2021-06-16 14:41:51 +08:00
// Copyright ( c ) 2014 -2020 AgileBits Inc .
// Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files ( the "Software" ) , to deal
// in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights
// to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell
// copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions :
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software .
# import "OnePasswordExtension.h"
2024-02-25 18:42:26 -08:00
@ import UniformTypeIdentifiers ;
2021-06-16 14:41:51 +08:00
NSString * const AppExtensionURLStringKey = @ "url_string" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionUsernameKey = @ "username" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionPasswordKey = @ "password" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionTOTPKey = @ "totp" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionTitleKey = @ "login_title" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionNotesKey = @ "notes" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionSectionTitleKey = @ "section_title" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionFieldsKey = @ "fields" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionReturnedFieldsKey = @ "returned_fields" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionOldPasswordKey = @ "old_password" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionPasswordGeneratorOptionsKey = @ "password_generator_options" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordMinLengthKey = @ "password_min_length" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordMaxLengthKey = @ "password_max_length" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordRequireDigitsKey = @ "password_require_digits" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordRequireSymbolsKey = @ "password_require_symbols" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionGeneratedPasswordForbiddenCharactersKey = @ "password_forbidden_characters" ;
NSString * const AppExtensionErrorDomain = @ "OnePasswordExtension" ;
// Version
# define VERSION_NUMBER @ ( 185 )
static NSString * const AppExtensionVersionNumberKey = @ "version_number" ;
// Available App Extension Actions
static NSString * const kUTTypeAppExtensionFindLoginAction = @ "org.appextension.find-login-action" ;
static NSString * const kUTTypeAppExtensionSaveLoginAction = @ "org.appextension.save-login-action" ;
static NSString * const kUTTypeAppExtensionChangePasswordAction = @ "org.appextension.change-password-action" ;
static NSString * const kUTTypeAppExtensionFillWebViewAction = @ "org.appextension.fill-webview-action" ;
static NSString * const kUTTypeAppExtensionFillBrowserAction = @ "org.appextension.fill-browser-action" ;
// WebView Dictionary keys
static NSString * const AppExtensionWebViewPageFillScript = @ "fillScript" ;
static NSString * const AppExtensionWebViewPageDetails = @ "pageDetails" ;
@ implementation OnePasswordExtension
# pragma mark - Public Methods
+ ( OnePasswordExtension * ) sharedExtension {
static dispatch_once _t onceToken ;
static OnePasswordExtension * __sharedExtension ;
dispatch_once ( & onceToken , ^ {
__sharedExtension = [ OnePasswordExtension new ] ;
} ) ;
return __sharedExtension ;
- ( BOOL ) isAppExtensionAvailable {
if ( [ self isSystemAppExtensionAPIAvailable ] ) {
return [ [ UIApplication sharedApplication ] canOpenURL : [ NSURL URLWithString : @ "org-appextension-feature-password-management://" ] ] ;
return NO ;
# pragma mark - Native app Login
- ( void ) findLoginForURLString : ( nonnull NSString * ) URLString forViewController : ( nonnull UIViewController * ) viewController sender : ( nullable id ) sender completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock ) completion {
NSAssert ( URLString ! = nil , @ "URLString must not be nil" ) ;
NSAssert ( viewController ! = nil , @ "viewController must not be nil" ) ;
if ( NO = = [ self isSystemAppExtensionAPIAvailable ] ) {
NSLog ( @ "Failed to findLoginForURLString, system API is not available" ) ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( nil , [ OnePasswordExtension systemAppExtensionAPINotAvailableError ] ) ;
return ;
NSDictionary * item = @ { AppExtensionVersionNumberKey : VERSION_NUMBER , AppExtensionURLStringKey : URLString } ;
UIActivityViewController * activityViewController = [ self activityViewControllerForItem : item viewController : viewController sender : sender typeIdentifier : kUTTypeAppExtensionFindLoginAction ] ;
activityViewController . completionWithItemsHandler = ^ ( NSString * activityType , BOOL completed , NSArray * returnedItems , NSError * activityError ) {
if ( returnedItems . count = = 0 ) {
NSError * error = nil ;
if ( activityError ) {
NSLog ( @ "Failed to findLoginForURLString: %@" , activityError ) ;
error = [ OnePasswordExtension failedToContactExtensionErrorWithActivityError : activityError ] ;
else {
error = [ OnePasswordExtension extensionCancelledByUserError ] ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( nil , error ) ;
return ;
[ self processExtensionItem : returnedItems . firstObject completion : ^ ( NSDictionary * itemDictionary , NSError * error ) {
if ( completion ) {
completion ( itemDictionary , error ) ;
} ] ;
} ;
[ viewController presentViewController : activityViewController animated : YES completion : nil ] ;
# pragma mark - New User Registration
- ( void ) storeLoginForURLString : ( nonnull NSString * ) URLString loginDetails : ( nullable NSDictionary * ) loginDetailsDictionary passwordGenerationOptions : ( nullable NSDictionary * ) passwordGenerationOptions forViewController : ( nonnull UIViewController * ) viewController sender : ( nullable id ) sender completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock ) completion {
NSAssert ( URLString ! = nil , @ "URLString must not be nil" ) ;
NSAssert ( viewController ! = nil , @ "viewController must not be nil" ) ;
if ( NO = = [ self isSystemAppExtensionAPIAvailable ] ) {
NSLog ( @ "Failed to storeLoginForURLString, system API is not available" ) ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( nil , [ OnePasswordExtension systemAppExtensionAPINotAvailableError ] ) ;
return ;
NSMutableDictionary * newLoginAttributesDict = [ NSMutableDictionary new ] ;
newLoginAttributesDict [ AppExtensionVersionNumberKey ] = VERSION_NUMBER ;
newLoginAttributesDict [ AppExtensionURLStringKey ] = URLString ;
[ newLoginAttributesDict addEntriesFromDictionary : loginDetailsDictionary ] ;
if ( passwordGenerationOptions . count > 0 ) {
