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"content": "<br><div><a href=\"\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"\" data-original-width=\"255\" width=\"200\" data-original-height=\"163\" height=\"127\"></a></div><div><span>Some time back, John Haldane gave a Thomistic Institute talk here in Los Angeles on the theme of <span><a href=\"\">evil in the movies and in the movie industry</a></span>.\u00a0 During the Q and A (at about the 40 minute mark, and again after the 1:16 mark) the subject of superhero movies came up, and Haldane was critical of their current prevalence.\u00a0 In developing this criticism, he draws a useful distinction between <i>fantasy</i>and <i>imagination</i>.</span></div><a name=\"more\"></a> \u00a0<br> <div><span>Imagination, as Haldane uses the term, is a way of exploring aspects of reality and possibilities that are grounded in reality, even though it makes use of scenarios that are fictional or even impossible.<span>\u00a0 </span>Imagination is healthy and can increase our understanding of the moral and social worlds.<span>\u00a0 </span>Fantasy, by contrast, is unanchored in reality, and indeed it reflects a flight from reality and the discipline it imposes and responsibility that it entails.<span>\u00a0 </span>Haldane gives as an example the movie <i>Pretty Woman</i>, an absurdly unrealistic portrayal of prostitution and human relationships.</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>Fantasy can be harmless in small doses, Haldane allows, but when a culture becomes dominated by it, that is a sign that it has become decadent and unwilling to face reality.<span>\u00a0 </span>And the prevalence of superhero movies, Haldane says, is an indication that American society is increasingly retreating into fantasy and away from reality.<span>\u00a0 </span>He rejects the suggestion that such movies can be compared to the myths of the gods in ancient cultures.<span>\u00a0 </span>Such myths, he says, are essentially exercises in imagination, whereas superhero movies are sheer fantasy.</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>I think there is some truth to this analysis, but only some.<span>\u00a0 </span>Some superhero movies are indeed exercises in fantasy, but some are, in my view, clearly exercises in imagination.<span>\u00a0 </span></span></div><div><span><span><br></span></span></div><div><span>Not long after hearing Haldane\u2019s talk, I happened to come across <span><a href=\"\">a 1978 television interview</a></span> with the late Harlan Ellison during which (beginning just before the 5 minute mark) Ellison criticizes the movies <i>Close Encounters of the Third Kind</i> and <i>Star Wars,</i> and modern American society in general, on exactly the same grounds raised by Haldane.<span>\u00a0 </span>He doesn\u2019t use Haldane\u2019s terminology, and in fact partially inverts it.<span>\u00a0 </span>Ellison uses \u201cfantasy\u201d to mean what Haldane means by \u201cimagination,\u201d and he uses the expression \u201cspace opera\u201d to refer to one type of what Haldane calls \u201cfantasy.\u201d<span>\u00a0 </span>But in substance, the distinction and the sort of points Haldane and Ellison are making are identical.</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>(Side note: Remember when you could find extended intelligent discussion like this on television?<span>\u00a0 </span>Remember when you could casually smoke on television, as Ellison does during the interview?<span>\u00a0 </span>Remember Laraine Newman, another guest on the show who also contributes to the discussion?)</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>Interestingly, though, Ellison was also w
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"content": "Kif Leswing, CNBC:\n<blockquote>\nUnder the argument for an iPhone subscription, which some people call Apple Prime after the Amazon program of the same name, Apple would bundle hardware upgrades with services like iCloud storage or Apple TV+ content and hardware for a single monthly fee. This would let it switch iPhone sales from a transactional model to a subscription model, potentially driving the stock price up without having to increase product sales or prices dramatically.\n</blockquote>\nAnd:\n<blockquote>\n\u2033In terms of hardware as a service or as a bundle, if you will, there are customers today that essentially view the hardware like that because they\u2019re on upgrade plans and so forth,\u201d Cook said during an earnings call. \u201cSo to some degree that exists today.\u201d\n</blockquote>\nAnd, most importantly:\n<blockquote>\n\u201cMy perspective is that will grow in the future to larger numbers. It will grow disproportionately\u201d\n</blockquote>\nI had the chance to be on John Gruber's show (recorded yesterday, guessing it'll drop today or tomorrow, assuming John is not too horrified with the results), and we were talking about this, peripherally. John mentioned the future possibility of Apple Prime, a concept similar to Amazon Prime. From the article:\n<blockquote>\nUnder the argument for an iPhone subscription, which some people call Apple Prime after the Amazon program of the same name, Apple would bundle hardware upgrades with services like iCloud storage or Apple TV+ content and hardware for a single monthly fee.\n</blockquote>\nI suspect we'll all eventually be subscribing from a menu of services, including column A, software, column B, traditional services, and column C, hardware. Intriguing.<a rel=\"bookmark\" href=\"\" title=\"Permanent link to 'Apple is laying the groundwork for an iPhone subscription'\">\u221e Read this on The Loop</a>"
