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// MultilineUILabelSizer.swift
// NetNewsWire
// Created by Maurice Parker on 7/16/20.
// Copyright © 2020 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved.
#if os(macOS)
import AppKit
typealias RSFont = NSFont
import UIKit
typealias RSFont = UIFont
// Get the height of an NSTextField given a string, font, and width.
// Uses a cache. Avoids actually measuring text as much as possible.
// Main thread only.
typealias WidthHeightCache = [Int: Int] // width: height
private struct TextSizerSpecifier: Hashable {
let numberOfLines: Int
let font: RSFont
struct TextSizeInfo {
let size: CGSize // Integral size (ceiled)
let numberOfLinesUsed: Int // A two-line text field may only use one line, for instance. This would equal 1, then.
final class TimelineTextSizer {
private let numberOfLines: Int
private let font: RSFont
private let singleLineHeightEstimate: Int
private let doubleLineHeightEstimate: Int
private var cache = [String: WidthHeightCache]() // Each string has a cache.
private static var sizers = [TextSizerSpecifier: TimelineTextSizer]()
private init(numberOfLines: Int, font: RSFont) {
self.numberOfLines = numberOfLines
self.font = font
self.singleLineHeightEstimate = TimelineTextSizer.calculateHeight("AqLjJ0/y", 200, font)
self.doubleLineHeightEstimate = TimelineTextSizer.calculateHeight("AqLjJ0/y\nAqLjJ0/y", 200, font)
static func size(for string: String, font: RSFont, numberOfLines: Int, width: Int) -> TextSizeInfo {
return sizer(numberOfLines: numberOfLines, font: font).sizeInfo(for: string, width: width)
static func emptyCache() {
sizers = [TextSizerSpecifier: TimelineTextSizer]()
// MARK: - Private
private extension TimelineTextSizer {
static func sizer(numberOfLines: Int, font: RSFont) -> TimelineTextSizer {
let specifier = TextSizerSpecifier(numberOfLines: numberOfLines, font: font)
if let cachedSizer = sizers[specifier] {
return cachedSizer
let newSizer = TimelineTextSizer(numberOfLines: numberOfLines, font: font)
sizers[specifier] = newSizer
return newSizer
func sizeInfo(for string: String, width: Int) -> TextSizeInfo {
let textFieldHeight = height(for: string, width: width)
let numberOfLinesUsed = numberOfLines(for: textFieldHeight)
let size = CGSize(width: width, height: textFieldHeight)
let sizeInfo = TextSizeInfo(size: size, numberOfLinesUsed: numberOfLinesUsed)
return sizeInfo
func height(for string: String, width: Int) -> Int {
if cache[string] == nil {
cache[string] = WidthHeightCache()
if let height = cache[string]![width] {
return height
if let height = heightConsideringNeighbors(cache[string]!, width) {
return height
var height = TimelineTextSizer.calculateHeight(string, width, font)
if numberOfLines != 0 {
let maxHeight = singleLineHeightEstimate * numberOfLines
if height > maxHeight {
height = maxHeight
cache[string]![width] = height
return height
static func calculateHeight(_ string: String, _ width: Int, _ font: RSFont) -> Int {
let height = string.height(withConstrainedWidth: CGFloat(width), font: font)
return Int(ceil(height))
func numberOfLines(for height: Int) -> Int {
// Well have to see if this really works reliably.
let averageHeight = CGFloat(doubleLineHeightEstimate) / 2.0
let lines = Int(round(CGFloat(height) / averageHeight))
return lines
func heightIsProbablySingleLineHeight(_ height: Int) -> Bool {
return heightIsProbablyEqualToEstimate(height, singleLineHeightEstimate)
func heightIsProbablyDoubleLineHeight(_ height: Int) -> Bool {
return heightIsProbablyEqualToEstimate(height, doubleLineHeightEstimate)
func heightIsProbablyEqualToEstimate(_ height: Int, _ estimate: Int) -> Bool {
let slop = 4
let minimum = estimate - slop
let maximum = estimate + slop
return height >= minimum && height <= maximum
func heightConsideringNeighbors(_ heightCache: WidthHeightCache, _ width: Int) -> Int? {
// Given width, if the height at width - something and width + something is equal,
// then that height must be correct for the given width.
// Also:
// If a narrower neighbors height is single line height, then this wider width must also be single-line height.
// If a wider neighbors height is double line height, and numberOfLines == 2, then this narrower width must able be double-line height.
var smallNeighbor = (width: 0, height: 0)
var largeNeighbor = (width: 0, height: 0)
for (oneWidth, oneHeight) in heightCache {
if oneWidth < width && heightIsProbablySingleLineHeight(oneHeight) {
return oneHeight
if numberOfLines == 2 && oneWidth > width && heightIsProbablyDoubleLineHeight(oneHeight) {
return oneHeight
if oneWidth < width && (oneWidth > smallNeighbor.width || smallNeighbor.width == 0) {
smallNeighbor = (oneWidth, oneHeight)
else if oneWidth > width && (oneWidth < largeNeighbor.width || largeNeighbor.width == 0) {
largeNeighbor = (oneWidth, oneHeight)
if smallNeighbor.width != 0 && smallNeighbor.height == largeNeighbor.height {
return smallNeighbor.height
return nil
extension String {
func height(withConstrainedWidth width: CGFloat, font: RSFont) -> CGFloat {
let constraintRect = CGSize(width: width, height: .greatestFiniteMagnitude)
let boundingBox = self.boundingRect(with: constraintRect, options: [.usesLineFragmentOrigin, .usesFontLeading], attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.font: font], context: nil)
return ceil(boundingBox.height)