newLoginAttributesDict [ AppExtensionPasswordGeneratorOptionsKey ] = passwordGenerationOptions ;
UIActivityViewController * activityViewController = [ self activityViewControllerForItem : newLoginAttributesDict viewController : viewController sender : sender typeIdentifier : kUTTypeAppExtensionSaveLoginAction ] ;
activityViewController . completionWithItemsHandler = ^ ( NSString * activityType , BOOL completed , NSArray * returnedItems , NSError * activityError ) {
if ( returnedItems . count = = 0 ) {
NSError * error = nil ;
if ( activityError ) {
NSLog ( @ "Failed to storeLoginForURLString: %@" , activityError ) ;
error = [ OnePasswordExtension failedToContactExtensionErrorWithActivityError : activityError ] ;
else {
error = [ OnePasswordExtension extensionCancelledByUserError ] ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( nil , error ) ;
return ;
[ self processExtensionItem : returnedItems . firstObject completion : ^ ( NSDictionary * itemDictionary , NSError * error ) {
if ( completion ) {
completion ( itemDictionary , error ) ;
} ] ;
} ;
[ viewController presentViewController : activityViewController animated : YES completion : nil ] ;
# pragma mark - Change Password
- ( void ) changePasswordForLoginForURLString : ( nonnull NSString * ) URLString loginDetails : ( nullable NSDictionary * ) loginDetailsDictionary passwordGenerationOptions : ( nullable NSDictionary * ) passwordGenerationOptions forViewController : ( UIViewController * ) viewController sender : ( nullable id ) sender completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock ) completion {
NSAssert ( URLString ! = nil , @ "URLString must not be nil" ) ;
NSAssert ( viewController ! = nil , @ "viewController must not be nil" ) ;
if ( NO = = [ self isSystemAppExtensionAPIAvailable ] ) {
NSLog ( @ "Failed to changePasswordForLoginWithUsername, system API is not available" ) ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( nil , [ OnePasswordExtension systemAppExtensionAPINotAvailableError ] ) ;
return ;
NSMutableDictionary * item = [ NSMutableDictionary new ] ;
item [ AppExtensionVersionNumberKey ] = VERSION_NUMBER ;
item [ AppExtensionURLStringKey ] = URLString ;
[ item addEntriesFromDictionary : loginDetailsDictionary ] ;
if ( passwordGenerationOptions . count > 0 ) {
item [ AppExtensionPasswordGeneratorOptionsKey ] = passwordGenerationOptions ;
UIActivityViewController * activityViewController = [ self activityViewControllerForItem : item viewController : viewController sender : sender typeIdentifier : kUTTypeAppExtensionChangePasswordAction ] ;
activityViewController . completionWithItemsHandler = ^ ( NSString * activityType , BOOL completed , NSArray * returnedItems , NSError * activityError ) {
if ( returnedItems . count = = 0 ) {
NSError * error = nil ;
if ( activityError ) {
NSLog ( @ "Failed to changePasswordForLoginWithUsername: %@" , activityError ) ;
error = [ OnePasswordExtension failedToContactExtensionErrorWithActivityError : activityError ] ;
else {
error = [ OnePasswordExtension extensionCancelledByUserError ] ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( nil , error ) ;
return ;
[ self processExtensionItem : returnedItems . firstObject completion : ^ ( NSDictionary * itemDictionary , NSError * error ) {
if ( completion ) {
completion ( itemDictionary , error ) ;
} ] ;
} ;
[ viewController presentViewController : activityViewController animated : YES completion : nil ] ;
# pragma mark - Web View filling Support
- ( void ) fillItemIntoWebView : ( nonnull WKWebView * ) webView forViewController : ( nonnull UIViewController * ) viewController sender : ( nullable id ) sender showOnlyLogins : ( BOOL ) yesOrNo completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock ) completion {
NSAssert ( webView ! = nil , @ "webView must not be nil" ) ;
NSAssert ( viewController ! = nil , @ "viewController must not be nil" ) ;
NSAssert ( [ webView isKindOfClass : [ WKWebView class ] ] , @ "webView must be an instance of WKWebView." ) ;
[ self fillItemIntoWKWebView : webView forViewController : viewController sender : ( id ) sender showOnlyLogins : yesOrNo completion : ^ ( BOOL success , NSError * error ) {
if ( completion ) {
completion ( success , error ) ;
} ] ;
# pragma mark - Support for custom UIActivityViewControllers
- ( BOOL ) isOnePasswordExtensionActivityType : ( nullable NSString * ) activityType {
return [ @ "com.agilebits.onepassword-ios.extension" isEqualToString : activityType ] || [ @ "com.agilebits.beta.onepassword-ios.extension" isEqualToString : activityType ] ;
- ( void ) createExtensionItemForWebView : ( nonnull WKWebView * ) webView completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordExtensionItemCompletionBlock ) completion {
NSAssert ( webView ! = nil , @ "webView must not be nil" ) ;
NSAssert ( [ webView isKindOfClass : [ WKWebView class ] ] , @ "webView must be an instance of WKWebView." ) ;
[ webView evaluateJavaScript : OPWebViewCollectFieldsScript completionHandler : ^ ( NSString * result , NSError * evaluateError ) {
if ( result = = nil ) {
NSLog ( @ "1Password Extension failed to collect web page fields: %@" , evaluateError ) ;
NSError * failedToCollectFieldsError = [ OnePasswordExtension failedToCollectFieldsErrorWithUnderlyingError : evaluateError ] ;
if ( completion ) {
if ( [ NSThread isMainThread ] ) {
completion ( nil , failedToCollectFieldsError ) ;
else {
dispatch_async ( dispatch_get _main _queue ( ) , ^ {
completion ( nil , failedToCollectFieldsError ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
[ self createExtensionItemForURLString : webView . URL . absoluteString webPageDetails : result completion : completion ] ;
} ] ;
- ( void ) fillReturnedItems : ( nullable NSArray * ) returnedItems intoWebView : ( nonnull WKWebView * ) webView completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock ) completion {
NSAssert ( webView ! = nil , @ "webView must not be nil" ) ;
if ( returnedItems . count = = 0 ) {
NSError * error = [ OnePasswordExtension extensionCancelledByUserError ] ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( NO , error ) ;
return ;
[ self processExtensionItem : returnedItems . firstObject completion : ^ ( NSDictionary * itemDictionary , NSError * error ) {
if ( itemDictionary . count = = 0 ) {
if ( completion ) {
completion ( NO , error ) ;
return ;
NSString * fillScript = itemDictionary [ AppExtensionWebViewPageFillScript ] ;
[ self executeFillScript : fillScript inWebView : webView completion : ^ ( BOOL success , NSError * executeFillScriptError ) {
if ( completion ) {
completion ( success , executeFillScriptError ) ;