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"content": "<p>Kif Leswing, CNBC:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Under the argument for an iPhone subscription, which some people call Apple Prime after the Amazon program of the same name, Apple would bundle hardware upgrades with services like iCloud storage or Apple TV+ content and hardware for a single monthly fee. This would let it switch iPhone sales from a transactional model to a subscription model, potentially driving the stock price up without having to increase product sales or prices dramatically.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>And:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>\u2033In terms of hardware as a service or as a bundle, if you will, there are customers today that essentially view the hardware like that because they\u2019re on upgrade plans and so forth,\u201d Cook said during an earnings call. \u201cSo to some degree that exists today.\u201d</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>And, most importantly:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>\u201cMy perspective is that will grow in the future to larger numbers. It will grow disproportionately\u201d</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>I had the chance to be on John Gruber\u2019s show (recorded yesterday, guessing it\u2019ll drop today or tomorrow, assuming John is not too horrified with the results), and we were talking about this, peripherally. John mentioned the future possibility of Apple Prime, a concept similar to Amazon Prime. From the article:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Under the argument for an iPhone subscription, which some people call Apple Prime after the Amazon program of the same name, Apple would bundle hardware upgrades with services like iCloud storage or Apple TV+ content and hardware for a single monthly fee.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>I suspect we\u2019ll all eventually be subscribing from a menu of services, including column A, software, column B, traditional services, and column C, hardware. Intriguing.</p>\n<p><a rel=\"bookmark\" href=\"\" title=\"Permanent link to 'Apple is laying the groundwork for an iPhone subscription'\">\u221e Read this on The Loop</a></p>"
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"content": "<div><img src=\"\"></div>\n<p>Microsoft is planning several updates to its Outlook app for iPhone and iPad. As explained by <a href=\"\"><em>The Verge</em></a>, Microsoft will roll out features such as iPad Split View, smart folders, and more to the Outlook app over the coming weeks.</p>\n<p> <a href=\"\">more\u2026</a></p>\n<p>The post <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">Microsoft Outlook for iPhone and iPad adding Split View, Do Not Disturb, more</a> appeared first on <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">9to5Mac</a>.</p>"
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"content": "<p>For every era, there\u2019s a monster that embodies the anxieties of the age.</p>"
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"content": "<p>For every era,\nthere\u2019s a monster that embodies the anxieties of the age.</p>\n<p>At the dawn of the <a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Holocene</a>,\nour ancestors traced the contours of shadows cast by the campfire\nas they kept watch over the darkness.\nOnce we learned to read the night sky for navigation,\nsailors swapped stories of sea creatures like\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Leviathan</a> and\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Siren</a>\nto describe the dangers of open ocean\n(and the perils to be found on unfamiliar shores).</p>\n<p><a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Frankenstein\u2019s monster</a>\nwas as much the creation of Mary Shelley\nas it was a spiritual collaboration with\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Luigi Galvani</a>.\nAnd Bram Stoker\u2019s\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">fictionalized account of the mummy\u2019s curse</a>\nwas more a response to the\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Egyptomania</a>\nand European colonialism\nof the nineteenth century\nthan any personal account of the Middle Kingdom.</p>\n<p>More recently,\nthe <a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">\u201cmonster ruins a beach party\u201d</a>\ntrope of the 1960s\narose from concerns of teenager morality.\nWhile the\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Martians</a>\nwho invaded those same drive-in double features\nserved as a proxy for Cold War fears at the height of the\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Space Race</a>.</p>\n<hr>\n<p>All of which begs the question:\n<em>\u201cWhat monster best exemplifies our present age?\u201d</em></p>\n<p>Consider the unnamed monster from the film\n<em><a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">It Follows</a></em>:\na formless, supernatural being that relentlessly pursues its victims\nanywhere on the planet.</p>\n<p>Sounds a bit like the state of\n<dfn title=\"advertising technology\">ad tech</dfn>\nin 2019, no?</p>\n<aside>\n<p>Setting aside its central theme of carnal karma,\nwhich follows the same well-trodden path of horror as our aforementioned beach monsters\u2026</p>\n</aside>\n<hr>\n<p>This week on NSHipster \u2014\nin celebration of our favorite holiday\n<abbr title=\"(Halloween)\">\ud83c\udf83</abbr> \u2014\nwe\u2019re taking a look at the myriad ways that\nyou\u2019re being tracked on iOS,\nboth sanctioned and unsanctioned,\nhistorically and presently.\nSo gather around the campfire,\nand allow us to trace the contours of the unseen, formless monsters\nthat stalk us under cover of <a href=\"\">Dark Mode</a>.</p>\n<hr>\n<h2>\n<a href=\"\"></a>The Cynicism of Marketing and Advertising Technology</h2>\n<p>Contrary to our intuitions about natural selection in the marketplace,\nhistory is littered with examples of\ninferior-but-better-marketed products winning out over superior alternatives:\n<em>VHS vs. Betamax</em>,\n<em>Windows vs. Macintosh</em>,\netc.\n(According to the common wisdom of business folks, at least.)\nRegardless,\nmost companies reach a point where\n<em>\u201cif you build it, they will come\u201d</em>\nceases to be a politically viable strategy,\nand someone authorizes a marketing budget.</p>\n<p>Marketers are tasked with growing market share\nby identifying and communicating with as many potential customers as possible.\nAnd many \u2014\neither out of a genuine belief or formulated as a post hoc rationalization \u2014\ntake the poten
