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2019-06-15 16:54:16 +02:00
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>"%1$@ %2$@ has been downloaded and is ready to use! This is an important update; would you like to install it and relaunch %1$@ now?" = "A %1$@ %2$@ verzi<00>ja let<00>ltQd<00>tt <00>s k<00>szen <00>ll a telep<00>t<00>sre! Ez egy fontos friss<00>t<00>s; szeretn<00> most telep<00>teni, majd <00>jraind<00>tani a %1$@ alkalmaz<00>st?";
"%1$@ %2$@ has been downloaded and is ready to use! Would you like to install it and relaunch %1$@ now?" = "A %1$@ %2$@ verzi<00>ja let<00>ltQd<00>tt <00>s k<00>szen <00>ll a telep<00>t<00>sre! Szeretn<00> most telep<00>teni, majd <00>jraind<00>tani a %1$@ alkalmaz<00>st?";
"%1$@ can't be updated, because it was opened from a read-only or a temporary location. Use Finder to copy %1$@ to the Applications folder, relaunch it from there, and try again." = "A programot nem lehet friss<00>teni, amikor egy csak olvashat<00> k<00>tetbQl (pl. lemezk<00>pf<00>jl vagy optikai meghajt<00>) futtatja. Mozgassa a %1$@ alkalmaz<00>st az Alkalmaz<00>sok mapp<00>ba, ind<00>tsa <00>jra onnan, majd pr<00>b<00>lja <00>jra a friss<00>t<00>st.";
"%@ %@ is currently the newest version available." = "A %1$@ %2$@ a jelenleg el<00>rhetQ legfrissebb verzi<00>.";
/* Description text for SUUpdateAlert when the update is downloadable. */
"%@ %@ is now available--you have %@. Would you like to download it now?" = "A %1$@ %2$@ verzi<00>ja m<00>r el<00>rhetQ  az <00>n jelenlegi verzi<00>ja a %3$@. Szeretn<00> most let<00>lteni?";
/* Description text for SUUpdateAlert when the update informational with no download. */
"%@ %@ is now available--you have %@. Would you like to learn more about this update on the web?" = "A %1$@ %2$@ verzi<00>ja m<00>r el<00>rhetQ  az <00>n jelenlegi verzi<00>ja a %3$@. Szeretne megtekinteni tov<00>bbi inform<00>ci<00>kat online?";
"%@ downloaded" = "%@ let<00>ltve";
"%@ of %@" = "%1$@ / %2$@";
"A new version of %@ is available!" = "A %@ egy <00>jabb verzi<00>ja el<00>rhetQ!";
"A new version of %@ is ready to install!" = "A %@ egy <00>jabb verzi<00>ja k<00>szen <00>ll a telep<00>t<00>sre!";
"An error occurred in retrieving update information. Please try again later." = "Hiba t<00>rt<00>nt a friss<00>t<00>sek lek<00>rdez<00>sekor. K<00>rj<00>k, pr<00>b<00>lja <00>jra k<00>sQbb.";
"An error occurred while downloading the update. Please try again later." = "Hiba t<00>rt<00>nt a friss<00>t<00>s let<00>lt<00>se k<00>zben. K<00>rj<00>k, pr<00>b<00>lja <00>jra k<00>sQbb.";
"An error occurred while extracting the archive. Please try again later." = "Hiba t<00>rt<00>nt a friss<00>t<00>s kicsomagol<00>sa k<00>zben. K<00>rj<00>k, pr<00>b<00>lja <00>jra k<00>sQbb.";
"An error occurred while installing the update. Please try again later." = "Hiba t<00>rt<00>nt a friss<00>t<00>s telep<00>t<00>se k<00>zben. K<00>rj<00>k, pr<00>b<00>lja <00>jra k<00>sQbb.";
"An error occurred while parsing the update feed." = "Hiba t<00>rt<00>nt az el<00>rhetQ friss<00>t<00>sek beolvas<00>sakor.";
"An error occurred while relaunching %1$@, but the new version will be available next time you run %1$@." = "Hiba t<00>rt<00>nt a %1$@ <00>jraind<00>t<00>sa k<00>zben, de az <00>j verzi<00> a %1$@ k<00>vetkezQ ind<00>t<00>sakor <00>gy is el<00>rhetQ lesz.";
"An important update to %@ is ready to install" = "A %@ egy fontos friss<00>t<00>se k<00>szen <00>ll a telep<00>t<00>sre";
/* the unit for bytes */
"B" = "B";
"Cancel" = "M<00>gsem";
"Cancel Update" = "Friss<00>t<00>s megszak<00>t<00>sa";
"Checking for updates..." = "Friss<00>t<00>sek keres<00>se& ";
/* Take care not to overflow the status window. */
"Downloading update..." = "Friss<00>t<00>s let<00>lt<00>se& ";
/* Take care not to overflow the status window. */
"Extracting update..." = "Friss<00>t<00>s kicsomagol<00>sa& ";
/* the unit for gigabytes */
"GB" = "GB";
"Install and Relaunch" = "Telep<00>t<00>s <00>s <00>jraind<00>t<00>s";
/* Take care not to overflow the status window. */
"Installing update..." = "Friss<00>t<00>s telep<00>t<00>se& ";
/* the unit for kilobytes */
"KB" = "KB";
/* Alternative name for "Install" button if we have a paid update or other update
without a download but with a URL. */
"Learn More..." = "Tov<00>bbi inform<00>ci<00>& ";
/* the unit for megabytes */
"MB" = "MB";
/* OK button. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* Status message on progress window once download has finished. */
"Ready to Install" = "A telep<00>tQ k<00>szen <00>ll";
/* Message that is optionally shown at startup to allow users to turn on/off update checks. 1=app name*/
"Should %1$@ automatically check for updates? You can always check for updates manually from the %1$@ menu." = "Szeretn<00>, hogy a %1$@ ellenQrizze az el<00>rhetQ friss<00>t<00>seket indul<00>skor? Ha nem, a friss<00>t<00>sek keres<00>s<00>t k<00>zzel is elind<00>thatja a %1$@ men<00>bQl.";
"The update is improperly signed." = "A friss<00>t<00>s al<00><00>r<00>sa s<00>r<00>lt.";
"Update Error!" = "Friss<00>t<00>si hiba!";
"Updating %@" = "%@ friss<00>t<00>se";
/* 'Error' message when the user checks for updates but is already current or the feed doesn't contain any updates. (not necessarily shown in UI). 1=app name */
"You already have the newest version of %@." = "Ez a %@ jelenleg el<00>rhetQ legfrissebb verzi<00>ja.";
/* Status message shown when the user checks for updates but is already current or the feed doesn't contain any updates. */
"You're up-to-date!" = "Nincs <00>jabb verzi<00>!";