} ] ;
} ] ;
# pragma mark - Private methods
- ( BOOL ) isSystemAppExtensionAPIAvailable {
return [ NSExtensionItem class ] ! = nil ;
- ( void ) findLoginIn1PasswordWithURLString : ( nonnull NSString * ) URLString collectedPageDetails : ( nullable NSString * ) collectedPageDetails forWebViewController : ( nonnull UIViewController * ) forViewController sender : ( nullable id ) sender withWebView : ( nonnull WKWebView * ) webView showOnlyLogins : ( BOOL ) yesOrNo completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock ) completion {
if ( [ URLString length ] = = 0 ) {
NSError * URLStringError = [ OnePasswordExtension failedToObtainURLStringFromWebViewError ] ;
NSLog ( @ "Failed to findLoginIn1PasswordWithURLString: %@" , URLStringError ) ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( NO , URLStringError ) ;
return ;
NSError * jsonError = nil ;
NSData * data = [ collectedPageDetails dataUsingEncoding : NSUTF8StringEncoding ] ;
NSDictionary * collectedPageDetailsDictionary = [ NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData : data options : NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error : & jsonError ] ;
if ( collectedPageDetailsDictionary . count = = 0 ) {
NSLog ( @ "Failed to parse JSON collected page details: %@" , jsonError ) ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( NO , jsonError ) ;
return ;
NSDictionary * item = @ { AppExtensionVersionNumberKey : VERSION_NUMBER , AppExtensionURLStringKey : URLString , AppExtensionWebViewPageDetails : collectedPageDetailsDictionary } ;
NSString * typeIdentifier = yesOrNo ? kUTTypeAppExtensionFillWebViewAction : kUTTypeAppExtensionFillBrowserAction ;
UIActivityViewController * activityViewController = [ self activityViewControllerForItem : item viewController : forViewController sender : sender typeIdentifier : typeIdentifier ] ;
activityViewController . completionWithItemsHandler = ^ ( NSString * activityType , BOOL completed , NSArray * returnedItems , NSError * activityError ) {
if ( returnedItems . count = = 0 ) {
NSError * error = nil ;
if ( activityError ) {
NSLog ( @ "Failed to findLoginIn1PasswordWithURLString: %@" , activityError ) ;
error = [ OnePasswordExtension failedToContactExtensionErrorWithActivityError : activityError ] ;
else {
error = [ OnePasswordExtension extensionCancelledByUserError ] ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( NO , error ) ;
return ;
[ self processExtensionItem : returnedItems . firstObject completion : ^ ( NSDictionary * itemDictionary , NSError * processExtensionItemError ) {
if ( itemDictionary . count = = 0 ) {
if ( completion ) {
completion ( NO , processExtensionItemError ) ;
return ;
NSString * fillScript = itemDictionary [ AppExtensionWebViewPageFillScript ] ;
[ self executeFillScript : fillScript inWebView : webView completion : ^ ( BOOL success , NSError * executeFillScriptError ) {
if ( completion ) {
completion ( success , executeFillScriptError ) ;
} ] ;
} ] ;
} ;
[ forViewController presentViewController : activityViewController animated : YES completion : nil ] ;
- ( void ) fillItemIntoWKWebView : ( nonnull WKWebView * ) webView forViewController : ( nonnull UIViewController * ) viewController sender : ( nullable id ) sender showOnlyLogins : ( BOOL ) yesOrNo completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock ) completion {
[ webView evaluateJavaScript : OPWebViewCollectFieldsScript completionHandler : ^ ( NSString * result , NSError * error ) {
if ( result = = nil ) {
NSLog ( @ "1Password Extension failed to collect web page fields: %@" , error ) ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( NO , [ OnePasswordExtension failedToCollectFieldsErrorWithUnderlyingError : error ] ) ;
return ;
[ self findLoginIn1PasswordWithURLString : webView . URL . absoluteString collectedPageDetails : result forWebViewController : viewController sender : sender withWebView : webView showOnlyLogins : yesOrNo completion : ^ ( BOOL success , NSError * findLoginError ) {
if ( completion ) {
completion ( success , findLoginError ) ;
} ] ;
} ] ;
- ( void ) executeFillScript : ( NSString * __nullable ) fillScript inWebView : ( nonnull WKWebView * ) webView completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordSuccessCompletionBlock ) completion {
if ( fillScript = = nil ) {
NSLog ( @ "Failed to executeFillScript, fillScript is missing" ) ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( NO , [ OnePasswordExtension failedToFillFieldsErrorWithLocalizedErrorMessage : NSLocalizedStringFromTable ( @ "Failed to fill web page because script is missing" , @ "OnePasswordExtension" , @ "1Password Extension Error Message" ) underlyingError : nil ] ) ;
return ;
NSMutableString * scriptSource = [ OPWebViewFillScript mutableCopy ] ;
[ scriptSource appendFormat : @ "(document, %@, undefined);" , fillScript ] ;
[ webView evaluateJavaScript : scriptSource completionHandler : ^ ( NSString * result , NSError * evaluationError ) {
BOOL success = ( result ! = nil ) ;
NSError * error = nil ;
if ( ! success ) {
NSLog ( @ "Cannot executeFillScript, evaluateJavaScript failed: %@" , evaluationError ) ;
error = [ OnePasswordExtension failedToFillFieldsErrorWithLocalizedErrorMessage : NSLocalizedStringFromTable ( @ "Failed to fill web page because script could not be evaluated" , @ "OnePasswordExtension" , @ "1Password Extension Error Message" ) underlyingError : error ] ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( success , error ) ;
} ] ;
- ( void ) processExtensionItem : ( nullable NSExtensionItem * ) extensionItem completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordLoginDictionaryCompletionBlock ) completion {
if ( extensionItem . attachments . count = = 0 ) {
NSDictionary * userInfo = @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @ "Unexpected data returned by App Extension: extension item had no attachments." } ;
NSError * error = [ [ NSError alloc ] initWithDomain : AppExtensionErrorDomain code : AppExtensionErrorCodeUnexpectedData userInfo : userInfo ] ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( nil , error ) ;
return ;
NSItemProvider * itemProvider = extensionItem . attachments . firstObject ;
2024-02-25 18:42:26 -08:00
if ( NO = = [ itemProvider hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier : UTTypePropertyList . identifier ] ) {
2021-06-16 14:41:51 +08:00
NSDictionary * userInfo = @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @ "Unexpected data returned by App Extension: extension item attachment does not conform to kUTTypePropertyList type identifier" } ;