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"content": "<p>For every era,\nthere\u2019s a monster that embodies the anxieties of the age.</p>\n<p>At the dawn of the <a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Holocene</a>,\nour ancestors traced the contours of shadows cast by the campfire\nas they kept watch over the darkness.\nOnce we learned to read the night sky for navigation,\nsailors swapped stories of sea creatures like\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Leviathan</a> and\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Siren</a>\nto describe the dangers of open ocean\n(and the perils to be found on unfamiliar shores).</p>\n<p><a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Frankenstein\u2019s monster</a>\nwas as much the creation of Mary Shelley\nas it was a spiritual collaboration with\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Luigi Galvani</a>.\nAnd Bram Stoker\u2019s\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">fictionalized account of the mummy\u2019s curse</a>\nwas more a response to the\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Egyptomania</a>\nand European colonialism\nof the nineteenth century\nthan any personal account of the Middle Kingdom.</p>\n<p>More recently,\nthe <a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">\u201cmonster ruins a beach party\u201d</a>\ntrope of the 1960s\narose from concerns of teenager morality.\nWhile the\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Martians</a>\nwho invaded those same drive-in double features\nserved as a proxy for Cold War fears at the height of the\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Space Race</a>.</p>\n<hr>\n<p>All of which begs the question:\n<em>\u201cWhat monster best exemplifies our present age?\u201d</em></p>\n<p>Consider the unnamed monster from the film\n<em><a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">It Follows</a></em>:\na formless, supernatural being that relentlessly pursues its victims\nanywhere on the planet.</p>\n<p>Sounds a bit like the state of\n<dfn title=\"advertising technology\">ad tech</dfn>\nin 2019, no?</p>\n<aside>\n<p>Setting aside its central theme of carnal karma,\nwhich follows the same well-trodden path of horror as our aforementioned beach monsters\u2026</p>\n</aside>\n<hr>\n<p>This week on NSHipster \u2014\nin celebration of our favorite holiday\n<abbr title=\"(Halloween)\">\ud83c\udf83</abbr> \u2014\nwe\u2019re taking a look at the myriad ways that\nyou\u2019re being tracked on iOS,\nboth sanctioned and unsanctioned,\nhistorically and presently.\nSo gather around the campfire,\nand allow us to trace the contours of the unseen, formless monsters\nthat stalk us under cover of <a href=\"\">Dark Mode</a>.</p>\n<hr>\n<h2>\n<a href=\"\"></a>The Cynicism of Marketing and Advertising Technology</h2>\n<p>Contrary to our intuitions about natural selection in the marketplace,\nhistory is littered with examples of\ninferior-but-better-marketed products winning out over superior alternatives:\n<em>VHS vs. Betamax</em>,\n<em>Windows vs. Macintosh</em>,\netc.\n(According to the common wisdom of business folks, at least.)\nRegardless,\nmost companies reach a point where\n<em>\u201cif you build it, they will come\u201d</em>\nceases to be a politically viable strategy,\nand someone authorizes a marketing budget.</p>\n<p>Marketers are tasked with growing market share\nby identifying and communicating with as many potential customers as possible.\nAnd many \u2014\neither out of a genuine belief or formulated as a post hoc rationalization \u2014\ntake the poten
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"content": "<p>One thing I\u2019m weirdly proud of is my position as an amateur programmer.</p>\n<p>When I point that out, people say, \u201cWell, but\u2026\u201d \u2014\u00a0and I know where they\u2019re going, that after 25 years of professional experience I\u2019m not what you think of when you think of \u201camateur.\u201d</p>\n<p>And yet, it\u2019s still <em>true</em>. It\u2019s just that I\u2019ve come out the other side, and now I get to work on exactly what I want to, the way I want to, without any thoughts of trying to make money at it.</p>\n<p>I can take risks! I can work with anybody who shows up! It\u2019s a pure thrill. It\u2019s like writing single-malt apps.</p>\n<p>And I would wish for more people to find themselves in this position \u2014 eventually, anyway \u2014\u00a0because I want to see what <em>they</em> would make.</p>\n<p>PS The Dictionary app on my Mac says of the origin of the word \u201camateur\u201d:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>late 18th century: from French, from Italian <em>amatore</em>, from Latin <em>amator</em> \u2018lover\u2019, from <em>amare</em> \u2018to love\u2019.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Spot-on.</p>"
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"content": "<p>Jack Dorsey, in a tweet thread:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>For instance, it\u2018s not credible for us to say: \u201cWe\u2019re working hard\nto stop people from gaming our systems to spread misleading info,\nbuuut if someone pays us to target and force people to see their\npolitical ad\u2026 well\u2026 they can say whatever they want!\u201d [\u2026]</p>\n<p>This isn\u2019t about free expression. This is about paying for reach.\nAnd paying to increase the reach of political speech has\nsignificant ramifications that today\u2019s democratic infrastructure\nmay not be prepared to handle. It\u2019s worth stepping back in order\nto address.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Political advertising is a drop in the bucket of Twitter\u2019s overall revenue, but that\u2019s true of Facebook too. \u201c<em>The money matters to us</em>\u201d would be a terrible justification for Facebook\u2019s policy of allowing political ads to spread falsehoods, but the money <em>doesn\u2019t</em> even matter to them. Facebook is allowing political ads to spread falsehoods because Facebook wants political ads to spread falsehoods. There\u2019s no other explanation.</p>\n<div>\n<a title=\"Permanent link to \u2018Twitter to Stop Accepting Political Ads Globally\u2019\" href=\"\">\u00a0\u2605\u00a0</a>\n</div>"
