2018-01-20 19:06:07 -08:00
// InspectorWindowController.swift
// Evergreen
// Created by Brent Simmons on 1/20/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved.
import AppKit
2018-01-20 22:36:17 -08:00
protocol Inspector: class {
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var objects: [Any]? { get set }
var isFallbackInspector: Bool { get } // Can handle nothing-to-inspect or unexpected type of objects.
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2018-01-20 22:36:17 -08:00
func canInspect(_ objects: [Any]) -> Bool
func willEndInspectingObjects() // Called on the current inspector right before objects is about to change.
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2018-01-21 11:35:50 -08:00
typealias InspectorViewController = Inspector & NSViewController
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final class InspectorWindowController: NSWindowController {
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class var shouldOpenAtStartup: Bool {
return UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: DefaultsKey.windowIsOpen)
var objects: [Any]? {
didSet {
let _ = window
currentInspector = inspector(for: objects)
var isOpen: Bool {
get {
return isWindowLoaded && window!.isVisible
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private var inspectors: [InspectorViewController]!
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2018-01-21 11:35:50 -08:00
private var currentInspector: InspectorViewController! {
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didSet {
if let oldInspector = oldValue {
currentInspector.objects = objects
for inspector in inspectors {
if inspector !== currentInspector {
inspector.objects = nil
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private struct DefaultsKey {
static let windowIsOpen = "FloatingInspectorIsOpen"
static let windowOrigin = "FloatingInspectorOrigin"
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2018-01-20 22:36:17 -08:00
override func windowDidLoad() {
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let nothingInspector = window?.contentViewController as! InspectorViewController
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let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: NSStoryboard.Name(rawValue: "Inspector"), bundle: nil)
let feedInspector = inspector("Feed", storyboard)
let folderInspector = inspector("Folder", storyboard)
let builtinSmartFeedInspector = inspector("BuiltinSmartFeed", storyboard)
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2018-01-20 22:36:17 -08:00
inspectors = [feedInspector, folderInspector, builtinSmartFeedInspector, nothingInspector]
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currentInspector = nothingInspector
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2018-01-21 13:11:09 -08:00
window?.flippedOrigin = NSPoint(x: 256, y: 256)
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2018-01-21 11:35:50 -08:00
func inspector(for objects: [Any]?) -> InspectorViewController {
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2018-01-21 11:35:50 -08:00
var fallbackInspector: InspectorViewController? = nil
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for inspector in inspectors {
if inspector.isFallbackInspector {
fallbackInspector = inspector
else if let objects = objects, inspector.canInspect(objects) {
return inspector
return fallbackInspector!
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func saveState() {
UserDefaults.standard.set(isOpen, forKey: DefaultsKey.windowIsOpen)
if isOpen, let window = window, let flippedOrigin = window.flippedOrigin {
UserDefaults.standard.set(NSStringFromPoint(flippedOrigin), forKey: DefaultsKey.windowOrigin)
2018-01-20 22:36:17 -08:00
private extension InspectorWindowController {
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func inspector(_ identifier: String, _ storyboard: NSStoryboard) -> InspectorViewController {
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2018-01-21 11:35:50 -08:00
return storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier(rawValue: identifier)) as! InspectorViewController
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2018-01-21 11:35:50 -08:00
func show(_ inspector: InspectorViewController) {
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2018-01-21 11:35:50 -08:00
guard let window = window, inspector !== window.contentViewController else {
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let flippedOrigin = window.flippedOrigin
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window.contentViewController = inspector
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if let flippedOrigin = flippedOrigin {
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