NSError * error = [ [ NSError alloc ] initWithDomain : AppExtensionErrorDomain code : AppExtensionErrorCodeUnexpectedData userInfo : userInfo ] ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( nil , error ) ;
return ;
2024-02-25 18:42:26 -08:00
[ itemProvider loadItemForTypeIdentifier : UTTypePropertyList . identifier options : nil completionHandler : ^ ( NSDictionary * itemDictionary , NSError * itemProviderError ) {
2021-06-16 14:41:51 +08:00
NSError * error = nil ;
if ( itemDictionary . count = = 0 ) {
NSLog ( @ "Failed to loadItemForTypeIdentifier: %@" , itemProviderError ) ;
error = [ OnePasswordExtension failedToLoadItemProviderDataErrorWithUnderlyingError : itemProviderError ] ;
if ( completion ) {
if ( [ NSThread isMainThread ] ) {
completion ( itemDictionary , error ) ;
else {
dispatch_async ( dispatch_get _main _queue ( ) , ^ {
completion ( itemDictionary , error ) ;
} ) ;
} ] ;
- ( UIActivityViewController * ) activityViewControllerForItem : ( nonnull NSDictionary * ) item viewController : ( nonnull UIViewController * ) viewController sender : ( nullable id ) sender typeIdentifier : ( nonnull NSString * ) typeIdentifier {
NSAssert ( NO = = ( UIDevice . currentDevice . userInterfaceIdiom = = UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad && sender = = nil ) , @ "sender must not be nil on iPad." ) ;
NSItemProvider * itemProvider = [ [ NSItemProvider alloc ] initWithItem : item typeIdentifier : typeIdentifier ] ;
NSExtensionItem * extensionItem = [ [ NSExtensionItem alloc ] init ] ;
extensionItem . attachments = @ [ itemProvider ] ;
UIActivityViewController * controller = [ [ UIActivityViewController alloc ] initWithActivityItems : @ [ extensionItem ] applicationActivities : nil ] ;
if ( [ sender isKindOfClass : [ UIBarButtonItem class ] ] ) {
controller . popoverPresentationController . barButtonItem = sender ;
else if ( [ sender isKindOfClass : [ UIView class ] ] ) {
controller . popoverPresentationController . sourceView = [ sender superview ] ;
controller . popoverPresentationController . sourceRect = [ sender frame ] ;
else {
NSLog ( @ "sender can be nil on iPhone" ) ;
return controller ;
- ( void ) createExtensionItemForURLString : ( nonnull NSString * ) URLString webPageDetails : ( nullable NSString * ) webPageDetails completion : ( nonnull OnePasswordExtensionItemCompletionBlock ) completion {
NSError * jsonError = nil ;
NSData * data = [ webPageDetails dataUsingEncoding : NSUTF8StringEncoding ] ;
NSDictionary * webPageDetailsDictionary = [ NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData : data options : NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error : & jsonError ] ;
if ( webPageDetailsDictionary . count = = 0 ) {
NSLog ( @ "Failed to parse JSON collected page details: %@" , jsonError ) ;
if ( completion ) {
completion ( nil , jsonError ) ;
return ;
NSDictionary * item = @ { AppExtensionVersionNumberKey : VERSION_NUMBER , AppExtensionURLStringKey : URLString , AppExtensionWebViewPageDetails : webPageDetailsDictionary } ;
NSItemProvider * itemProvider = [ [ NSItemProvider alloc ] initWithItem : item typeIdentifier : kUTTypeAppExtensionFillBrowserAction ] ;
NSExtensionItem * extensionItem = [ [ NSExtensionItem alloc ] init ] ;
extensionItem . attachments = @ [ itemProvider ] ;
if ( completion ) {
if ( [ NSThread isMainThread ] ) {
completion ( extensionItem , nil ) ;
else {
dispatch_async ( dispatch_get _main _queue ( ) , ^ {
completion ( extensionItem , nil ) ;
} ) ;
# pragma mark - Errors
+ ( NSError * ) systemAppExtensionAPINotAvailableError {
NSDictionary * userInfo = @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : NSLocalizedStringFromTable ( @ "App Extension API is not available in this version of iOS" , @ "OnePasswordExtension" , @ "1Password Extension Error Message" ) } ;
return [ NSError errorWithDomain : AppExtensionErrorDomain code : AppExtensionErrorCodeAPINotAvailable userInfo : userInfo ] ;
+ ( NSError * ) extensionCancelledByUserError {
NSDictionary * userInfo = @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : NSLocalizedStringFromTable ( @ "1Password Extension was cancelled by the user" , @ "OnePasswordExtension" , @ "1Password Extension Error Message" ) } ;
return [ NSError errorWithDomain : AppExtensionErrorDomain code : AppExtensionErrorCodeCancelledByUser userInfo : userInfo ] ;
+ ( NSError * ) failedToContactExtensionErrorWithActivityError : ( nullable NSError * ) activityError {
NSMutableDictionary * userInfo = [ NSMutableDictionary new ] ;
userInfo [ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey ] = NSLocalizedStringFromTable ( @ "Failed to contact the 1Password Extension" , @ "OnePasswordExtension" , @ "1Password Extension Error Message" ) ;
if ( activityError ) {
userInfo [ NSUnderlyingErrorKey ] = activityError ;
return [ NSError errorWithDomain : AppExtensionErrorDomain code : AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToContactExtension userInfo : userInfo ] ;
+ ( NSError * ) failedToCollectFieldsErrorWithUnderlyingError : ( nullable NSError * ) underlyingError {
NSMutableDictionary * userInfo = [ NSMutableDictionary new ] ;
userInfo [ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey ] = NSLocalizedStringFromTable ( @ "Failed to execute script that collects web page information" , @ "OnePasswordExtension" , @ "1Password Extension Error Message" ) ;
if ( underlyingError ) {
userInfo [ NSUnderlyingErrorKey ] = underlyingError ;
return [ NSError errorWithDomain : AppExtensionErrorDomain code : AppExtensionErrorCodeCollectFieldsScriptFailed userInfo : userInfo ] ;
+ ( NSError * ) failedToFillFieldsErrorWithLocalizedErrorMessage : ( nullable NSString * ) errorMessage underlyingError : ( nullable NSError * ) underlyingError {
NSMutableDictionary * userInfo = [ NSMutableDictionary new ] ;
if ( errorMessage ) {
userInfo [ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey ] = errorMessage ;
if ( underlyingError ) {
userInfo [ NSUnderlyingErrorKey ] = underlyingError ;
return [ NSError errorWithDomain : AppExtensionErrorDomain code : AppExtensionErrorCodeFillFieldsScriptFailed userInfo : userInfo ] ;
+ ( NSError * ) failedToLoadItemProviderDataErrorWithUnderlyingError : ( nullable NSError * ) underlyingError {
NSMutableDictionary * userInfo = [ NSMutableDictionary new ] ;
userInfo [ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey ] = NSLocalizedStringFromTable ( @ "Failed to parse information returned by 1Password Extension" , @ "OnePasswordExtension" , @ "1Password Extension Error Message" ) ;