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"content": "<p>As an undergraduate student,\nI had a radio show called\n<em>\u201cGoodbye, Blue Monday\u201d</em>\n(I was really into Vonnegut at the time).\nIt was nothing glamorous \u2014\njust a weekly, 2-hour slot at the end of the night\nbefore the station switched into automation.</p>\n<p>If you happened to be driving through the hills of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania\nlate at night with your radio tuned to\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\"><abbr title=\"Radio Carnegie Tech\">WRCT</abbr> 88.3</a>,\nyou\u2019d have heard an eclectic mix of\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Contemporary Classical</a>,\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Acid Jazz</a>,\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Italian Disco</a>, and\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Bebop</a>.\nThat, and the stilting, dulcet baritone of\na college kid doing his best impersonation of\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">Tony Mowod</a>.</p>\n<p>Sitting there in the booth,\nwaiting for tracks to play out before launching into an\n<abbr title=\"Federal Communications Commission\">FCC</abbr>-mandated\n<abbr title=\"Public Service Announcement\">PSA</abbr>\nor on-the-hour\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">station identification</a>,\nI\u2019d wonder:\n<em>Is anyone out there listening?</em>\n<em>And if they were, did they like it?</em>\nI could\u2019ve been broadcasting static the whole time and been none the wiser.</p>\n<p>The same thoughts come to mind whenever I submit a build to App Store Connect\u2026\nbut then I\u2019ll remember that, unlike radio,\nyou <em>can</em> actually know these things!\nAnd the latest improvements in Xcode 11 make it easier than ever\nto get an idea of how your apps are performing in the field.</p>\n<p>We\u2019ll cover everything you need to know in this week\u2019s NSHipster article.\nSo as they say on the radio:\n<em>\u201cDon\u2019t touch that dial (it\u2019s got jam on it)\u201d.</em></p>\n<hr>\n<p>MetricKit is a new framework in iOS 13\nfor collecting and processing battery and performance metrics.\nIt was announced at <a href=\"\">WWDC this year</a>\nalong with XCTest Metrics and the Xcode Metrics Organizer\nas part of a coordinated effort to bring new insights to developers\nabout how their apps are performing in the field.</p>\n<figure>\n<picture>\n<source srcset=\"\" media=\"(prefers-color-scheme: dark)\">\n<img alt=\"MetricKit Diagram\" src=\"\">\n</picture>\n<figcaption>Diagram from WWDC 2019 Session 417: <a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">&quot;Improving Battery Life and Performance&quot;</a></figcaption>\n</figure>\n<p>Apple automatically collects metrics from apps installed on the App Store.\nYou can view them in Xcode 11\nby opening the Organizer (<kbd>\u2325</kbd><kbd>\u2318</kbd><kbd>\u21e7</kbd><kbd>O</kbd>)\nand selecting the new Metrics tab.</p>\n<p>MetricKit complement Xcode Organizer Metrics by providing a programmatic way to\nreceive daily information about how your app is performing in the field.\nWith this information,\nyou can collect, aggregate, and analyze on your own in greater detail\nthan you can through Xcode.</p>\n<h2>\n<a href=\"\"></a>Understanding App Metrics</h2>\n<p>Metrics can help uncover issues you might not have seen while testing locally,\nand allow you to track changes across di
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"content": "<p><a href=\"\"><img width=\"256\" alt=\"NetNewsWire for Mac icon: globe with a satellite in the foreground.\" src=\"\" height=\"256\"></a></p>\n<p>The main things in this release are 1) enhanced performance and 2) importing subscriptions from NetNewsWire 3 (since it won\u2018t run on Catalina).</p>\n<p>There are also a bunch of bug fixes \u2014 including a fix for the space bar behavior on Catalina \u2014 and there\u2019s a new feature: you can type the <code>s</code> key to star and unstar an article.</p>\n<p>For more details, <a href=\"\">read the change notes</a> on the NetNewsWire blog.</p>"
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"content": "<div><div><div><p>An Apple Support rep apparently said, &quot;I do not know how this could of happened.&quot;</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" title=\"Apple Card user says he was the victim of fraud\"><img src=\"\"></a></p>\n<h2>What you need to know</h2>\n<ul><li>An Apple Card user claims he was the victim of fraud.</li>\n<li>When he contacted Apple Support, they said, &quot;I do not know how this could of happened.&quot;</li>\n<li>Apple Card touts an extra level of security with no numbers and no CVV.</li>\n</ul><p>When Apple Card debuted, one of its biggest draws was Apple's focus on security. On Apple's website, it says, &quot;It's hard to steal a credit card number when you can't see it.&quot; But that's apparently what happened to one Apple Card user who reached out to <a href=\"\">9to5Mac</a>, claiming they were the victim of fraud.</p>\n<p>The Apple Card user said they reached out to Apple Support and received this response:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>I do not know how this could of happened. It's very rare for your card to be in two places at one time. Since our physical cards have no number on it, it's very hard for someone to copy it.