019-09-09 12:08:47 -05:00
let toggleStarredTitle = NSLocalizedString("Toggle Starred Status", comment: "Toggle Starred Status")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: toggleStarredTitle, action: "toggleStarred:", input: "l", modifiers: [.command, .shift]))
2019-09-04 21:06:29 -05:00
2020-05-13 17:29:59 +05:30
let toggleSidebar = NSLocalizedString("Toggle Sidebar", comment: "Toggle Sidebar")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: toggleSidebar, action: "toggleSidebar:", input: "s", modifiers: [.command, .control]))
let toggleReaderView = NSLocalizedString("Toggle Reader View", comment: "Toggle Reader View")
keys.append(KeyboardManager.createKeyCommand(title: toggleReaderView, action: "toggleReaderView:", input: "r", modifiers: [.command, .shift]))
2019-09-04 21:06:29 -05:00
return keys
2019-09-04 16:24:48 -05:00