if ( underlyingError ) {
userInfo [ NSUnderlyingErrorKey ] = underlyingError ;
return [ [ NSError alloc ] initWithDomain : AppExtensionErrorDomain code : AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToLoadItemProviderData userInfo : userInfo ] ;
+ ( NSError * ) failedToObtainURLStringFromWebViewError {
NSDictionary * userInfo = @ { NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : NSLocalizedStringFromTable ( @ "Failed to obtain URL String from web view. The web view must be loaded completely when calling the 1Password Extension" , @ "OnePasswordExtension" , @ "1Password Extension Error Message" ) } ;
return [ NSError errorWithDomain : AppExtensionErrorDomain code : AppExtensionErrorCodeFailedToObtainURLStringFromWebView userInfo : userInfo ] ;
# pragma mark - WebView field collection and filling scripts
static NSString * const OPWebViewCollectFieldsScript = @ " ; ( function ( document , undefined ) { \
document . addEventListener ( ' input ' , function ( b ) { ! 1 ! = = b . isTrusted && ' input ' === b . target . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) && ( b . target . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . userEdited ' ] = ' yes ' ) } , ! 0 ) ; \
( function ( b , a , c ) { a . FieldCollector = new function ( ) { function f ( d ) { return d ? d . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) : ' ' } function e ( d , b , a , e ) { e ! = = c && e === a || null === a || a === c || ( d [ b ] = a ) } function k ( d , b ) { var a = [ ] ; try { a = d . querySelectorAll ( b ) } catch ( J ) { console . error ( ' [ COLLECT FIELDS ] @ ag_querySelectorAll Exception in selector \ "'+b+'\" ' ) } return a } function m ( d ) { var a , c = [ ] ; if ( d . labels && d . labels . length && 0 < d . labels . length ) c = Array . prototype . slice . call ( d . labels ) ; else { d . id && ( c = c . concat ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( k ( b , ' label [ for = ' + JSON . stringify ( d . id ) + \
' ] ' ) ) ) ) ; if ( d . name ) { a = k ( b , ' label [ for = ' + JSON . stringify ( d . name ) + ' ] ' ) ; for ( var e = 0 ; e < a . length ; e + + ) -1 === c . indexOf ( a [ e ] ) && c . push ( a [ e ] ) } for ( a = d ; a && a ! = b ; a = a . parentNode ) ' label ' === f ( a . tagName ) && -1 === c . indexOf ( a ) && c . push ( a ) } 0 === c . length && ( a = d . parentNode , ' dd ' === a . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) && null ! = = a . previousElementSibling && ' dt ' === a . previousElementSibling . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) && c . push ( a . previousElementSibling ) ) ; return 0 < c . length ? c . map ( function ( d ) { return l ( r ( d ) ) } ) . join ( ' ' ) : null } function n ( d ) { var a ; for ( d = d . parentElement || \
d . parentNode ; d && ' td ' ! = f ( d . tagName ) ; ) d = d . parentElement || d . parentNode ; if ( ! d || d === c ) return null ; a = d . parentElement || d . parentNode ; if ( ' tr ' ! = a . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) ) return null ; a = a . previousElementSibling ; if ( ! a || ' tr ' ! = ( a . tagName + ' ' ) . toLowerCase ( ) || a . cells && d . cellIndex >= a . cells . length ) return null ; d = r ( a . cells [ d . cellIndex ] ) ; return d = l ( d ) } function p ( a ) { return a . options ? ( a = Array . prototype . slice . call ( a . options ) . map ( function ( a ) { var d = a . text , d = d ? f ( d ) . replace ( / \ \ s / mg , ' ' ) . replace ( / [ ~ ` ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) \ \ - _ + = : ; ' \ " \ \ [ \ \ ] | \ \ \ \ , < . > \ \ / ? ] / mg , \
' ' ) : null ; return [ d ? d : null , a . value ] } ) , { options : a } ) : null } function F ( a ) { switch ( f ( a . type ) ) { case ' checkbox ' : return a . checked ? ' ✓ ' : ' ' ; case ' hidden ' : a = a . value ; if ( ! a || ' number ' ! = typeof a . length ) return ' ' ; 254 < a . length && ( a = a . substr ( 0 , 254 ) + ' . . . SNIPPED ' ) ; return a ; case ' submit ' : case ' button ' : case ' reset ' : if ( ' ' === a . value ) return l ( r ( a ) ) || ' ' ; default : return a . value } } function G ( a , b ) { if ( -1 === [ ' text ' , ' password ' ] . indexOf ( b . type . toLowerCase ( ) ) || ! ( h . test ( a . value ) || h . test ( a . htmlID ) || h . test ( a . htmlName ) || h . test ( a . placeholder ) || \
h . test ( a [ ' label - tag ' ] ) || h . test ( a [ ' label - data ' ] ) || h . test ( a [ ' label - aria ' ] ) ) ) return ! 1 ; if ( ! a . visible ) return ! 0 ; if ( ' password ' = = b . type . toLowerCase ( ) ) return ! 1 ; a = b . type ; t ( b , ! 0 ) ; return a ! = = b . type } function H ( a ) { var b = { } ; a . forEach ( function ( a ) { b [ a . opid ] = a } ) ; return b } function g ( a , b ) { var c = a [ b ] ; if ( ' string ' = = typeof c ) return c ; a = a . getAttribute ( b ) ; return ' string ' = = typeof a ? a : null } function z ( a ) { return ' input ' === a . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) && -1 === a . type . search ( / button | submit | reset | hidden | checkbox / i ) } var u = { } , h = / ( ( \ \ b | _ | - ) pin ( \ \ b | _ | - ) | password | passwort | kennwort | ( \ \ b | _ | - ) passe ( \ \ b | _ | - ) | contrase ñ a | senha | 密 码 | adgangskode | has ł o | wachtwoord ) / i ; \
this . collect = this . a = function ( b , c ) { u = { } ; var d = b . defaultView ? b . defaultView : a , h = b . activeElement , E = Array . prototype . slice . call ( k ( b , ' form ' ) ) . map ( function ( a , b ) { var c = { } ; b = ' __form __ ' + b ; a . opid = b ; c . opid = b ; e ( c , ' htmlName ' , g ( a , ' name ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' htmlID ' , g ( a , ' id ' ) ) ; b = g ( a , ' action ' ) ; b = new URL ( b , window . location . href ) ; e ( c , ' htmlAction ' , b ? b . href : null ) ; e ( c , ' htmlMethod ' , g ( a , ' method ' ) ) ; return c } ) , D = Array . prototype . slice . call ( v ( b ) ) . map ( function ( a , b ) { z ( a ) && a . hasAttribute ( ' value ' ) && ! a . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . initialValue ' ] && \
( a . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . initialValue ' ] = a . value ) ; var c = { } , d = ' __ ' + b , q = -1 = = a . maxLength ? 999 : a . maxLength ; if ( ! q || ' number ' === typeof q && isNaN ( q ) ) q = 999 ; u [ d ] = a ; a . opid = d ; c . opid = d ; c . elementNumber = b ; e ( c , ' maxLength ' , Math . min ( q , 999 ) , 999 ) ; c . visible = w ( a ) ; c . viewable = x ( a ) ; e ( c , ' htmlID ' , g ( a , ' id ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' htmlName ' , g ( a , ' name ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' htmlClass ' , g ( a , ' class ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' tabindex ' , g ( a , ' tabindex ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' title ' , g ( a , ' title ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' userEdited ' , ! ! a . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . userEdited ' ] ) ; if ( ' hidden ' ! = f ( a . type ) ) { e ( c , \