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>The Apple Card user confirmed the fraudulent charge after receiving an alert on his iPhone. The tricky thing is the purchase was apparently labeled as being nearby, but clicking on the map revealed it was hours away, 9to5Mac explained.</p>\n<p>On Apple's website, the company highlights the fact that the Apple Card doesn't have any numbers on it. &quot;Not even a CVV. So that's one less thing to worry about when you hand over your card at a restaurant or store.&quot; But that doesn't guarantee it can't be stolen.</p>\n<p>9to5Mac speculates that the Apple Card user may have been the victim of skimming, which can potentially affect all credit cards and debit cards. It's a reminder to be extra vigilant when swiping your card at a gas station or ATM. Better yet, use Apple Pay when possible.</p>\n<p></p><p></p>\n<div>\n<h3><a href=\"\">Apple Card</a></h3>\n<p><a href=\"\"></a><a href=\"\" title=\"Apple Card user says he was the victim of fraud\"><img src=\"\"></a></p>\n<ul><li><a href=\"\">Apple Card: Everything you need to know</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Best Apple Store rewards card</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Best credit cards with sign up bonuses</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">What to do if you're not approved for Apple Card</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Is Apple Card worth getting?</a></li>\n</ul></div>\n<p></p></div></div></div><img width=\"1\" alt=\"\" src=\"\" height=\"1\">",
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"title": "Apple Card user says he was the victim of fraud",
"author": "Brandon Russell",
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"content": "An Apple Support rep apparently said, &quot;I do not know how this could of happened.&quot;\nWhat you need to know\nAn Apple Card user claims he was the victim of fraud.\nWhen he contacted Apple Support, they said, &quot;I do not know how this could of happened.&quot;\nApple Card touts an extra level of security with no numbers and no CVV.\nWhen Apple Card debuted, one of its biggest draws was Apple's focus on security. On Apple's website, it says, &quot;It's hard to steal a credit card number when you can't see it.&quot; But that's apparently what happened to one Apple Card user who reached out to 9to5Mac, claiming they were the victim of fraud.\nThe Apple Card user said they reached out to Apple Support and received this response:\nI do not know how this could of happened. It's very rare for your card to be in two places at one time. Since our physical cards have no number on it, it's very hard for someone to copy it.\nThe Apple Card user confirmed the fraudulent charge after receiving an alert on his iPhone. ...",
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"content": "Most Xcode users quickly become familiar with the basics of the Find Navigator panel. With it, you can find text, regular expressions, and perform search-and-replace, whether matching or ignoring case. But that\u2019s just scratching the surface of the Find Navigator. I thought I\u2019d drop a few words today about search scopes. Controlled from the bottom [\u2026]"
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"content": "<p>Most Xcode users quickly become familiar with the basics of the Find Navigator panel.</p>\n<p><img data-orig-file=\";ssl=1\" data-orig-size=\"273,104\" data-medium-file=\";ssl=1\" data-attachment-id=\"6503\" data-image-meta=\"{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}\" data-image-description=\"\" src=\"\" data-permalink=\"\" data-large-file=\";ssl=1\" alt=\"\" data-image-title=\"Screen Shot 2019-10-27 at 10.32.34 AM\" width=\"273\" data-comments-opened=\"1\" class=\"wp-image-6503\" data-recalc-dims=\"1\" height=\"104\"></p>\n<p>With it, you can find text, regular expressions, and perform search-and-replace, whether matching or ignoring case. But that\u2019s just scratching the surface of the Find Navigator.</p>\n<p>I thought I\u2019d drop a few words today about search scopes. Controlled from the bottom left, \u00a0under the search field, you can create narrowed searches. This enables you to, for example, search only in Swift files or exclude files containing the word Test.</p>\n<p>To get started, click the icon (two lines with three squares on a line between them) and then New Scope (the plus icon). Here, you can name the scope, limit the search extent, and add criteria for exactly which files should be included or not.</p>\n<p><img data-orig-file=\";ssl=1\" data-orig-size=\"863,223\" data-medium-file=\";ssl=1\" data-attachment-id=\"6504\" data-image-meta=\"{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}\" data-image-description=\"\" src=\"\" data-permalink=\"\" data-large-file=\";ssl=1\" alt=\"\" data-image-title=\"Screen Shot 2019-10-27 at 10.37.57 AM\" srcset=\";ssl=1 863w,;ssl=1 300w,;ssl=1 768w,;ssl=1 535w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 863px) 100vw, 863px\" wi
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"content": "<div><img src=\"\"></div>\n<p>Sonos has announced a new initiative today that makes it easy for existing customers to trade in older Sonos products for a nice discount on new ones. For Apple customers, the <a href=\"\">Trade Up program</a> is a neat opportunity to bring <a href=\"\">Sonos\u2019 AirPlay 2 compatible speakers</a> into your home.</p>\n<p> <a href=\"\">more\u2026</a></p>\n<p>The post <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">Sonos pushing AirPlay 2 speaker lineup with new Trade Up program</a> appeared first on <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">9to5Mac</a>.</p>"
