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<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>"%1$@ %2$@ has been downloaded and is ready to use! Would you like to install it and relaunch %1$@ now?" = "%1$@ %2$@ har h<00>mtats och <00>r klar att anv<00>nda! Vill du installera det och starta om %1$@ nu?";
2019-06-15 16:54:16 +02:00
"%1$@ can't be updated, because it was opened from a read-only or a temporary location. Use Finder to copy %1$@ to the Applications folder, relaunch it from there, and try again." = "%1$@ kan inte uppdateras n<00>r det k<00>rs fr<00>n en skrivskyddad volym som en skivavbild eller en optisk enhet. Flytta %1$@ till mappen Program, starta om det d<00>rifr<00>n, och f<00>rs<00>k igen.";
"%@ %@ is currently the newest version available." = "%1$@ %2$@ <00>r f<00>r n<00>rvarande den senaste tillg<00>ngliga versionen.";
/* Description text for SUUpdateAlert when the update is downloadable. */
"%@ %@ is now available--you have %@. Would you like to download it now?" = "%1$@ %2$@ finns nu tillg<00>nglig du har %3$@. Vill h<00>mta uppdateringen nu?";
/* Description text for SUUpdateAlert when the update informational with no download. */
"%@ %@ is now available--you have %@. Would you like to learn more about this update on the web?" = "%1$@ %2$@ is now available--you have %3$@. Would you like to learn more about this update on the web?";
"%@ downloaded" = "%@ h<00>mtat";
"%@ of %@" = "%1$@ av %2$@";
"A new version of %@ is available!" = "En ny version av %@ finns tillg<00>nglig!";
"A new version of %@ is ready to install!" = "En ny version av %@ <00>r redo att installeras!";
"An error occurred in retrieving update information. Please try again later." = "Ett fel uppstod vid h<00>mtning av information om uppdateringar. F<00>rs<00>k igen senare.";
"An error occurred while downloading the update. Please try again later." = "Ett fel uppstod vid h<00>mtning av uppdateringen. F<00>rs<00>k igen senare.";
"An error occurred while extracting the archive. Please try again later." = "Ett fel uppstod vid extrahering av arkivet. F<00>rs<00>k igen senare.";
"An error occurred while installing the update. Please try again later." = "Ett fel uppstod vid installationen av uppdateringen. F<00>rs<00>k igen senare.";
"An error occurred while parsing the update feed." = "Ett fel uppstod vid tolkning av uppdateringsl<00>nken.";
"An error occurred while relaunching %1$@, but the new version will be available next time you run %1$@." = "Ett fel uppstod n<00>r %1$@ skulle startas om, men den nya versionen kommer att finnas tillg<00>nglig n<00>sta g<00>ng du k<00>r %1$@.";
/* the unit for bytes */
"B" = "B";
"Cancel" = "Avbryt";
"Cancel Update" = "Avbryt uppdatering";
"Checking for updates..." = "Letar efter uppdateringar& ";
/* Take care not to overflow the status window. */
"Downloading update..." = "H<00>mtar uppdatering& ";
/* Take care not to overflow the status window. */
"Extracting update..." = "Extraherar uppdatering& ";
/* the unit for gigabytes */
"GB" = "GB";
"Install and Relaunch" = "Installera och starta om";
/* Take care not to overflow the status window. */
"Installing update..." = "Installerar uppdatering& ";
/* the unit for kilobytes */
"KB" = "KB";
/* the unit for megabytes */
"MB" = "MB";
"OK" = "OK";
"Ready to Install" = "Redo att installera";
"Should %1$@ automatically check for updates? You can always check for updates manually from the %1$@ menu." = "Ska %1$@ leta efter uppdateringar automatiskt? Du kan alltid leta efter uppdateringar manuellt fr<00>n %1$@-menyn.";
"Update Error!" = "Uppdateringsfel!";
"Updating %@" = "Uppdaterar %@";
"You already have the newest version of %@." = "Du har redan den senaste versionen av %@.";
"You're up-to-date!" = "Du <00>r uppdaterad!";
/* Alternative name for "Install" button if we have a paid update or other update
without a download but with a URL. */
"Learn More..." = "Mer info& ";