' label - tag ' , m ( a ) ) ; e ( c , ' label - data ' , g ( a , ' data - label ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' label - aria ' , g ( a , ' aria - label ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' label - top ' , n ( a ) ) ; b = [ ] ; for ( d = a ; d && d . nextSibling ; ) { d = d . nextSibling ; if ( y ( d ) ) break ; A ( b , d ) } e ( c , ' label - right ' , b . join ( ' ' ) ) ; b = [ ] ; B ( a , b ) ; b = b . reverse ( ) . join ( ' ' ) ; e ( c , ' label - left ' , b ) ; e ( c , ' placeholder ' , g ( a , ' placeholder ' ) ) } e ( c , ' rel ' , g ( a , ' rel ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' type ' , f ( g ( a , ' type ' ) ) ) ; e ( c , ' value ' , F ( a ) ) ; e ( c , ' checked ' , a . checked , ! 1 ) ; e ( c , ' autoCompleteType ' , a . getAttribute ( ' x - autocompletetype ' ) || a . getAttribute ( ' autocompletetype ' ) || a . getAttribute ( ' autocomplete ' ) , \
' off ' ) ; e ( c , ' disabled ' , a . disabled ) ; e ( c , ' readonly ' , a . c || a . readOnly ) ; e ( c , ' selectInfo ' , p ( a ) ) ; e ( c , ' aria - hidden ' , ' true ' = = a . getAttribute ( ' aria - hidden ' ) , ! 1 ) ; e ( c , ' aria - disabled ' , ' true ' = = a . getAttribute ( ' aria - disabled ' ) , ! 1 ) ; e ( c , ' aria - haspopup ' , ' true ' = = a . getAttribute ( ' aria - haspopup ' ) , ! 1 ) ; e ( c , ' data - unmasked ' , a . dataset . unmasked ) ; e ( c , ' data - stripe ' , g ( a , ' data - stripe ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' data - braintree - name ' , g ( a , ' data - braintree - name ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' onepasswordFieldType ' , a . dataset . onepasswordFieldType || a . type ) ; e ( c , ' onepasswordDesignation ' , \
a . dataset . onepasswordDesignation ) ; e ( c , ' onepasswordSignInUrl ' , a . dataset . onepasswordSignInUrl ) ; e ( c , ' onepasswordSectionTitle ' , a . dataset . onepasswordSectionTitle ) ; e ( c , ' onepasswordSectionFieldKind ' , a . dataset . onepasswordSectionFieldKind ) ; e ( c , ' onepasswordSectionFieldTitle ' , a . dataset . onepasswordSectionFieldTitle ) ; e ( c , ' onepasswordSectionFieldValue ' , a . dataset . onepasswordSectionFieldValue ) ; a . form && ( c . form = g ( a . form , ' opid ' ) ) ; e ( c , ' fakeTested ' , G ( c , a ) , ! 1 ) ; return c } ) ; D . filter ( function ( a ) { return a . fakeTested } ) . forEach ( function ( a ) { var b = \
u [ a . opid ] ; b . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; var c = b . value ; t ( b , ! 1 ) ; b . dispatchEvent ( C ( b , ' keydown ' ) ) ; b . dispatchEvent ( C ( b , ' keypress ' ) ) ; b . dispatchEvent ( C ( b , ' keyup ' ) ) ; if ( ' ' === b . value || b . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . initialValue ' ] && b . value === b . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . initialValue ' ] ) b . value = c ; b . click && b . click ( ) ; a . postFakeTestVisible = w ( b ) ; a . postFakeTestViewable = x ( b ) ; a . postFakeTestType = b . type ; a = b . value ; var c = b . ownerDocument . createEvent ( ' HTMLEvents ' ) , d = b . ownerDocument . createEvent ( ' HTMLEvents ' ) ; b . dispatchEvent ( C ( b , \
' keydown ' ) ) ; b . dispatchEvent ( C ( b , ' keypress ' ) ) ; b . dispatchEvent ( C ( b , ' keyup ' ) ) ; d . initEvent ( ' input ' , ! 0 , ! 0 ) ; b . dispatchEvent ( d ) ; c . initEvent ( ' change ' , ! 0 , ! 0 ) ; b . dispatchEvent ( c ) ; b . blur ( ) ; if ( ' ' === b . value || b . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . initialValue ' ] && b . value === b . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . initialValue ' ] ) b . value = a } ) ; c = { documentUUID : c , title : b . title , url : d . location . href , documentURL : b . location . href , forms : H ( E ) , fields : D , collectedTimestamp : ( new Date ) . getTime ( ) } ; ( b = b . querySelector ( ' [ data - onepassword - title ] ' ) ) && \
b . dataset . onepasswordTitle && ( c . displayTitle = b . dataset . onepasswordTitle ) ; h && z ( h ) && t ( h , ! 0 ) ; return c } ; this . elementForOPID = this . b = function ( a ) { return u [ a ] } } } ) ( document , window , void 0 ) ; document . elementForOPID = I ; function C ( b , a ) { var c ; c = b . ownerDocument . createEvent ( ' Events ' ) ; c . initEvent ( a , ! 0 , ! 1 ) ; c . charCode = 0 ; c . keyCode = 0 ; c . which = 0 ; c . srcElement = b ; c . target = b ; return c } window . LOGIN_TITLES = [ / ^ \ \ W * log \ \ W * [ oi ] n \ \ W * $ / i , / log \ \ W * [ oi ] n ( ? : securely | now ) / i , / ^ \ \ W * sign \ \ W * [ oi ] n \ \ W * $ / i , ' continue ' , ' submit ' , ' weiter ' , ' acc è s ' , ' в х о д ' , ' connexion ' , ' entrar ' , ' anmelden ' , ' accedi ' , ' valider ' , ' 登 录 ' , ' ल ॉ ग इ न क र े ं ' ] ; window . CHANGE_PASSWORD _TITLES = [ / ^ ( change | update ) password $ / i , ' save changes ' , ' update ' ] ; \
window . LOGIN_RED _HERRING _TITLES = [ ' already have an account ' , ' sign in with ' ] ; window . REGISTER_TITLES = [ ' register ' , ' sign up ' , ' signup ' , ' join ' , / ^ create ( my ) ? ( account | profile ) $ / i , ' р е г и с т р а ц и я ' , ' inscription ' , ' reg í strate ' , ' cadastre - se ' , ' registrieren ' , ' registrazione ' , ' 注 册 ' , ' स ा इ न अ प क र े ं ' ] ; window . SEARCH_TITLES = ' search find п о и с к н а й т и и с к а т ь recherche suchen buscar suche ricerca procurar 検 索 ' . split ( ' ' ) ; window . FORGOT_PASSWORD _TITLES = ' forgot ge ä ndert vergessen hilfe changeemail espa ñ ol ' . split ( ' ' ) ; \
window . REMEMBER_ME _TITLES = [ ' remember me ' , ' rememberme ' , ' keep me signed in ' ] ; window . BACK_TITLES = [ ' back ' , ' н а з а д ' ] ; window . DIVITIS_BUTTON _CLASSES = [ ' button ' , ' btn - primary ' ] ; function r ( b ) { return b . textContent || b . innerText } function l ( b ) { var a = null ; b && ( a = b . replace ( / ^ \ \ s + | \ \ s + $ | \ \ r ? \ \ n . * $ / mg , ' ' ) . replace ( / \ \ s { 2 , } / , ' ' ) , a = 0 < a . length ? a : null ) ; return a } function A ( b , a ) { var c = ' ' ; 3 === a . nodeType ? c = a . nodeValue : 1 === a . nodeType && ( c = r ( a ) ) ; ( a = l ( c ) ) && b . push ( a ) } \