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"content": "<br><div><a href=\"\"><img border=\"0\" data-original-height=\"180\" src=\"\" data-original-width=\"144\"></a></div><div><span>In chapters 11-15 of his last book <span><i><a href=\"\">Memory and Identity</a></i></span>, Pope St. John Paul II provides a lucid exposition of the idea of the nation as a natural social institution and of the virtue of patriotism, as these have been understood in traditional natural law theory and Catholic moral theology.\u00a0 The relevance to current controversies will be obvious.</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>What is the nation, and what is patriotism?<span>\u00a0 </span>John Paul begins by noting the connection between the nation and the family, where the former is in a sense an extension of the latter:</span></div><a name=\"more\"></a><br> <div><i><span>The Latin word </span></i><span>patria<i> is associated with the idea and the reality of \u201cfather\u201d (</i>pater<i>).<span>\u00a0 </span>The native land (or fatherland) can in some ways be identified with patrimony \u2013 that is, the totality of goods bequeathed to us by our forefathers\u2026 Our native land is thus our heritage and it is also the whole patrimony derived from that heritage.<span>\u00a0 </span>It refers to the land, the territory, but more importantly, the concept of patria includes the values and spiritual content that make up the culture of a given nation</i>. (p. 60)</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>As that last remark makes clear, the ties of blood are less important than those of culture.<span>\u00a0 </span>Indeed, multiple ethnicities can make up a nation.<span>\u00a0 </span>Referring to his native Poland, the pope notes that \u201cin ethnic terms, perhaps the most significant event for the foundation of the nation was the union of two great tribes,\u201d and yet other peoples too eventually went on together to comprise \u201cthe Polish nation\u201d (p. 77).<span>\u00a0 </span>It is shared culture, and especially a shared religion, that formed these diverse ethnicities into a nation:</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><i><span>When we speak of Poland\u2019s baptism, we are not simply referring to the sacrament of Christian initiation received by the first historical sovereign of Poland, but also to the event which was decisive for the birth of the nation and the formation of its Christian identity.<span>\u00a0 </span>In this sense, the date of Poland\u2019s baptism marks a turning point.<span>\u00a0 </span>Poland as a nation emerges from its prehistory at that moment and begins to exist in history</span></i><span>.<span>\u00a0 </span>(p. 77)</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>That a shared culture is the key to understanding the nation is a theme John Paul emphasizes repeatedly throughout the book.<span>\u00a0 </span>He says that \u201cevery nation draws life from the works of its own culture\u201d (p. 83), and that:</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><i><span>The nation is, in fact, the great community of men who are united by various ties, but above all, precisely by culture.<span>\u00a0 </span>The nation exists\u00a0<span>\u2018through\u2019 culture and \u2018for\u2019 culture\u00a0</span>and it is therefore the great educator of men in order that they may \u2018be more\u2019 in the community\u2026</span></i></div><div><i><span><br></span></i></div><div><i><span>I am the son of a nation which\u2026 has kept its identity, and it has kept, in spite of partitions and foreign occupations, its national sovereignty, not by relying on the resources of physical power but solely\u00a0<span>by relying on its culture. </span><s
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"content": "<p>Some people took my post <a href=\"\">No ETAs</a> as if I were arguing against doing software estimates of any kind, ever.</p>\n<p>I didn\u2019t actually mean that. If your boss, project manager, or person you\u2019re contracting with asks for an estimate, do your best to come up with something accurate. If you\u2019re writing enterprise software, you may even be contractually bound to provide estimates for when features will ship.</p>\n<p>There are ways to get pretty good at this. Pay attention to history and avoid wishful thinking. Don\u2019t assume perfect productivity. Allow for the unexpected, because there\u2019s always something.</p>\n<p>What I\u2019m talking about is the case where you\u2019re writing a consumer-facing app \u2014\u00a0something that would get published on an app store, for instance \u2014\u00a0and customers or potential customers ask about an ETA for a given feature. Don\u2019t do it! (For the reasons stated in the article.)</p>"
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"author": "Guilherme Rambo",
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"content": "<div><img src=\"\"></div>\n<p>Rumors about a new 16-inch MacBook Pro are not exactly new, with recent icon evidence found in macOS Catalina betas suggesting the redesign mentioned in some reports is not going to happen as we thought.</p>\n<p> <a href=\"\">more\u2026</a></p>\n<p>The post <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">Exclusive: 16-inch MacBook Pro Touch Bar and Touch ID layout confirmed</a> appeared first on <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">9to5Mac</a>.</p>"
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"content": "<p>It came to my attention after writing my blog post about how <a href=\"\">we choose the web we want</a>\u00a0that the pessimism is about not being able to make a living from blogging.</p>\n<p>Here\u2019s my followup: I don\u2019t care. Bite me.</p>"