function y ( b ) { var a ; b && void 0 ! = = b ? ( a = ' select option input form textarea button table iframe body head script ' . split ( ' ' ) , b ? ( b = b ? ( b . tagName || ' ' ) . toLowerCase ( ) : ' ' , a = a . constructor = = Array ? 0 <= a . indexOf ( b ) : b === a ) : a = ! 1 ) : a = ! 0 ; return a } \
function B ( b , a , c ) { var f ; for ( c || ( c = 0 ) ; b && b . previousSibling ; ) { b = b . previousSibling ; if ( y ( b ) ) return ; A ( a , b ) } if ( b && 0 === a . length ) { for ( f = null ; ! f ; ) { b = b . parentElement || b . parentNode ; if ( ! b ) return ; for ( f = b . previousSibling ; f && ! y ( f ) && f . lastChild ; ) f = f . lastChild } y ( f ) || ( A ( a , f ) , 0 === a . length && B ( f , a , c + 1 ) ) } } \
function w ( b ) { for ( var a = b , c = ( b = b . ownerDocument ) ? b . defaultView : { } , f ; a && a ! = = b ; ) { f = c . getComputedStyle && a instanceof Element ? c . getComputedStyle ( a , null ) : a . style ; if ( ! f ) return ! 0 ; if ( ' none ' === f . display || ' hidden ' = = f . visibility ) return ! 1 ; a = a . parentNode } return a === b } \
function x ( b ) { var a = b . ownerDocument . documentElement , c = b . getBoundingClientRect ( ) , f = a . scrollWidth , e = a . scrollHeight , k = c . left - a . clientLeft , a = c . top - a . clientTop , m ; if ( ! w ( b ) || ! b . offsetParent || 10 > b . clientWidth || 10 > b . clientHeight ) return ! 1 ; var n = b . getClientRects ( ) ; if ( 0 === n . length ) return ! 1 ; for ( var p = 0 ; p < n . length ; p + + ) if ( m = n [ p ] , m . left > f || 0 > m . right ) return ! 1 ; if ( 0 > k || k > f || 0 > a || a > e ) return ! 1 ; for ( c = b . ownerDocument . elementFromPoint ( k + ( c . right > window . innerWidth ? ( window . innerWidth - k ) / 2 : c . width / 2 ) , a + ( c . bottom > window . innerHeight ? \
( window . innerHeight - a ) / 2 : c . height / 2 ) ) ; c && c ! = = b && c ! = = document ; ) { if ( c . tagName && ' string ' === typeof c . tagName && ' label ' === c . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) && b . labels && 0 < b . labels . length ) return 0 <= Array . prototype . slice . call ( b . labels ) . indexOf ( c ) ; c = c . parentNode } return c === b } \
function I ( b ) { var a ; if ( void 0 === b || null === b ) return null ; if ( a = FieldCollector . b ( b ) ) return a ; try { var c = Array . prototype . slice . call ( v ( document ) ) , f = c . filter ( function ( a ) { return a . opid = = b } ) ; if ( 0 < f . length ) a = f [ 0 ] , 1 < f . length && console . warn ( ' More than one element found with opid ' + b ) ; else { var e = parseInt ( b . split ( ' __ ' ) [ 1 ] , 10 ) ; isNaN ( e ) || ( a = c [ e ] ) } } catch ( k ) { console . error ( ' An unexpected error occurred : ' + k ) } finally { return a } } ; function v ( b ) { var a = [ ] ; try { a = b . querySelectorAll ( ' input , select , button ' ) } catch ( c ) { console . error ( ' [ COMMON ] @ ag_querySelectorAll Exception in selector \ "input, select, button\" ' ) } return a } function t ( b , a ) { if ( b ) { var c ; a && ( c = b . value ) ; ' function ' === typeof b . click && b . click ( ) ; ' function ' === typeof b . focus && b . focus ( ) ; a && b . value ! = = c && ( b . value = c ) } } ; \
return JSON . stringify ( FieldCollector . a ( document , ' oneshotUUID ' ) ) ; \
} ) ( document ) ; \
" ;
static NSString * const OPWebViewFillScript = @ " ; ( function ( document , fillScript , undefined ) { \
var g = ! 0 , h = ! 0 , k = ! 0 ; function m ( a ) { return a ? 0 === a . indexOf ( ' https : // ' ) && ' http : ' === document . location . protocol && ( a = document . querySelectorAll ( ' input [ type = password ] ' ) , 0 < a . length && ( confirmResult = confirm ( ' 1 Password warning : This is an unsecured HTTP page , and any information you submit can potentially be seen and changed by others . This Login was originally saved on a secure ( HTTPS ) page . \ \ n \ \ nDo you still wish to fill this login ? ' ) , 0 = = confirmResult ) ) ? ! 0 : ! 1 : ! 1 } \
function l ( a ) { var b , c = [ ] , d = a . properties , e = 1 , f = [ ] ; d && d . delay_between _operations && ( e = d . delay_between _operations ) ; if ( ! m ( a . savedURL ) ) { var r = function ( a , b ) { var c = a [ 0 ] ; if ( void 0 === c ) b ( ) ; else { if ( ' delay ' === c . operation || ' delay ' === c [ 0 ] ) e = c . parameters ? c . parameters [ 0 ] : c [ 1 ] ; else if ( c = n ( c ) ) for ( var d = 0 ; d < c . length ; d + + ) -1 === f . indexOf ( c [ d ] ) && f . push ( c [ d ] ) ; setTimeout ( function ( ) { r ( a . slice ( 1 ) , b ) } , e ) } } ; g = k = ! 0 ; if ( b = a . options ) b . hasOwnProperty ( ' animate ' ) && ( h = b . animate ) , b . hasOwnProperty ( ' markFilling ' ) && ( g = b . markFilling ) ; if ( ( b = \
a . metadata ) && b . hasOwnProperty ( ' action ' ) ) switch ( b . action ) { case ' fillPassword ' : g = ! 1 ; break ; case ' fillLogin ' : k = ! 1 } a . hasOwnProperty ( ' script ' ) && r ( a . script , function ( ) { a . hasOwnProperty ( ' autosubmit ' ) && ' function ' = = typeof autosubmit && ( a . itemType && ' fillLogin ' ! = = a . itemType || ( 0 < f . length ? setTimeout ( function ( ) { autosubmit ( a . autosubmit , d . allow_clicky _autosubmit , f ) } , AUTOSUBMIT_DELAY ) : DEBUG_AUTOSUBMIT && console . log ( ' [ AUTOSUBMIT ] Not attempting to submit since no fields were filled : ' , f ) ) ) ; c = f . map ( function ( a ) { return a && \
a . hasOwnProperty ( ' opid ' ) ? a . opid : null } ) ; ' object ' = = typeof protectedGlobalPage && protectedGlobalPage . c ( ' fillItemResults ' , { documentUUID : documentUUID , fillContextIdentifier : a . fillContextIdentifier , usedOpids : c } , function ( ) { fillingItemType = null } ) } ) } } var y = { fill_by _opid : p , fill_by _query : q , click_on _opid : t , click_on _query : u , touch_all _fields : v , simple_set _value _by _query : w , focus_by _opid : x , delay : null } ; \
function n ( a ) { var b ; if ( a . hasOwnProperty ( ' operation ' ) && a . hasOwnProperty ( ' parameters ' ) ) b = a . operation , a = a . parameters ; else if ( ' [ object Array ] ' === Object . prototype . toString . call ( a ) ) b = a [ 0 ] , a = a . splice ( 1 ) ; else return null ; return y . hasOwnProperty ( b ) ? y [ b ] . apply ( this , a ) : null } function p ( a , b ) { return ( a = z ( a ) ) ? ( A ( a , b ) , [ a ] ) : null } function q ( a , b ) { a = B ( a ) ; return Array . prototype . map . call ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( a ) , function ( a ) { A ( a , b ) ; return a } , this ) } \
function w ( a , b ) { var c = [ ] ; a = B ( a ) ; Array . prototype . forEach . call ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( a ) , function ( a ) { a . disabled || a . a || a . readOnly || void 0 === a . value || ( a . value = b , c . push ( a ) ) } ) ; return c } function x ( a ) { ( a = z ( a ) ) && C ( a , ! 0 ) ; return null } function t ( a ) { return ( a = z ( a ) ) ? C ( a , ! 1 ) ? [ a ] : null : null } function u ( a ) { a = B ( a ) ; return Array . prototype . map . call ( Array . prototype . slice . call ( a ) , function ( a ) { C ( a , ! 0 ) ; return [ a ] } , this ) } function v ( ) { D ( ) } ; var E = { ' true ' : ! 0 , y : ! 0 , 1 : ! 0 , yes : ! 0 , ' ✓ ' : ! 0 } , F = 200 ; function A ( a , b ) { var c ; if ( ! ( ! a || null === b || void 0 === b || k && ( a . disabled || a . a || a . readOnly ) ) ) switch ( g && ! a . opfilled && ( a . opfilled = ! 0 , a . form && ( a . form . opfilled = ! 0 ) ) , a . type ? a . type . toLowerCase ( ) : null ) { case ' checkbox ' : c = b && 1 <= b . length && E . hasOwnProperty ( b . toLowerCase ( ) ) && ! 0 === E [ b . toLowerCase ( ) ] ; a . checked === c || G ( a , function ( a ) { a . checked = c } ) ; break ; case ' radio ' : ! 0 === E [ b . toLowerCase ( ) ] && a . click ( ) ; break ; default : a . value = = b || G ( a , function ( a ) { a . value = b } ) } } \
function G ( a , b ) { H ( a ) ; b ( a ) ; I ( a ) ; J ( a ) && ( a . className + = ' com - agilebits - onepassword - extension - animated - fill ' , setTimeout ( function ( ) { a && a . className && ( a . className = a . className . replace ( / ( \ \ s ) ? com - agilebits - onepassword - extension - animated - fill / , ' ' ) ) } , F ) ) } ; document . elementForOPID = z ; function K ( a , b ) { var c ; c = a . ownerDocument . createEvent ( ' Events ' ) ; c . initEvent ( b , ! 0 , ! 1 ) ; c . charCode = 0 ; c . keyCode = 0 ; c . which = 0 ; c . srcElement = a ; c . target = a ; return c } function H ( a ) { var b = a . value ; C ( a , ! 1 ) ; a . dispatchEvent ( K ( a , ' keydown ' ) ) ; a . dispatchEvent ( K ( a , ' keypress ' ) ) ; a . dispatchEvent ( K ( a , ' keyup ' ) ) ; if ( ' ' === a . value || a . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . initialValue ' ] && a . value === a . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . initialValue ' ] ) a . value = b } \
function I ( a ) { var b = a . value , c = a . ownerDocument . createEvent ( ' HTMLEvents ' ) , d = a . ownerDocument . createEvent ( ' HTMLEvents ' ) ; a . dispatchEvent ( K ( a , ' keydown ' ) ) ; a . dispatchEvent ( K ( a , ' keypress ' ) ) ; a . dispatchEvent ( K ( a , ' keyup ' ) ) ; d . initEvent ( ' input ' , ! 0 , ! 0 ) ; a . dispatchEvent ( d ) ; c . initEvent ( ' change ' , ! 0 , ! 0 ) ; a . dispatchEvent ( c ) ; a . blur ( ) ; if ( ' ' === a . value || a . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . initialValue ' ] && a . value === a . dataset [ ' com . agilebits . onepassword . initialValue ' ] ) a . value = b } \
function L ( ) { var a = / ( ( \ \ b | _ | - ) pin ( \ \ b | _ | - ) | password | passwort | kennwort | passe | contrase ñ a | senha | 密 码 | adgangskode | has ł o | wachtwoord ) / i ; return Array . prototype . slice . call ( B ( \ "input[type='text']\" ) ) . filter ( function ( b ) { return b . value && a . test ( b . value ) } , this ) } function D ( ) { L ( ) . forEach ( function ( a ) { H ( a ) ; a . click && a . click ( ) ; I ( a ) } ) } \
window . LOGIN_TITLES = [ / ^ \ \ W * log \ \ W * [ oi ] n \ \ W * $ / i , / log \ \ W * [ oi ] n ( ? : securely | now ) / i , / ^ \ \ W * sign \ \ W * [ oi ] n \ \ W * $ / i , ' continue ' , ' submit ' , ' weiter ' , ' acc è s ' , ' в х о д ' , ' connexion ' , ' entrar ' , ' anmelden ' , ' accedi ' , ' valider ' , ' 登 录 ' , ' ल ॉ ग इ न क र े ं ' ] ; window . CHANGE_PASSWORD _TITLES = [ / ^ ( change | update ) password $ / i , ' save changes ' , ' update ' ] ; window . LOGIN_RED _HERRING _TITLES = [ ' already have an account ' , ' sign in with ' ] ; \
window . REGISTER_TITLES = [ ' register ' , ' sign up ' , ' signup ' , ' join ' , / ^ create ( my ) ? ( account | profile ) $ / i , ' р е г и с т р а ц и я ' , ' inscription ' , ' reg í strate ' , ' cadastre - se ' , ' registrieren ' , ' registrazione ' , ' 注 册 ' , ' स ा इ न अ प क र े ं ' ] ; window . SEARCH_TITLES = ' search find п о и с к н а й т и и с к а т ь recherche suchen buscar suche ricerca procurar 検 索 ' . split ( ' ' ) ; window . FORGOT_PASSWORD _TITLES = ' forgot ge ä ndert vergessen hilfe changeemail espa ñ ol ' . split ( ' ' ) ; window . REMEMBER_ME _TITLES = [ ' remember me ' , ' rememberme ' , ' keep me signed in ' ] ; \
window . BACK_TITLES = [ ' back ' , ' н а з а д ' ] ; window . DIVITIS_BUTTON _CLASSES = [ ' button ' , ' btn - primary ' ] ; function J ( a ) { var b ; if ( b = h ) a : { b = a ; for ( var c = a . ownerDocument , d = c ? c . defaultView : { } , e ; b && b ! = = c ; ) { e = d . getComputedStyle && b instanceof Element ? d . getComputedStyle ( b , null ) : b . style ; if ( ! e ) { b = ! 0 ; break a } if ( ' none ' === e . display || ' hidden ' = = e . visibility ) { b = ! 1 ; break a } b = b . parentNode } b = b === c } return b ? -1 ! = = ' email text password number tel url ' . split ( ' ' ) . indexOf ( a . type || ' ' ) : ! 1 } \
function z ( a ) { var b ; if ( void 0 === a || null === a ) return null ; if ( b = FieldCollector . b ( a ) ) return b ; try { var c = Array . prototype . slice . call ( B ( ' input , select , button ' ) ) , d = c . filter ( function ( b ) { return b . opid = = a } ) ; if ( 0 < d . length ) b = d [ 0 ] , 1 < d . length && console . warn ( ' More than one element found with opid ' + a ) ; else { var e = parseInt ( a . split ( ' __ ' ) [ 1 ] , 10 ) ; isNaN ( e ) || ( b = c [ e ] ) } } catch ( f ) { console . error ( ' An unexpected error occurred : ' + f ) } finally { return b } } ; function B ( a ) { var b = document , c = [ ] ; try { c = b . querySelectorAll ( a ) } catch ( d ) { console . error ( ' [ COMMON ] @ ag_querySelectorAll Exception in selector \ "'+a+'\" ' ) } return c } function C ( a , b ) { if ( ! a ) return ! 1 ; var c ; b && ( c = a . value ) ; ' function ' === typeof a . click && a . click ( ) ; ' function ' === typeof a . focus && a . focus ( ) ; b && a . value ! = = c && ( a . value = c ) ; return ' function ' === typeof a . click || ' function ' === typeof a . focus } ; \
l ( fillScript ) ; \
return JSON . stringify ( { ' success ' : true } ) ; \
} ) \
" ;
@ end