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"content": "<p>We have two goals with the app: 1) get as many people using RSS as possible, and 2) make the best app we can.</p>\n<p>To reach #2 \u2014\u00a0making the best app we can \u2014\u00a0we need to do a couple things. One is stay modern: use new APIs and tools that make the app better and easier to maintain. A second is to not spend time on things that don\u2019t make the app better. A third is to attract and retain contributors, who are usually more psyched to work with modern stuff than with old stuff.</p>\n<p>You can see how that\u2019s in a little bit of conflict with #1 (getting as many people as possible using RSS readers).</p>\n<h4>Here\u2019s the plan</h4>\n<p>After a major OS update, we will switch to requiring that update on our next major release \u2014\u00a0where major is defined as something like 5.0 or 5.1, but not something like 5.0.1. (In other words: the upcoming NetNewsWire 5.0.3 release will run on Mojave, while NetNewsWire 5.1 will require Catalina.)</p>\n<p>At the same time, we will make older versions available via the website. For instance, the last version that will run on Mojave will likely be 5.0.4 (which isn\u2019t finished yet) \u2014 and we\u2019ll make that version available indefinitely for people who haven\u2019t upgraded to Catalina.</p>\n<p>This will mean that people running older OSes will still get a high-quality app \u2014 it\u2019s just that it won\u2019t have the latest features.</p>\n<p>The key is that this allows us to make NetNewsWire the best app it can be, and making the best app we can is also part of furthering the goal of getting as many people as possible using RSS. (The biggest part, in fact. Bigger than compatibility with older OSes.)</p>\n<p>While I know this will disappoint some people, I hope you\u2019ll understand <em>why</em> we decided to do it this way. Decisions like this are never easy \u2014 there are always conflicting values to weigh, pros and cons and add up \u2014\u00a0and we don\u2019t make them impulsively. But making NetNewsWire the best app it can be has to be job #1.</p>"
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"content": "<p>Working on a large iOS codebase often involves a lot of waiting. But with Xcode 11, our wait is finally over \u2014 and it\u2019s all thanks to SwiftUI.</p>"
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"content": "<p>Working on a large iOS codebase often involves a lot of waiting:\nWaiting for Xcode to index your files,\nwaiting for Swift and Objective-C code to compile,\nwaiting for the Simulator to boot and your app to launch\u2026</p>\n<p>And after all of that,\nyou spend even more time getting your app\ninto a particular state and onto a particular screen,\njust to see whether the Auto Layout constraint you just added\nfixes that regression you found.\nIt didn\u2019t, of course,\nso you jump back into Xcode,\ntweak the Content Hugging Priority,\nhit <kbd>\u2318</kbd><kbd>R</kbd>,\nand start the whole process again.</p>\n<p>We might relate our sorry predicament to\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">that one xkcd comic</a>,\nbut for those of us who don\u2019t so much relish in\nthe stop-and-go nature of app development,\nthere\u2019s an old Yiddish joke about Shlemiel the painter\n<em>(provided below with a few \uf8ff-specific modifications;\nfor the uninitiated,\nplease refer to Joel Spolsky\u2019s\n<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">original telling</a>)</em>:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Shlemiel gets a job as a software developer,\nimplementing a new iOS app.\nOn the first sprint he opens Xcode\nand implements 10 new screens of the app.\n<em>\u201cThat\u2019s pretty good!\u201d</em> says his manager,\n<em>\u201cyou\u2019re a fast worker!\u201d</em> and pays him a Bitcoin.</p>\n<p>The next sprint Shlemiel only gets 5 screens done.\n<em>\u201cWell, that\u2019s not nearly as good as yesterday,\nbut you\u2019re still a fast worker. 5 screens is respectable,\u201d</em>\nand pays him a Bitcoin.</p>\n<p>The next sprint Shlemiel implements 1 screen.\n<em>\u201cOnly 1!\u201d</em> shouts his manager.\n<em>\u201cThat\u2019s unacceptable!\nOn the first day you did ten times that much work!\nWhat\u2019s going on?\u201d</em></p>\n<p><em>\u201cI can\u2019t help it,\u201d</em> says Shlemiel.\n<em>\u201cEach sprint I get further and further away from\n<code>application(_:did<wbr>Finish<wbr>Launching<wbr>With<wbr>Options:)</code>!\u201d</em></p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Over the years,\nthere have been some developments that\u2019ve helped things slightly,\nincluding\n<a href=\"\"><code>@IBInspectable</code> and <code>@IBDesignable</code></a>\nand <a href=\"\">Xcode Playgrounds</a>.\nBut with Xcode 11,\nour wait is finally over \u2014\nand it\u2019s all thanks to SwiftUI.</p>\n<hr>\n<aside>\n<p>The functionality described in this article requires the following:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Xcode 11</strong></li>\n<li><strong>macOS Catalina</strong></li>\n<li>\n<strong>iOS 13</strong> set as the <strong>Deployment Target</strong> for your app\u2019s <strong>Debug</strong> configuration <br>\n<em>(In Xcode, navigate your project\u2019s Build Settings;\nunder the Deployment heading,\nexpand the iOS Deployment Target setting and set Debug to iOS 13.0 or later)</em>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Without these three things,\nyour code either won\u2019t compile or won\u2019t render live previews.</p>\n</aside>\n<hr>\n<p>Although many of us have taken a <a href=\"\"><em>\u201cwait and see\u201d</em> approach</a> to SwiftUI,\nwe can start using its capabilities <strong>today</strong>\nto radically speed up and improve our development process \u2014\n<em>without changing a line of code in our UIKit apps</em>.</p>\n<p>Consider a subclass of <code>UIButton</code>\nthat draws a border around itself:</p>\n<pre data-lang=\"Swift\"><code><span>final</span> <span>class</span> <span>Bordered<wbr>Button</span><span>:</span> <span>UIButton</span> <span>{</span>\n <span>var</span> <span>corner<wbr>Radius</span><span>:</span> <span>CGFloat</span> <span>{</span> <var>...</var> <span>}</span>\n <span>var</span> <span>border<wbr>Width</span><span>:</span> <span>CGFloat</span> <span>{</span> <var>...</var> <span>}</span>\n <span>var</span> <span>
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"content": "<br><div></div><div></div><div><a href=\"\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"\" data-original-width=\"166\" width=\"136\" data-original-height=\"243\" height=\"200\"></a></div><div><span>At <i>The Catholic Thing</i>, Fr. Thomas Weinandy on <span><a href=\"\">the studied ambiguity of Pope Francis.</a></span>\u00a0 In his new book <i>Conciliar Octet</i>, Fr. Aidan Nichols on <a href=\"\">the hermeneutic of continuity and Vatican II</a>. </span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>At <i>Medium</i>, philosopher Kathleen Stock on <span><a href=\"\">gender theory versus academic freedom in the UK</a></span>.<span>\u00a0 </span>At <i>Inside Higher Education</i>, twelve prominent philosophers <span><a href=\"\">defend the right to free inquiry on matters of sex and gender</a></span>.<span>\u00a0 </span></span></div><div><span><span><br></span></span></div><div><span>Philosopher Daniel A. Kaufman on <span><a href=\"\">the \u201cwoke\u201d fanatics increasingly infesting academic philosophy</a></span>, at <i>The Electric Agora</i>.<span>\u00a0 </span>Richard Marshall <span><a href=\"\">interviews Kaufman</a></span> at <i>3:16</i>.<span>\u00a0</span></span></div><a name=\"more\"></a> <br> <div><span>Peggy Noonan on <u><a href=\"\">transgender Jacobinism</a></u>, at <i>The Wall Street Journal</i>.<span>\u00a0 </span>At YouTube, <u><a href=\"\">video of an indoctrination session</a></u>.<span><span></span></span></span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>Jacob Howland on <span><a href=\"\">Borges\u2019s Library of Babel</a></span>, at <i>The New Criterion</i>.</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>At <i>New Statesman</i>, John Gray on Tom Holland on <u><a href=\"\">the Christian origins of modern secular liberal values</a></u>.<span>\u00a0 </span>More reviews <u><a href=\"\">at <i>The University Bookman</i></a></u> and <u><a href=\"\">at <i>Literary Review</i></a></u>.</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>At <i>Quillette</i>, Benedict Beckeld diagnoses <span><a href=\"\">Western self-hatred or <i>oikophobia</i></a></span>.</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><u><span><a href=\"\">Donald Fagen interviewed</a></span></u><span> on <i>Paul Shaffer Plus One</i>.</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>Kay Hymowitz on <span><a href=\"\">the sexual revolution and mental health</a></span>, at <i>The Washington Examiner</i>.</span></div><div><span><br></span></div><div><span>John DeRosa of the Classical Theism Podcast <span><a href=\"\">interviews Thomist philosopher Gaven Kerr</a></span> on the topic of Aquinas and creation.</span></div><div
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"content": "With the launch of <a href=\"\">iOS 13</a>, <a href=\"\">Apple released Apple Arcade</a>, a new $4.99 per month gaming service that provides unlimited access to new and exclusive games.\n<br>\n<br>\nLess than two weeks later, Google <a href=\"\">announced its own gaming service</a> called Play Pass, which also offers unlimited access to games. In our latest YouTube video, we went hands-on with both services to compare them.\n<br>\n<br>\n<center><iframe allowfullscreen src=\"\" width=\"560\" height=\"315\"></iframe></center><center><em><a href=\"\">Subscribe to the MacRumors YouTube channel</a> for more videos.</em></center>\n<br>\nBoth <a href=\"\">Apple Arcade</a> and <a href=\"\">Play Pass</a> are priced at $4.99 per month. Apple offers a one-month free trial while Google offers a 10-day free trial, but for the first year, Google is offering a deal that drops the price of Play Pass to $1.99 per month.\n<br>\n<br>\nThough the prices are similar, the two services are quite different. <a href=\"\">Apple Arcade</a> features new and exclusive games, some of which were funded by Apple, while Google's Play Pass offers up older games.\n<br>\n<br>\nPlay Pass includes some super popular titles like Stardew Valley, Reigns, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Terraria, and more, but the problem with older games is that many people may have already played them.\n<br>\n<br>\nPlay Pass is also not limited to games -- Google is including apps too. AccuWeather, Pic Stitch, ISS HD, and Tunable are some of the apps offered.\n<br>\n<br>\nApple Arcade only offers gaming titles, but all of the games are fresh, new, and exclusive to Apple Arcade. In some cases, though, some of the games are also available on consoles, but on mobile platforms, Apple Arcade gets exclusive access. That means no Android equivalent.\n<br>\n<br>\nIt's not clear if apps can leave Apple Arcade, but Google warns that apps can leave Play Pass. If that happens, users will need to buy the game to continue to use it if it's a paid game, and for free titles, ads and in-app purchases may show up.\n<br>\n<br>\nGoogle says there are hundreds of apps and games included with more being added every month. Apple Arcade launched with right around 60 games, and Apple has also promised new content on a monthly basis. Both services offer offline gaming, so no internet connection is required.\n<br>\n<br>\nWith both services, content is ad free and features no in-app purchases. Apple titles were designed from the ground up with no additional purchases, but for Play Pass, these gaming elements have been removed from titles that previously offered them.\n<br>\n<br>\nApple allows up to six family members to share games through a single Apple Arcade subscription using Family Sharing, and Google allows for up to five family members to share content through its Google Play Family Library.\n<br>\n<br>\nApple Arcade has launched in multiple countries around the world, while Play Pass is limited to the United States at the current time. Google does plan to expand, however.\n<br>\n<br>\nOne other aspect worth noting is privacy. Apple specifically mentions privacy protections and says that users are able to choose to share data, while Google's Play Pass materials don't mention privacy or data sharing. &quot;Every game must meet Apple's high privacy standards,&quot; reads Apple's <a href=\"\">press release</a> for Apple Arcade.\n<br>\n<br>\nMost people are locked in to either Android or iOS and few have both, so most people won't need to choose between services.\n<br>\n<b
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